35 Highbury Street
1911 Census
Daniel Hewett : Coal Porter : 42 yrs
Alice : 38 yrs
Alice : 16 yrs
Daniel : 14 yrs
Alfred : 12 yrs
John : 10 yrs
William : 3 yrs
36 Highbury Street
1881 Census
Charlotte Norkett : Housekeeper : 49 yrs
Elizabeth Morgan : Pawnbroker‘s Assistant : 25 yrs
Ann Oxford : Pawnbroker’s Assistant : 19 yrs
Ellen Davis : Pawnbroker’s Assistant : 18 yrs
Sarah Hall : Servant : 17 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Wednesday 20 June 1894
On Tuesday next, June 26th, 1894
Messrs Penney & Clark’s order of sale of freehold properties, building land, and shares, at their auction mart, King’s Road, Southsea, on the above date, at seven o’clock in the evening
Nos 36 and 38 Highbury Street
Peremptory sale to close the estate , by direction of the Trustee of the will of the late Mr James Carr; freehold business premises
Nos 1, 2 and 3 Armoury Lane, tenements let at 3s 9d per week each; large two storey store adjoining at present in hand
Nos 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 Armoury Lane, five leasehold tenements, used as stores
Vendor’s Solicitor; Mr G Cosens Prior, High Street.
1911 Census
Ellen Cook : Greengrocer : 59 yrs
Ellen : Domestic Servant : 33 yrs
Ernest : Greengrocer’s Assistant : 30 yrs
Ethel : Assistant in the Business : 21 yrs
Frank Victor : Boot Repairer : 18 yrs
38 Highbury Street
1881 Census
William J Jordan : Beer Retailer : 43 yrs
Edward Ellis : Waiter : 74 yrs
Edward Wood : Servant : 73 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Wednesday 20 June 1894
On Tuesday next, June 26th, 1894
Messrs Penney & Clark’s order of sale of freehold properties, building land, and shares, at their auction mart, King’s Road, Southsea, on the above date, at seven o’clock in the evening
Nos 36 and 38 Highbury Street
Peremptory sale to close the estate , by direction of the Trustee of the will of the late Mr James Carr; freehold business premises
Nos 1, 2 and 3 Armoury Lane, tenements let at 3s 9d per week each; large two storey store adjoining at present in hand
Nos 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 Armoury Lane, five leasehold tenements, used as stores
Vendor’s Solicitor; Mr G Cosens Prior, High Street.
Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 10 September 1904
38 Highbury Street, with shop, five rooms, and good cellarage. Let at 5s weekly and rates.
Solicitor : R W Sherwin esq., 130 Commercial Road.
39 Highbury Street
1881 Census
Richard Gawn : Beer Retailer : 46 yrs
1871 : Merchant Mariner 36 yrs, living at 7 South Street with wife Amelia 34 yrs, Richard D 8 yrs,
Amelia : 44 yrs
Richard : Mariner, unemployed : 18 yrs
William : 9 yrs
Jane : 6 yrs
Elizabeth : 1 yr
Sarah White : 79 yrs
Charles Crabb : Blacksmith : 29 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Monday 13 March 1944
Death : Gawn - Ben, in loving memory of our dear brother Ben who passed peacefully away March 9th, 1944. Late of Highbury Street.
40 Highbury Street
1881 Census
Harry J Symonds : Photographer : 29 yrs
Julia A : 24 yrs
Harry J : 1 yr
Annie Thorn : General Servant : 25 yrs
Catherine Donovan : Artist : 31 yrs
Edward : 6 yrs
Florinda : 4 yrs
Emily Caws : Domestic Servant : 16 yrs
1911 Census
Walter Francis Smith : Water Merchant’s Carter : 32 yrs
Mary Ann : 30 yrs
Walter Charles : 4 yrs
Albert Frederick Francis : 11 months
41 Highbury Street
1881 Census
Samuel Hudson : School Master : 36 yrs
Mary A : 38 yrs
William H : 10 yrs
Mary E : 9 yrs
Amy : 8 yrs
John A : 5 yrs
Mary A : 59 yrs
John E May : School Master’s Assistant : 25 yrs
42 Highbury Street
1881 Census
Thomas Burns : Barrack Sergeant : 64 yrs
Phoebe : 35 yrs
E P Frawley : Needlewoman : 33 yrs
Mary A Burns : Musician : 24 yrs
Elizabeth F Coghlan : Milliner : 14 yrs
Louisa Burns : 11 yrs
Rose : 8 yrs
Beatrice : 5 yrs
Katie : 3 yrs
Robert : 2 yrs
Francis : 9 months
1911 Census
Eliza Whymark : Old Age pensioner : 73 yrs
Ada Florence : Draper’s Assistant : 15 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Thursday 13 April 1939
Alleged Receiver - Frank Leake (53) of 42 Highbury Street, a marine store dealer, was remanded for eight days on a charge of receiving a quantity of woollen articles, including 50 jumpers and 70 vests, valued together at £27, the property of the personal Service League well knowing them to have been stolen.
Det Sgt Hughes said that between March 31 and April 6, 32 Kings Road, Southsea, was entered and a number of woollen garments stolen.
Two boys appeared at the Juvenile Court for the offence, and subsequently two-thirds of the property was recovered from Leake, who denied knowing that they had been stolen.
Bail was allowed.
43 Highbury Street
1881 Census
Anna F Charpentier : School Mistress : 54 yrs
Josephine Marignan : French Governess : 25 yrs
Maud Tyms : 13 yrs
Fanny Moon : Servant : 25 yrs
44 Highbury Street
1911 Census
Thomas Fazackarley : General labourer : 33 yrs
Rose Laura : 29 yrs
Thomas Edward : 8 yrs
Arthur James : 6 yrs
William George : 4 yrs
Richard : 2 yrs
Albert Roland : 5 months
Alfred George Tait : Greengrocer’s labourer : 19 yrs
Grace Lydia Inkpin : 59 yrs
46 Highbury Street
1911 Census
Rebecca Claney : General Shop, Grocery : 63 yrs
Etty Nash : Charwoman : 48 yrs
47 Highbury Street
Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 20 May 1899
A Madman’s Suicide - Tragedy at Milton Asylum
At the Borough of Portsmouth Lunatic Asylum, Milton, on Tuesday, Mr T A Bramsdon, JP, the Borough Coroner, held an inquest as to the circumstances attending the death of Thomas Henry Hardwick, aged 28, an inmate of the Asylum, formerly residing at 47 Highbury Street, who cut his throat early Saturday morning last.
The Widow’s Evidence and Complaints - Eliza Hardwick of 47 Highbury Street, who had a small baby in her arms, and appeared very much affected, shivering and sobbing as she gave her evidence, identified the deceased as her husband. He had served in the Army in Egypt for four years, but returned home some seven years ago. He was not wounded and had not suffered from sunstroke. He had never had a day’s illness. It was Saturday fortnight that she first found that there was something wrong. He was sitting by the fire that night, and when she asked him why he was so miserable he said,” I’m mad.” She took him to Dr Morley, and he was removed to the Union Infirmary the same night. He wished to go. He was removed to the Asylum on Monday week. She came up to see him the day he was admitted. She said time that he was in hospital, but he replied that he was at the Asylum and that he was mad. She didn’t think, however (this with tears and a catch in her voice) that he should have been taken to the Asylum. She asked him, to test him, how much there was to come to him for his work, and he said,” Two shillings Liza. Draw it.”He never lost his recollection, nor anything. She complained that a Police Sergeant and a Constable, both in uniform, came to her house on the Saturday, and without any preparation told her that husband was dead. She thought that they might at least send a plain clothes man.
By a Juror - My husband suffered from enteric fever whilst abroad
By the Coroner - He was not under the delusion that he was to be arrested by the police for some crime, not that I know of.
Medical Testimony - Dr John Blackwood (senior assistant medical officer, in charge of the male side) said he examined the deceased on his admission, and he was satisfied that he was insane. The first manifestation of violence was that of Saturday last, which resulted in his death. Witness was called to him about 7.30 am, and found him lying on the dormitory floor in No 4 Ward, with a large incised wound in his throat, which had penetrated to the larynx. The wound was just above the air passage and the haemorrhage twice nearly choked him. All that was possible was done for the deceased, but he expired shortly after eight o’clock. A Post Mortem examination showed that the membranes of the brain were thickened, as the result of inflammation, probably of some weeks’ standing, and the grey matter of the brain was congested. The state of the brain was strong evidence of insanity. It was in a very bad state. The cause of death was shock and haemorrhage combined, the result of the wound in the throat.
Slashed at His Throat - Arthur Himmens, charge attendant at the Asylum, said that up to Saturday last the deceased had given no trouble, and they did not anticipate any. He walked about a good deal, and seemed rather restless, but never threatened to commit suicide. Witness described how Hardwick snatched the knife and ran off, witness following. At the dormitory door the deceased stopped and drew the knife across his throat, and running forward into the dormitory again, slashed at his throat, and throwing the knife away fell back in witness’s arms. Witness laid him on the floor, and sending the other attendant, Tobin, for the Doctor, endeavouring to staunch the wound with a pillow case. Dr Blackwood and Dr Mumby (the Superintendent) came at once. Deceased was very quick and witness could not catch him sooner, as he had to get around the corner of the table, and the deceased had a good start.
Edward Tobin corroborated.
Dr B H Mumby (Superintendent) supported the evidence given by Dr Blackwood. He had measured the distance from the table to the spot where Hardwick was lying, and found it was 42 yards.
By the Coroner - It would be possible to have the bread cut outside the wards, and to keep the knives out of the wards altogether, but that would mean altering the whole of the administration of the Asylum.
No One to Blame - In summing up the Coroner said that no blame was to be attached to the authorities, as the man had not exhibited any violent tendencies, and they were therefore quite right in treating him in as home-like manner as possible.
The Jury returned a verdict that the deceased committed suicide while of unsound mind, and exonerated the attendants from all blame.
48 Highbury Street
1911 Census
Frederick Robert Harris : Seaman : 51 yrs
Phyllis : Needlework : 51
Charles John Wellspring : Carrier’s carman : 28 yrs
Harry Merritt : Ship Fitter : 26 yrs
49 Highbury Street
Sheffield Weekly Telegraph : Saturday 22 August 1896
To Anglers - If you want good sport, send 2s 6d for a bottle of Solena for all coarse fish; never fails. Small sample 1s. William Sartin, 49 Highbury Street, Portsmouth
1911 Census
John Colburt : Boatman : 58 yrs
Sarah : 58 yrs
Albert Cottrell : Boatman : 51 yrs
Alice Emily : 42 yrs
Tom : Motor Boatman : 18 yrs
George : Motor Boatman : 16 yrs
Laura Sheppard Potato Sorter : 41 yrs
Alfred Grist : Dock labourer ; 41 yrs
Rosina : 37 yrs
Alfred Albert : 11 yrs
Rosina : 9 yrs
Henry George : 7 yrs
Thomas Albert : 1 yr
50 Highbury Street
1911 Census
Ann Roles : 54 yrs
Albert : Errand Boy, Wines & Spirits : 18 yrs
Blanche : 14 yrs
Harriett Dobbs : 80 yrs
51 Highbury Street
Sheffield Weekly Telegraph : Saturday 13 September 1902
Rabbit Killers - Deadly, accurate, noiseless, kills rabbits, hares, birds, etc., at 150 feet, carries ball or shot; price 2s 6d., carriage free. W Sartin, 51 Highbury Street, Portsmouth
1911 Census
Edward W J Tait : Boatman : 35 yrs
Alice : 35 yrs
Edward : 5 yrs
John Frederick : 3 yrs
John Webb : General labourer : 56 yrs
Elizabeth Jane : Charwoman : 46 yrs
Harriett : Domestic Servant : 24 yrs
Frederick : Fish Merchant’s Porter : 16 yrs
Albert : 7 yrs
Mary Jane : 5 yrs
Thomas Graham : Coal Porter : Coal Porter : 44 yrs
Elizabeth : 37 yrs
Cornelius Adams : Hawker : 60 yrs
Mary : Assists Husband : 53 yrs
Woodward : Hawker : 53 yrs
Woodward : Assists Husband : 47 yrs
52 Highbury Street
1911 Census
“Ship Kent Tavern”
Hannah Darvill : Publican : 52 yrs
Emma Lee : Assists in Business : 29 yrs
John : Coachman : 29 yrs
John William : 5 yrs
Alfred Henry Nelson : 3 yrs
Joseph Henry Hodges : Coachman, unemployed : 27 yrs
53 Highbury Street
Portsmouth Evening News : Wednesday 15 September 1915
H P Gregoire Touring Car, 4 cylinder engine, lamps, Stepney etc., excellent condition; £140. bargain. 53 Highbury Street
1911 Census
Maurice Sparshott : Wheelwright : 58 yrs
Harold : Seaman : 18 yrs
Winifred : 15 yrs
Henry Ballard : Night Watchman : 68 yrs
Elizabeth : 54 yrs
William : Butler : 27 yrs
54 Highbury Street
1911 Census
John James Trueman : Greengrocer : 74 yrs
Thomas Edward Tait : Master Mariner : 35 yrs
Mary Ann : 39 yrs
55 Highbury Street
1911 Census
Michael Sullivan : Naval Pensioner & Publican : 63 yrs
Ellen : Assists in Public House : 56 yrs
John : Overseas, Post Office dept : 36 yrs
Mary : 29 yrs
Dora : Dressmaker : 24 yrs
Maud : Dressmaker : 22 yrs
Winifred : 20 yrs
Lilian : Clerk in Laundry office : 17 yrs
Herbert Maurice : Clerk in Solicitor’s Office : 15 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Tuesday 9 March 1926
What was referred to as a disgraceful scene in a public house was mentioned at the Portsmouth Police Court today, before Mr A Grigsby (in the chair) and Mr C H March, when Emily Barter, who gave her address as the Phoenix Hotel, King Street, was charged with unlawfully wounding Fanny Kelly of 55 Highbury Street, at the Naval and Military Arms, on March1, reduced to one of common assault.
Mr G H King appeared for the complainant, and Mr E F Watts for the defendant.
Dr M E Lampard described the wounds on the complainant’s hands. The extensir tendons of the right index finger were severed in two places. It was not a severe wound.
Complainant, who is the barmaid, said that about 9.15 pm on March 1 the defendant came into the house and had an altercation with another woman. Defendant threw a glass at the other woman, and when witness asked her to leave defendant jabbed with a glass at the witness’s face, and in protecting her face, witness’s hand was cut.
Cross-examined, she denied that there was a “general scrap” in the house, and maintained that it was the defendant who struck her.
Complainant’s husband and two other customers gave corroborative evidence, and Mr Watts, for the defendant, said there was a most disgraceful scene, in which everyone was to blame. Mrs Deck threw a glass at the defendant, and there was a scrap between them. If Mrs Kelly came between them she may have been injured by one or the other without either of them intending it.
Defendant supported this statement. She denied striking the complainant.
Cross-examined ; she did not know Mrs Kelly had been injured until she saw her at the police station.
Evidence in support of defendant’s case was given by William Blake, a naval pensioner, who was in the hotel, and Elsie Jeffreys of 80 Highbury Street.
Defendant was sentenced to one month’s imprisonment
56 Highbury Street
1911 Census
Samuel Moore : Coal Porter, Discharging Ships : 50 yrs
Mary : 45 yrs
Mary : 25 yrs
George : Carter, General carrier : 23 yrs
Eliza : General Servant : 19 yrs
Louisa : Pea factory Packer : 16 yrs
Elizabeth : Pea Factory Packer : 15 yrs
Rose : 12 yrs
James : 11 yrs
Alfred : 6 yrs
Augustus : 5 yrs
58 Highbury Street
1911 Census
George Deck : Formerly in the Army : 50 yrs
Sarah : 42 yrs
60 Highbury Street
1911 Census
George James Stoneham : Baker, Journeyman : 41 yrs
Bessie : 40 yrs
Harold Victor : 9 yrs
Percilla Gladys : 5 yrs
George Thomas Venables : General Dealer : 40 yrs
Norah Smith : Flower seller : 28 yrs
Rose Sullivan : Flower seller : 28 yrs
Edward Williams : Coal Porter : 45 yrs
Frederick Finch : General Labourer : 40 yrs
Mary : 34 yrs
William Charles Maker : General Labourer : 22 yrs
Emily Catherine : 21 yrs
Ann Dummer : 53 yrs
William Smith : General labourer : 57 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Saturday 28 February 1920
Why suffer the inconvenience of gas when the Portsmouth Electrical Fitting Co. 60 Highbury Street (close to Portsmouth Electric Supply Station), can quote you for installing Light, Power, Heat. We employ Ex-Service Pre-War Electricians and use best materials only. Please ask our Representative to call.
62 Highbury Street
1911 Census
William George : Cutler : 32 yrs
Helen : Assistant in the Business : 28 yrs
Maria : 8 yrs
Matthew : 5 yrs
Mary : 3 yrs
William : 1 yr
Portsmouth Evening News : Wednesday 23 June 1937
Mrs Moore and family, of 62 Highbury Street, wish to thank relatives, friends and neighbours for their beautiful floral tributes; also many letters of sympathy in their sad bereavement; and also the attendants at A10 Ward, St Mary’s Hospital.
64 Highbury Street
1911 Census
Charles Norcombe : Cycle Dealer & Electroplate Polisher : 30 yrs
Alexander Stowell : Electroplater & Scourer : 35 yrs