High Street
Salisbury and Winchester Journal : Monday 18 November 1765
Portsmouth. now selling very cheap, and will continue until the 26th of March 1766, part of the libraries of several persons deceased; consisting of above 1500 volumes, most of them in good condition, by Richard Carr, bookseller and stationer, at Milton’s Head, the corner of the Parade, in the High Street.
Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 21 December 1772
Last night the lamps in the High Street, which have been erected by subscription of the inhabitants there, were lighted for the first time ; They give universal satisfaction and are found to be of very great utility.
Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 2 March 1778
Wanted : An Apprentice to a glover and breeches maker. Enquire of Mr Groves in the High Street, Portsmouth.
Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 15 October 1781
To be sold by private sale, all that commodious messuage, with a shop, outhouses, workshop and other buildings adjoining thereto, situate in the public market-place in the High Street, and now in the possession of Mr William Bartlett, brasier.
Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 5 June 1786
To be sold (either together or separate) all that capital messuage, with the garden behind it, situated on the south side, and near the upper end of the High Street, in Portsmouth, lately improved at great expense, and now occupied by Mr Anthony Atcheson.
The messuage, shop, kitchen, stable, and yard, next the above occupied by Mr Peates; and the large yard, coach houses, stables, and very extensive garden adjoining, the last mentioned messuage.
For particulars apply to Messts Bedford & Hancock, Attorneys, Portsmouth Common
Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 18 June 1787
To be sold, a substantial modern brick built dwelling house, situate in High Street, now in the possession of Mr Lindegren: Consisting of three parlours, and one kitchen; three rooms, and a laundry on the first floor, and two very convenient garrets, with good wine vaults, and a convenient yard behind the same. Particulars may be had by applying to Mr Lindegren, the occupier; or to Mr Crossfield, No 10, New Square, Lincoln’s Inn, London
Salisbury and Winchester Journal : Monday 14 September 1789
An eligible situation for a Cutler, Silversmith or Jeweller. To be let, at Michaelmas next, a house, desirably situated, next door to the Parade Coffee House in the High Street, with a good established trade in the Cutlery, Jewellery and Hardware business.
The stock to be taken off, consisting of a neat modern assortment of articles in the above way. The reason of quitting is, the present owner having engaged in an extensive business in London. For particulars enquire of Mr W Gibbens, High Street.
Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 11 April 1791
Whereas one William Dumont sometimes since left, at the house of Henry Starkey, being the Marquis of Grandby, in the High Street, Portsmouth, in the County of Southampton, a Camera Obscura, and sundry other optical instruments. This is therefore to give him, the said William Dumont, notice, that if he does not on or before Monday, the 25th day of April, 1791, take away the same, and pay the debt he has incurred, the same will be sold by Mr James Drake, at eleven o’clock in the forenoon of that day, by public auction at the above mentioned house.
Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 27 May 1793
For private sale, all that capital messuage or dwelling house and appurtenances, pleasantly situated on the north side, and in the most respectable part of the High Street, at Portsmouth, now in the occupation of Sir Andrew Snape Douglass, Knt. For particulars apply to Mr Richard Parsons, Attorney, Gosport.
Hampshire Chronicle : Saturday 10 September 1796
A freehold messuage, tenement, or dwelling house, situate on the south side of High Street, and near to the Market House, with a yard, workshops, and storehouses, with other convenient appurtenances, all in good repair, and now in the occupation of Mr William Lang, grocer, tallow-chandler, and soap boiler, as tenant at will.
Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 13 June 1803
Friday the melancholy accident happened in the High Street ; at a place, a shopman to Mr Hawkins, went to bed intoxicated, and either fell or jumped out of his chamber window. three storeys high, bruised himself very much, and soon after died. The Coroner's Inquest sat on the body and found a verdict of accidental death
Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 24 May 1819
Shortly to be sold by auction,by order of the Assignees of Thomas Andrews Minchitt, William Grover Carter, and Arthur Kelly, the truly valuable and extensive freehold banking house and premises of the firm Godwin & Co, situate in the High Street. Particulars in a future paper.
Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 10 September 1821
The next meeting of the Trustees of the Portsmouth to Petersfield Turnpike Road, resident in Portsmouth and the vicinity, will be on Monday the 10th of September, 1821, at the Guildhall, at eleven o’clock in the forenoon.
J T Shugar, Clerk to the Trustees
Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 15 November 1824
Notice is hereby given - That a general meeting of the Committee of Management of the Portsmouth and Arundel Navigation, will be held at the Company’s office, in the High Street, on Tuesday the 30th of November, 1824, at eleven o’clock in the forenoon
James Fowler : Clerk to the Company
London Courier and Evening Gazette : Friday 15 October 1830
Portsmouth Theatre to be sold by auction, at the Fountain Inn, on Wednesday, 20th October, at seven o’clock in the evening. This highly desirable and advantageous freehold is admirably situated in the High Street, and is well worth the attention of Capitalists and Managers. Further particulars may be had of Mr T Owen, Portsmouth, if by letter, post paid.
Salisbury and Winchester Journal : Monday 3 November 1834
An Inquest was held on Monday last, by Mr John Howard, acting coroner, on the body of Mr Henry Hunt, a young man apprenticed to Mr Megginson, a druggist, in the High Street. From the evidence adduced it appeared, that, a few hours previously, the lad was trying an experiment as to the length of time he could bear to be suspended by the neck, and the result was loss of life by entire accident. He had tied his handkerchief in a slip-knot, thrown it over the door, and put his head through it; but, from the handkerchief getting jammed between the beam and the door, the knot did not slip, and, therefore, before assistance could arrive, or his cries be heard, he was suffocated. His mother was the first to discover his situation, and her grief, on giving her evidence, was most poignant. A verdict of “Accidental Death” was pronounced.
Salisbury and Winchester Journal : Monday 25 March 1839
Died : On Sunday, aged 71, after an illness of some years, Mr James Goodeve, mercer and tailor, High Street.
Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 16 March 1840
Died : On the 4th inst. Mr Day, upwards of 40 years, Stage Door Keeper of Portsmouth Theatre, aged 75.
Hampshire Advertiser : Saturday 25 July 1840
Died, on Saturday last, at Southsea, Mrs Irish, wife of Mr Joseph Irish, formerly watch and clock-maker of the High Street
Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 1 July 1848
Sarah Cassidy, was charged with being a common prostitute, and behaving in an indecent manner in the High Street, between twelve and one o’clock this morning. Convicted and adjudged to be imprisoned and kept to hard labour seven days.
Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 22 April 1848
William Cross, driving a cart, and James Furlong Jnr, driving a waggon, were charged under the Portsmouth Act, with having on the11th inst., in the High Street, furiously driven their respective vehicles. They pleaded not guilty, but the offences were fully proved by two witnesses, and the defendants were convicted, and fined 20s and 9s costs, or 10 days’ imprisonment each. Major Travis, who witnessed the transaction said it was a most shameful and dangerous proceeding.
Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 15 July 1848
William Urry was charged with furious riding a horse in the High Street, on the 8th inst., to the danger of passengers. The offence was fully proved by Captain Sayer and Mr Wright. The defence was he had to go to the railway terminus and back again in a short time, otherwise should have lost his place. Convicted and fined 15s and 9s costs, and in default committed for 14 days.
Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 21 July 1849
Death - At Southsea on the 21st instant, of apoplexy, Mr John Way, upwards of 40 years butcher in the High Street, aged 69 years.
1851 Census
Start High Street between No 149 and 1 Lombard Street
George Nichols : Beer Seller , Greenwich Pensioner : 44 yrs
Elizabeth : 43 yrs
George : 12 yrs
William : 9 yrs
Elizabeth : 7 yrs
Charles A : 5 months
Portsmouth Times and Naval gazette : Saturday 21 August 1852
Joanna Head, was charged with stealing 8 yards of window net, the property of Mr Wilmer, Draper, High Street. The prisoner was observed with the net under her arm going out of the shop last night ; she admitted to the policeman who took her into custody that she had stolen it, saying that she wished to be transported. Committed for trial at the Sessions.
Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette : Saturday 16 October 1858
Borough of Portsmouth
St Thomas Ward
At a numerous and highly influential Meeting of the Burgesses of this Ward, convened pursuant to a requisition, and held at the Guildhall, High Street, on Tuesday, October 12th, 1858.
David Levy Esq., Alderman in the Chair. It was proposed by Mr Joseph Galt, and seconded by Mr Councillor Camwell, that Mr R W Ford be recommended to the Burgesses for re-election on the 1st of November next, as a fit and proper person to represent the Ward in the Town Council. Carried unanimously.
Proposed by Mr R H Elcock, seconded by Mr Kennard Knott, that Mr L A Vandenburgh is a fit and proper person to represent this Ward, and that he be recommended to the Burgesses for re-election. Carried unanimously.
Proposed by Mr R H Elcock, that the past services of Mr Emanuel Emanuel fully entitle him to the confidence of the Burgesses, and that he be recommended for re-election. Carried unanimously.
Proposed by Mr Elcock, seconded by Mr Miller, that the foregoing resolutions be advertised in the local newspapers.
David Levy : Alderman for the Ward.
Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette : Saturday 21 July 1860
Jane Pollard was charged with begging in the High Street on the previous day. Pc No27 proved the case. Prisoner was discharged on promising to leave the town.
Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette : Saturday 16 November 1867
John Roddy, a miserable looking man, was charged with begging in High Street, at five o’clock on the previous evening. The defendant, who behaved in a very impudent manner to the persons of whom he begged, was sentenced to five days hard labour.
Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 29 August 1868
A Batch of Disorderly Prostitutes : Ellen Virie, a prostitute, was charged with being drunk and disorderly in the High Street. Pc Betteridge was on duty in the High Street, late on the previous evening, and saw the prisoner in company with several soldiers, making use of bad language. He requested her to go away, and as she would not do so he took her into custody. The prisoner pleaded guilty to being in the High Street with the soldiers, but denied making use of bad language. She stated that the policeman would not let her go to the “Bull’s Head” public house, where she wanted to go. This the officer denied, and siad she did not mention a word about the “Bull’s Head.” Mr Inspector Hood said that from the many complaints made at the police station of the conduct of the girls of the prisoner’s class, an extra policeman had been placed on duty in the places where they usually congregated.
The Governor of the Gaol, Mr John Astridge, had also very frequently made complaints of a similar nature. Mr Chambers said that in consequence of what Mr Hood had stated, the magistrates, thinking the case proved, had decided to inflict a somewhat severe sentence, namely, seven days’ imprisonment, with hard labour. The prisoner, on leaving the dock became very abusive, and expressed a hope that the Magistrate would “stick” there till she came back. Mr Astridge told her she had better be careful or she would not got off with seven days. Prisoner,”They can’t give me any more, the sentence is passed.” The Magistrates thereupon directed the prisoner be again placed in the dock, when Mr Chambers told her that the former sentence was rescinded, and she would be imprisoned and kept to hard labour for fourteen days.
Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette : Saturday 31 July 1869
George Gazard,a tramp, a young fellow, was charged with stealing a coat, pipe, pocket book and handkerchief, valued together 10s., the property of William Griffin. The prosecutor is a gas-fitter, and this morning was at work at a house in the High Street, and left his coat in the shop which was unoccupied ; about an hour afterwards he missed it. PS Porter saw the prisoner in High Street with something under his arm, and followed him into St Mary’s Street, where, in reply to Porter, said it was a coat a young man gave him to sell, but he did not know where the young man was. He afterwards said,” I stole the coat. I might as well be locked up, as I’m half starved.” Prisoner pleaded guilty. He said he was very hungry, and didn’t know what to do to get something to eat. He was sentenced to 21 days’ hard labour.
Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 4 may 1901
Town Mount Bastion was in 1800 part of the Portsmouth Fortifications, and was situated at the northern end of High Street
Portsmouth Evening News : Tuesday 15 March 1892
Architects and horse keepers call and inspect the Sanitary Mangers erected by the Brooklands Dairy Co, High Street, Portsmouth.
Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 10 December 1892
Florence Fenton, 38, was charged with begging in High Street on the 8th inst.. Pc Webb proved the case, and the Bench taking into account the fact that she was convicted on a similar charge in November last, sentenced prisoner to seven days’ hard labour.
10.5 High Street
1871 Census
Agnes Isabel Johnstone : 37 yrs
Charles Frederick Cole : 12 yrs
Richard James: 6 yrs
Annie Crown : General Servant, 17 yrs
1881 Census
Francis Knott : Veterinary Surgeon : 30 yrs
1901 Census
Kate Main : 40 yrs
1911 Census
Christina Bayley : Teacher of Music : 40 yrs
1, 2, 3 High Street
1851 Census
Edward Blagden Hale : Captain, 82nd Regt : 36 yrs
Alfred Whittaker : Civil Servant : 25 yrs
David Watson : Captain, 82nd Regt : 35 yrs
Henry Oaks : Soldier, 82nd Regt : 26 yrs
Sarah : 19 yrs
George Edmund Halliday : Captain, 82nd Regt : 32 yrs
Frederick Edward Tighe : Lieutenant, 82nd Regt : 24 yrs
John Lawrie : Lieutenant, 82nd Regt : 24 yrs
Michael Tully : Soldier, 82nd Regt : 39 yrs
Elizabeth : 21 yrs
William Robert Farmer : Lieutenant, 82nd Regt : 26 yrs
Thomas Gibbard : Soldier, 82nd Regt : 22 yrs
Ellen : 20 yrs
Herbert Morris : Lieutenant, 82nd Regt : 25 yrs
Samuel Goodwin : Soldier, 82nd Regt : 29 yrs
Elizabeth : 24 yrs
Daniel Stratton Collings : Lieutenant : 82nd Regt : 24 yrs
William Barron : Ensign, 82nd Regt : 21 yrs
Augustus Warren : Ensign, 82nd Regt : 21 yrs
Samuel Robinson : Soldier, 82nd Regt : 27 yrs
Bridget : 27 yrs
Samuel : 1 yr
John Dalbiac Lorard : Ensign, 82nd Regt : 26 yrs
4 High Street
1851 Census
Thomas Smith : Lieutenant, 82nd Regt : 42 yrs
Eleanor : 31 yrs
Thomas S : 9 yrs
Isabella M : 1 yr
Thomas Sanderson : Servant / Pvt, 82nd Regt : 42 yrs
Bridget Hennessey : House Servant : 22 yrs
1871 Census
Eliza Hebron : Needlewoman : 63 yrs
Sarah Kent : Needlewoman : 65 yrs
Annie Lane : Dressmaker :47 yrs
Edward : Steward RN : 23 yrs
George Ruck : Army Service Corpse : 30 yrs
Elizabeth : 30 yrs
Clement : Bricklayer : 16 yrs
Caroline : 10 yrs
Frederick : 7 yrs
Frederick McComas : Cork Cutter : 31 yrs
Eliza : 31 yrs
William : 13 yrs
Angela : 7 yrs
George : 4 yrs
Frederick : 1 yr
Joseph Rockley : Soldier : 38 yrs
Sarah : 23 yrs
Anthony : 4 yrs
Albert : 2 yrs
Horace : 6 months
5 High Street
1851 Census
James Bernthall : Groom : 26 yrs
1861 : Groom 36 yrs, visitors at 29 Wiltshire Street Portsea Rachael : 26 yrs with sarah 14 yrs.
Sarah : 4 yrs
1871 Census
Emma Guy : Preparatory School Mistress : 59 yrs
Mary Lewis : 64 yrs
7 High Street
1851 Census
George Dodd : Paymaster, Army : 70 yrs
1841 : Army 60 yrs, living in High Street with George 26 yrs, Dorothy 58 yrs, Eliza 34 yrs
Dorothy : 60 yrs
Eliza : 40 yrs
Louisa Randall : House Servant : 24 yrs.
8 High Street
9 High Street
1851 Census
Matthew Wreford : Purveyer of Army Hospitals : 59 yrs
Harriet : 59 yrs
Hannah Butt : General Servant : 29 yrs
Mary Fleming : General Servant : 20 yrs

10 High Street
1851 Census
Thomas Reed : Beer Retailer : 56 yrs
1795 : 28 June, Bapts’d at St Thomas’s. Father Charles Reed and mother Martha
1841 : Licensed Victualler 45 yrs, living in Armoury Lane with Rosina 40 yrs, Rosina 7 yrs
Rossina : 53 yrs
James Whelan : Private Soldier : 34 yrs
Bridget : 28 yrs
James : 7 yrs
Sarah : 1 yr
John Nickson : Private Soldier : 26 yrs
Emma : 27 yrs
George : 4 yrs
Thomas : 10 months
Samuel Overend : Private Soldier : 25 yrs
Lucinda : 19 yrs
Loisa Arnett : Gentlewoman / Proprietor of Houses : 54 yrs
William Foyen : Servant : 65 yrs
Ellen Barry : Cook : 27 yrs
Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 16 May 1857
Marvin & King beg to announce that they have received instructions from Captain Bally, H E I C S, who is leaving the neighbourhood, to submit to public competition, on the premises, No 10 High Street, on Wednesday, June 3rd, 1857, and following day, commencing each day at twelve o’clock punctually, the excellent modern household furniture, well seasoned goose feather beds, bedding, sideboard of richly cut glass, services of china,plated goods, and other valuable effects. Full particulars will be published in next week’s paper
1861 Census
William R R Wallis : Solicitor & Notary Public : 27 yrs
Eliza : 22 yrs
Sarah Dunkin : 27 yrs
Isabella Roony : General Servant : 27 yrs.
1871 Census
Elizabeth Scott Jones : Wife of Col Jones, Royal Engineers : 32 yrs
Jenkin : 9 yrs
Harry : 6 yrs
Lizzie Amelia Augusta : 5 yrs
James Hill : 1 yr
Jan Broker Staker : Governess : 55 yrs
Martha Rowen : Domestic Servant : 47 yrs
Harriet Elizabeth Stock : General Servant : 24 yrs
Sarah Maria Waldron : Domestic Servant : 34 yrs
1881 Census
Robert Spencer : Portsmouth School : 48 yrs
Joseph Coppin : Collier Mariner, 37 yrs
Maria : 30 yrs
Norah : 10 yrs
Margaret R Ellis : Housekeeper, 66 yrs
Sarah E Anderson : General Servant : 34 yrs
1891 Census
William Walker : Artificer, RN : 49 yrs
Elizabeth A : 45 yrs
George W : Office Clerk : 23 yrs
Sarah Reeves : General Servant : 18 yrs
1901 Census
Alfred Horn : Police Constable : 39 yrs
Celia : 38 yrs
Alfred James : Painter’s Apprentice : 15 yrs
Robert Charles : Grocer’s Errand Boy : 14 yrs
1911 Census
Richard Attrill : Engineer’s Labourer : 42 yrs
Jessie : Caretaker : 42 yrs
Dorothy : 11 yrs
Gwendoline : 7 yrs
Sidney : 4 yrs
Saturday 10 January 1920 - Portsmouth Evening News
Messrs Cousins and Burbidge, Solicitors
Tuesday 5 April 1927 : Portsmouth Evening News
Messrs Bramsdon & Childs, Solicitors

11 High Street
1851 Census
Samuel Ross : Grocer : 59 yrs
Hannah : 49 yrs
Ann : Dressmaker : 16 yrs
Thomas : 13 yrs
1861 Census
Elizabeth M Madden : 79 yrs
Henry M : Superannuated from the War Office : 47 yrs
Ann Hopgood : House Servant : 60 yrs
Emily Nash : Cook : 26 yrs
1871 Census
Phillis Duncan : Annuitant : 61 yrs
Annie Tarry : General Servant : 60 yrs
1881 Census
Wilberforce Cobbett : Architect’s Pupil : 21 yrs
George William Tibbett : Carter : 38 yrs
Mary : 38 yrs
1891 Census
Archibald Henry Ford : Civil Engineer : Architect : 44 yrs
Alice, : 26 yrs
Celia E Rowcliffe : Servant : 18 yrs
1901 Census
Archibald Henry Ford : : Engineer, Architect & Surveyor : 54 yrs
Alice : 36 yrs
Gladys Muriel : 18 yrs
Charles Cobbett : 15 yrs
Mary Goddard : General Servant : 34 yrs
1911 Census
Archibald Henry Ford : Architect & Surveyor : 64 yrs
Alice : 46 yrs
Gladys Muriel : 28 yrs
Florence May Hayles : Cook : 22 yrs.
Sunday 7 May 2017
John D Wood, Estate Agents
Property for sale at £1,500,000
11½ High Street
Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 20 July 1835
“Buckingham House”
The Misses Helby respectfully announce the reopening of their establishment, July 21st, 1835
1851 Census
“Buckingham House”
Elizabeth M Madden : Fundholder : 67 yrs
Ann Hopgood : Domestic Servant : 50 yrs
Elizabeth Kent : Domestic Servant : 25 yrs
Samuel Irvine : Surgeon, Royal Marines : 56 yrs
Anne C : 54 yrs
Ellen Hall : Cook : 22 yrs
Lavinia Chipp : Housemaid : 19 yrs

12 High Street
1851 Census
Richard W Ford : Attorney & Solicitor : 29 yrs
1822 : 5 February Baptsd at St John Portsea. Father Henry Ford, mother Harriett
1881 : Solicitor, Clerk of the Peace 59 yrs, living at 31 St Thomas’s Street with wife Emma 58 yrs
1891 : Solicitor 69 yrs, living at 31 St Thomas’s Street with Emma 68 yrs, Harriet L 43 yrs, Emma B G 34 yrs, Edith E L 18 yrs
Emma : 28 yrs
Charles : 5 yrs
Arhibald H : 4 yrs
Harriet L : 3 yrs
Arhibald M A : Attorney & Solicitor : 33 yrs
Caroline Ann : 33 yrs
Mary F Griffiths : House Servant : 30 yrs
Eliza H : 27 House Servant
Amelia Cox : House Servant : 15 yrs
1861 Census
Samuel Irvine : MD of Edinburgh University : 66 yrs
1851 : Surgeon Royal Marines 56 yrs, living at 11.5 High Street with Ann C 54 yrs
1855 : From UK & Ireland Medical Directories, 1845-1942 : Irvine, Samuel,11 High Street, Portsmouth - MRCS Eng 1815; MD Edin 1830; Surg to Roy Marine Division and Roy Marine Artillery, at Portsmouth; formerly Surgeon HM Ships St Vincent, Britannia, Impregnable and Caledonia; was awarded the Gold Medal of Sir Gilbert Blane, Bart. for the Med and Surg Journal of HMS Britannia, on the Mediterranean Station.
1865 : Died in Portsea
Anne C : 63 yrs
Eliza Bray : Cook : 32 yrs
Ann Westbrook : Housemaid : 19 yrs
1871 Census
Henry Wright : Chaplain to H M Forces : 55 yrs
Anne : 57 yrs
Frederick George : 17 yrs
Nina : 14 yrs
Alice : 11 yrs
Ernest : 8 yrs
Helen Milward : Governess : 26 yrs
Jane Boghurt : Domestic Servant : 26 yrs
Bridget Wade : Domestic Servant & Nurse : 50 yrs
1881 Census
Henry G Newcome : Captain R A
Sibylla : 37 yrs
Henry W : 5 yrs
George : 4 yrs
Stephen : 2 yrs
Lionel : 5 months
Jane Shaw : Cook : 49 yrs
Elizabeth Snodgrove : Nurse : 27 yrs
Hannah Thompson : Nursemaid : 13 yrs
Mary A Warner : Parlourmaid : 18 yrs
1901 Census
Joseph Bridges : Electrician : 47 yrs
Annie : 48 yrs
1911 Census
Alfred Sidney German : Shipping Agent : 34 yrs
Jessie Elizabeth : 36 yrs
Mary Louisa : 63 yrs
Edith May Mear : General Servant : 17 yrs

13 High Street
Hampshire Advertiser : Saturday 30 January 1847
Death : On Friday, the 22nd inst at the residence of her brother, Eleanor Mary White, aged 65, eldest sister of Richard White, esq, Surgeon, of the High Street.
1851 Census
Richard White : General Practitioner : 57 yrs
Anna M : 24 yrs
Eleanor S : 19 yrs
Elizabeth M : 18 yrs
Kate W : 14 yrs
Catherine M : 18 yrs
Mary Ann Earle : General Servant : 24 yrs
Martha Shearman : General Servant : 31 yrs
George Redfern : Dispenser of Medicines : 30 yrs
1861 Census
Frederick Burgess : Licensed R C Physician : 49 yrs
Fanny : 41 yrs
William F R : 11 yrs
Edward A : 10 yrs
Fanny C : 9 yrs
James G : 7 yrs
Sidney : 5 yrs
Adine : 7 months
Fanny Matthews : Housemaid : 50 yrs
Hannah Dryden : Cook : 25 yrs
Martha Pierce : Housemaid : 21 yrs
1871 Census
Samuel E Soloman : Oriental China Merchant : 56 yrs
Julia : 41 yrs
Celia : 19 yrs
Moses L : 16 yrs
Julia : 14 yrs
Rosetta : 11 yrs
Frederick D : 8 yrs
Charles : 2 yrs
1881 Census
William Henry Moore : Carpenter : 28 yrs
Kate : 24 yrs
Ernest A W : 3 yrs
Harold G : 1 yr
Victor R : 3 months
Sarah Copper : School Teacher : 19 yrs
Charles Morey : Carpenter : 32 yrs
Elizabeth : 44 yrs
Elizabeth M A : Milliner : 19 yrs
James : Carpenter : 17 yrs
Harry : 14 yrs
Joseph : 13 yrs
Rachel A : 11 yrs
Louise : 11 yrs
Alice Windsor : General Servant : 13 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Friday 2 July 1886
To let - several unfurnished rooms : also shop with or without rooms, rent very moderate. 13 High Street
1891 Census
Charlotte Payne : Caretaker, Office : 48 yrs
Charles : Shop Porter : 21 yrs
Frederick G : Telegraph Messenger : 15 yrs
1901 Census
Charlotte Payne : Caretaker : 57 yrs
Leonard : 2 yrs
1911 Census
Albert Morgan : Tailor’s Cutter : 40 yrs
Sarah : 39 yrs
Albert Archibald : 10 yrs
Leslie Lloyd : 7 yrs
Evelyn Phyllis : 4 yrs
John H W Livingstone : Shoemaker : 25 yrs
Esther : 18 yrs
George Rye : Boiler Man : 21 yrs
Ida : 20 yrs
Emma : 45 yrs
Harriet Maud Seyfang : Stereograph & Advertisement Writer : 31 yrs
14 High Street
Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 12 May 1777
For sale, Vidonia and Teneriffe wines, just arrived in the Scipio, Captain Samuel Kirkman, from Teneriffe. Enquire of Mr C Bettesworth, No 14 High Street
Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser : Saturday 23 July 1808
Portsmouth, Mercantile Concerns, to be sold by private contract, either together or in separate lots, the first situation for carrying on the most extensive trade at this port; viz
A large new and substantial dwelling-house, with a wine vault (now used for bonding wines and spirits), 86 ft in length and 18 in width, being No 16 in the High Street, with a very extensive yard at the back thereof, being 175 ft long and about 120 wide; adjoining which there is there is a most substantial and commodious newly-erected warehouse, of the following dimensions:- 146 ft long, and 30 ft 9 inches in the clear; with capital cellars, and three floors, fronting Penny Street, in the occupation of the Proprietor. There is a very convenient road through the said store and yard, leading from Penny Street into the High Street. At the end of the said store a firm and convenient dwelling house, with good dry cellars, being No 52 Penny Street, now in the occupation of Mr William Smith, tenant at will. Likewise two two more convenient dwelling houses, with excellent dry cellars to each, situated and being No 14, in the High Street, in the occupation of Mr Lampriere; and No 15, in the occupation of Miss Shorter, also tenants at will. The latter, of course, adjoins the before-mentioned No 16, whereby the whole is most eligibly connected together, and comprises a square, which must be viewed to have an adequate idea of all its conveniences.
W M Burridge, Portsmouth
NB If purchased in one lot, two thirds or more, if required of the purchase money, may remain on mortgage.
1851 Census
George L Greetham : Solicitor : 58 yrs
1836 : 11 February, married Caroline Bourchier at St Thomas’s
Caroline : 54 yrs
Elizabeth Edwards : Cook : 45 yrs
Ann Underwood : Housemaid : 19 yrs
1861 Census
John M Llewellyn : Surgeon Dentist, RSS Engineers : 28 yrs
1871 : Surgeon Dentist 36 yrs, widower, living at Somerset House, 1 Green Road Portsea
Lilla : 31 yrs
John : 3 yrs
Perry : 11 months
Martha Merchant : House Servant : 18 yrs
Elizabeth Whesham : Nursemaid : 17 yrs
Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette : Saturday 3 July 1869
The Pianoforte. Italian and English singing.
Mrs Hill, 14 High Street. Musical duties will be resumed on Saturday the 17th inst..
1871 Census
Ellen Hall : Gen Servant : 17
Eliza Hill : Income from House : 42
Ethel Hill, 14
Walter, 11
1881 Census
Frank L Hunt : Wine & Spirit Merchant : 29 yrs
Annie M : 30 yrs
1891 Census
Harriet Knott : 78 yrs
Frances R : 4 yrs
Edith Ellen Walker : Domestic Servant : 22 yrs
1901 Census
Francis Edward Knott : Veterinary Surgeon : 50 yrs
William Money : Groom : 60 yrs
Lucy : General Servant : 60 yrs
14b High Street
Saturday 29 December 1894
For Sale
An English Setter, splendid yard dog
apply 14 b High Street
15 High Street
1851 Census
Thomas Rolph : MD Canada, Lord Lieut London, in General Practice : 50 yrs
Frances : 50 yrs
Mary Ellis : Planter’s daughter :12 yrs
Harriet Brice : House Servant : 29 yrs
Edwin Lane : Labourer’s son / House Servant : 15 yrs
Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser : Saturday 23 July 1808
Portsmouth, Mercantile Concerns, to be sold by private contract, either together or in separate lots, the first situation for carrying on the most extensive trade at this port; viz
A large new and substantial dwelling-house, with a wine vault (now used for bonding wines and spirits), 86 ft in length and 18 in width, being No 16 in the High Street, with a very extensive yard at the back thereof, being 175 ft long and about 120 wide; adjoining which there is there is a most substantial and commodious newly-erected warehouse, of the following dimensions:- 146 ft long, and 30 ft 9 inches in the clear; with capital cellars, and three floors, fronting Penny Street, in the occupation of the Proprietor. There is a very convenient road through the said store and yard, leading from Penny Street into the High Street. At the end of the said store a firm and convenient dwelling house, with good dry cellars, being No 52 Penny Street, now in the occupation of Mr William Smith, tenant at will. Likewise two two more convenient dwelling houses, with excellent dry cellars to each, situated and being No 14, in the High Street, in the occupation of Mr Lampriere; and No 15, in the occupation of Miss Shorter, also tenants at will. The latter, of course, adjoins the before-mentioned No 16, whereby the whole is most eligibly connected together, and comprises a square, which must be viewed to have an adequate idea of all its conveniences.
W M Burridge, Portsmouth
NB If purchased in one lot, two thirds or more, if required of the purchase money, may remain on mortgage.
Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette : Saturday 15 May 1858
Marvin & King beg to announce that they have been instructed to sell by public auction, on the premises, on Thursday, May 20th, 1858, commencing at 12 o’clock punctually, all the excellent furniture and effects, late property of Dr Rolphe (deceased)
Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 16 April 1859
The Commissioners for Paving, Lighting and Improving the town of Portsmouth do hereby give notice and publish, that Mr Charles William Eustace Pineo has, with the approval of one of Her Majesty’s Principal Secretaries of State, been duly appointed Surveyor for the Town of Portsmouth, and that the offices provided for the use of the said surveyor, and also of the Inspector of Nuisances for the Town of Portsmouth, are situate number 15, in the High Street, within the limits of the said Town of Portsmouth.
Dated this sixth day of April, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Nine.
By Order of the said Commissioners
Chas B Hellard
Clerk to the said Commissioners.
1861 Census
Aaron Hill : Life & Fire Insurance Agent : 50 yrs
1810 : 25 December, Baptised at St Thomas’s. Father Thomas, mother Mary
1841 : Clerk 30 yrs, living on Grand Parade.
1851 : Clerk 40 yrs, living at 7 King William Place with Thomas, widower 72 yrs, John 34 yrs, Mary Elizabeth 28 yrs, Navn? 22 yrs, Anne 19 yrs
Eliza A : 32 yrs
Ethel B : 4 yrs
Walter S : 1 yr
Matilda Carpenter : House Servant : 18 yrs
1871 Census
William H Ford, Attorney & Solicitor, 29
Harriett L, 23
Florence, 2
Maud, 1
Eliza Wilkins : General Servant : 25 yrs
Ann Woodford : Domestic Servant : 34 yrs
1881 Census
William H Ford, Solicitor, 39
Harriett K, 33
Florence M, 13
Maude M, 11
Edith E L, 8
Charlotte Payne : General Servant : 25 yrs
Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 2 August 1890
Mr Thomas King (of the firm King and King), is instructed to sell by auction, at an early date, in lots, the following ;
15 High Street
1901 Census
Augusta Bramble : 55 yrs
Edward : Solicitor : 37 yrs
1911 Census
Lionel Gordon Stuart Graham : Law Clerk : 37 yrs
Annie Irene Kathleen : 22 yrs
Arthur Trevor Pringle McKay : 17 yrs
Mary Hilda : 17 yrs
Lily Maud Jail : General Servant : 22 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Saturday 16 February 1952
For sale by auction on Wednesday 20 February at 5pm, 15 High Street

16 High Street
Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser : Saturday 23 July 1808
Portsmouth, Mercantile Concerns, to be sold by private contract, either together or in separate lots, the first situation for carrying on the most extensive trade at this port; viz
A large new and substantial dwelling-house, with a wine vault (now used for bonding wines and spirits), 86 ft in length and 18 in width, being No 16 in the High Street, with a very extensive yard at the back thereof, being 175 ft long and about 120 wide; adjoining which there is there is a most substantial and commodious newly-erected warehouse, of the following dimensions:- 146 ft long, and 30 ft 9 inches in the clear; with capital cellars, and three floors, fronting Penny Street, in the occupation of the Proprietor. There is a very convenient road through the said store and yard, leading from Penny Street into the High Street. At the end of the said store a firm and convenient dwelling house, with good dry cellars, being No 52 Penny Street, now in the occupation of Mr William Smith, tenant at will. Likewise two two more convenient dwelling houses, with excellent dry cellars to each, situated and being No 14, in the High Street, in the occupation of Mr Lampriere; and No 15, in the occupation of Miss Shorter, also tenants at will. The latter, of course, adjoins the before-mentioned No 16, whereby the whole is most eligibly connected together, and comprises a square, which must be viewed to have an adequate idea of all its conveniences.
W M Burridge, Portsmouth
NB If purchased in one lot, two thirds or more, if required of the purchase money, may remain on mortgage.
1851 Census
Charles Henry Binstead : Solicitor & Notary : 36 yrs
1845 : 14 August, married Philadelphia Sarah Morgan at St Thomas’s
Philadelphia S : 36 yrs
Eliza Smith : Domestic Servant :20 yrs
Eliza Lenanton : Domestic Servant : 23 yrs
1861 Census
Charles Pineo : Civil Engineer & Architect : 37 yrs
Ann Smith : Housekeeper : 25 yrs
John C Hooper : House Servant : 17 yrs
1871 Census
Mary Frier : Dom Servant : 19
Harriet Cox : Housemaid : 19 yrs
Thursday 8 October 1891
General Servant wanted; good character
apply 16 High Street
1901 Census
Alfred Thomas Everett : Brewer’s Secretary : 50 yrs
Annie : 50 yrs
Alfred : Brewer : 20 yrs
Edward William : 18 yrs
Ada Harriett Downs : Domestic Servant : 23 yrs
1911 Census
Alfred Thomas Everett : Brewery Manager : 60 yrs
Annie : 60 yrs
Saturday 30 August 1930
Sale of Good Freehold
On Wednesday Sept 10th 1930
Sale of Good Freehold Investments in Portsmouth
King & King
will also sell by auction, the well built commodious freehold residence being
16 High Street
Let at an inclusive rental of £62 10s per annum
17 High Street
1871 Census
William Cooper : Coachman : 44 yrs
1846 : 13 April, 19 yrs, acquitted of Larceny at Southampton Assizes.
Ann : 35 yrs
William : Upholsterer’s Apprentice : 14 yrs
Albert : 8 yrs
Frederick Wimbleton : Groom : 26 yrs
1881 Census
William Lewis : Labourer : 68yrs
Elizabeth : Housekeeper : 38 yrs
1891 Census
William Doe : Gunner, RA : 28 yrs
Annie : 26 yrs
William : 7 yrs
Minnie K : 1 yr
Minnie Humphrey : 19 yrs
1901 Census
William Passells : Licensed Victualler : 53 yrs
Ellen Beer : 32 yrs
George Passells : Telegraphist : 23 yrs
Arthur : Accountant’s Clerk : 21 yrs
Bessie : 19 yrs
Lilian : 17 yrs
Frank : Carpenter : 16 yrs
James Beer : 10 yrs
Daisy : 8 yrs
Emily : 6 yrs
1911 Census
George Thomas Adams : Wine & Spirit Store Keeper : 30 yrs
Sarah : 31 yrs
George Arthur : 3 yrs.
18 High Street
1851 Census
Edward Rannie : Brewer : 38 yrs
1813 : 4 April, Baptised at St Thomas’s. Father John Rannie, mother Elizabeth
1850 : 25 May, married Mary Connolly at St Mary’s Portsea.
1854 : Died in Portsea.
Mary : 31 yrs
Ann A Conolly : : Annuitant : 63 yrs
Elizabeth Dolman : House Servant : 43 yrs
1861 Census
George Johnson : Coachman : 36 yrs
Harriet : 36 yrs
Harriet : 12 yrs
Elizabeth : 3 yrs
1871 Census
John Pierce : Rigger HM Dockyard : 40 yrs
Louisa : 37 yrs
1881 Census
Alfred T Everett : Sub Manager at Brewers : 30 yrs
Annie : 30 yrs
Emmeline : 5 yrs
Alfred : 3 yrs
Florence A : 1 yr
Elizabeth M Wedge : General Servant : 17 yrs
Fanny Young : General Servant : 15 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Tuesday 1 April 1890
General Servant wanted, at once. Reference required. Apply 18 High Street
1891 Census
Alfred T Everett : Brewery Manager : 40 yrs
Anne : 40 yrs
Emaline R A : 15 yrs
Alfred : 13 yrs
Florence A : 11 yrs
Edward W : 8 yrs
Mary Besty : General Servant : 17 yrs
1901 Census
Edward Price : Electrical Engineer : 50 yrs
Beatrice Maud : : 38 yrs
Dorothy Mary Chatten : 13 yrs
1911 Census
Annie E Tring : Carriage Proprietor : 63 yrs
Richard George : 32 yrs
Florence Isabell Gordon : 24 yrs
Florence Matthews : Domestic : 30 yrs
Richard John O Couch : : 3 yrs
19 High Street
1851 Census
Louisa Evelagh : Lady / Fundholder : 37 yrs
George Carter : 8 Yrs
Augustus : 6 yrs
Edward Charles : 5 yrs
Henry John : Bonham Carter : 3 yrs
Francis W : 2 yrs
Louisa M : 11 months
Elizabeth A Carter : Lady / Fundholder : 21 yrs
Thomas Stidstune : Servant : 49 yrs
Elizabeth : Servant :48 yrs
Fanny : Servant : 18 yrs
James Messum : Servant : 17 yrs
Jane Sellemer : Servant : 32 yrs
Emma : Servant : 25 yrs
Lavinia Rabbitt : Servant : 17 yrs
Sarah Mew : Servant : 27 yrs
1861 Census
Mary Rannie : 42 yrs
Margaret MacNamara : General Servant : 53 yrs
1871 Census
Louisa Evelegh : Wife of Capt Evelegh : 47 yrs
George : Brewer’s Son : 28 yrs
Augustus : Land Surveyer : 26 yrs
Edward : Brewer : 25 yrs
Louis : 12 yrs
Louisa : 20 yrs
Elizabeth : 17 yrs
Ann Tarrant : Cook : 29 yrs
Ann Kirby : Housemaid : 49 yrs
Jane Pearce : Housemaid : 28 yrs
Sarah Rattle : Kitchenmaid : 15 yrs
1881 Census
Ann Newark : Housemaid : 21 yrs
Mary A Clarke : Parlourmaid : 22 yrs
Alice Sorris : Kitchenmaid : 16 yrs
1891 Census
George Bonham Carter : Brewer : 25 yrs
Edwin Shelley : Domestic Servant : 29 yrs
Mona A : Domestic Servant : 28 yrs
Unth A : 4 yrs
1901 Census
Lothian George Bonham-Carter : Brewery Director : 43 yrs
Emily Maud : 43 yrs
Susan Elizabeth Baker : Parlourmaid : 27 yrs
Jessie Ansell Adams : Housemaid : 33 yrs
Sarah Whitehead : : Cook : 21 yrs
Rose Slingelt : Kitchenmaid : 15 yrs
Alice Mary Derbyshire : Maid : 29 yrs
1911 Census
Lothian George Bonham Carter : Brewery Director : 52 yrs
Emily Maud : 52 yrs
Ada Elizabeth Over : Parlourmaid : 26 yrs
Lilian Hester Welch : Housemaid : Housemaid : 21 yrs
Edith Mary Childs : Cook : 27 yrs
Mabel Eliza Smith : Housemaid : 21 yrs
Ethel Florence Maud Landre : Scullery Maid : 16 yrs
Ethel Mary Blanche Titterton : Clerk to Hants County Council : 34 yrs
Portsmouth Eve News : Saturday 16 May 1931
Opposite the Cathedral, The unusually well-built and commodious Freehold Business Property. The front portion comprises business premises of considerable size, with a frontage to High St of about 33 ft., having commodious shop with extensive cellarage. Above approached by a separate side entrance, is a private residence, comprising of 12 good rooms and offices. The whole at present let upon a repairing lease, at £120 per annum, but vacant possession may be obtained
1911 Census : 20, 21 & 22
“Clarence Hotel”
James Ralph : Publican : 56 yrs
Elizabeth : 54 yrs
Emily : Assist in Business : 22 yrs
Grace : 15 yrs
Agnes Gleeson : Solicitor : 29 yrs
Cameron Campbell : Independent Means : 22 yrs
Kathleen : Independent Means : 21 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Saturday 16 May 1931
Monday next, 18th May, 1931, Field and Palmer, to be sold by auction, on the above dat at 6.30 in the evening, the unusually well built and commodious freehold business property, 19 High Street. The front comprises business premises of considerable size with a frontage to High Street of about 33 ft, having commodious shop with extensive cellarage, Above, approached by a separate side entrance, is a private residence, comprising 12 good rooms and offices. The whole at present let upon a repairing lease, at £120 per annum, but vacant possession may be obtained.
20 High Street
1861 Census
George R Evelegh : Captain, Royal Artillery : 45 yrs
1842 : 6 April, married Louisa Carter at St Thomas’s
Louisa : 47 yrs
George C : Assistant : 18 yrs
Augustus : 16 yrs
Edward C : 15 yrs
Henry J : 14 yrs
Bonham C : 13 yrs
Francis : 12 yrs
Louisa M : 10 yrs
Markham A : 9 yrs
Elizabeth A : 7 yrs
Lewis : 2 yrs
Elizabeth Ann Carter : 31 yrs
Martha H Dardelle : Nurse : 31 yrs
Mary Ann Sillevin : Under Nurse :20 yrs
Susan Ingram : Parlourmaid : 31 yrs
Elizabeth Jones : Housemaid : 46 yrs
Mary Smith : Under Housemaid : 20 yrs
Susan Lush : Cook : 31 yrs
Sarah King : Kitchenmaid : 19 yrs
Marian Sawtell : Lady’s maid : 33 yrs
Mary Blackman : Nursemaid : 36 yrs
21 High Street
1861 Census
Patrick Dugan : Retired Outfitter :75 yrs
Emma Frances Picot : Housekeeper : 15 yrs
Emma Jane Sanderson : General Servant : 25 yrs
Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette : Saturday 1 June 1861
23 High Street
Marvin and King are instructed to sell by auction, on the premises, on Tuesday, June 11th, 1861, at 12 o’clock punctually, the whole of the genuine household furniture, dining, drawing and breakfast rooms, four bed - chambers, kitchen, scullery and offices, together with service of silver plate, plated requisites, china and glass, and numerous other matters
1881 Census
“Clarence Tavern”
John A Kleysor : Licensed Victualler : 30 yrs
Frendelslon : 57 yrs
Edward : Instrumental Telegraph Maker : 26 yrs
Jessie Hambledon : Barmaid : 19 yrs
Paula Schwels : Cook : 25 yrs
Sam Vogilsang : Porter : 48 yrs
1891 Census
Jonathan C Neale : Hotel Keeper : 59 yrs
Winifred : 73 yrs
Lucy : 11 yrs
Elizabeth Thomas : Bar & General Help : 35 yrs
Sarah Giles : Cook : 56 yrs
John Yoxall : Servant : 15 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Thursday 1 December 1938
You must see the Slumberland Christmas Display at the leading house furnishers.
The Crown Bedding Company Ltd., 21 High Street
21 / 22 High Street
1851 Census
Patrick Dugan : Woollen Draper & Tailor (emp 8 men) : 65 yrs
Daniel G : Draper’s Assistant : 42 yrs
Charles : Draper’s Assistant : 36 yrs
George : Draper’s Assistant : 28 yrs
Julia Bowers : 21 yrs
Elizabeth : 19 yrs
Emma Vicat : 6 yrs.
1871 Census
George Dean : Hotel Keeper : 57 yrs
Matilda : 42 yrs
George : Upholsterer : 19 yrs
Caroline : Barmaid : 17 yrs
Ellen 14 yrs
David : 8 yrs
Elizabeth : 1 month
Caroline Burdon : Domestic Servant : 54 yrs
Celia Chase : General servant : 16 yrs
Alfred G Chase : Billiard Marker : 22 yrs
Ann Furmidge : General Servant : 16 yrs
1901 Census
George Goldsmith : Licensed Victualler : 43 yrs
Mary Ann : 44 yrs
Oliver : Barman : 15 yrs
Alice : 12 yrs
Mary : 9 yrs
Norah : 4 yrs
22 High Street
1861 Census
Robert Dugan : Tailor & Outfitter : 57 yrs
1841 : Tailor 30 yrs, living in High Street with Daniel 34 yrs & Charles 20 yrs
1851 : Tailor 47 yrs, living at 37 Berkley Street Portsea with wife Matilda, Greengrocer 39 yrs
1871 : Tailor, widower, 61 yrs, living at 20 High Street with daughter Julia 26 yrs
1871 Census
Frederick Hooper : Bank Manager : 31 yrs
Julia : 25 yrs
Amelia : 8 months
Ellen Hattie : General Servant : 18 yrs
Saturday 30 August 1930
Valuable Corner Freehold
The valuable corner freehold property with vacant possession being
22 High Street

23 High Street
Salisbury and Winchester Journal : Monday 31 December 1832
Died, at her house in High Street, in the 84th year of her age, much respected, Margaret, relict of Thomas Meik, MD, , formerly Physician to that garrison, and daughter of the late James Lind, MD, the original and for many rears Physician at Haslar Hospital
1851 Census
Isabella Meik : Gentlewoman / Fundholder : 76 yrs
Eliza Barber : House Servant : 29 yrs
Louisa Champion : Cook : 31 yrs
1861 Census
Isabella Meck : Lady : 86 yrs
Ellen Young : Companion : 38 yrs
Jane Moldrum : Cook 26 yrs
Sarah Sewell : Housemaid : 23 yrs.
1871 Census
Edward Grant : Vicar of Portsmouth : 37 yrs
Madeline : 38 yrs
Madeline : 11 yrs
Frances : 10 yrs
Robert : 9 yrs
Harriet : 7 yrs
Richard Jenkins : Bailiff at County Court : 36 yrs
Mary A : 37 yrs
Grace : 10 yrs
Sophia Meston : Parlourmaid : 21 yrs
Elizabeth Rees : 31 yrs
Alice Wallace : Housemaid : 22 yrs
1881 Census
George C May : Labourer : 54 yrs
Ann May : 49 yrs
1891 Census
Albert Douse : Hotel Keeper : 59 yrs
Elizabeth : 32 yrs
Army and Navy Gazette : Saturday 11 December 1909
Army Navy and General Assurance Association, Limited
23 High Street
1901 Census
Fanny Damp : Caretaker : 70 yrs
Mary Jane : 68 yrs
1911 Census
Frederick George Deacon : Insurance Clerk : 41 yrs
Louisa Maud : 43 yrs
Lionel Alan : 5 yrs

1851 Census
John Casher : Wine Merchant : 40 yrs
William B : Wine Merchant : 38 yrs
Henry J : Wine Merchant : 33 yrs
Helen Silverlock : Housemaid : 39 yrs
Mary A Wilcock : Cook : 50 yrs
1861 Census
Henry Seale : Commercial Clerk : 54 yrs
Sarah : 44 yrs
Sarah : 55 yrs
Rebecca Pile : House Servant : 14 yrs
1891 Census
Alexander Hellard : Solicitor : 54
Catherine, 47
Charles S : Articled Solicitor’s Clerk, 21
Beatrice, 24
Marjorie, 17
Elizabeth Pink : 35 yrs
Eleanor Smith : 23 yrs
1901 Census
Alexander Hellard : Solicitor : 64 yrs
Catherine : 57 yrs
Thomas Stewart : Solicitor : 31 yrs
Lucy Hickens : 28 yrs
Marjorie : 27 yrs
Beatrice Sanders : 30 yrs
Lionel Francis William : : Deputy Groom : 35 yrs
James : 3 months
Annie Barker : Housemaid : 23 yrs
Laura Hughes : Parlourmaid : 31 yrs
Mary McCarthy : Housemaid : 25 yrs
Anne Alice Keech : Cook : 29 yrs
1911 Census
Alexander Hillard : Solicitor : 74 yrs
Catherine : 67 yrs
Charles Stuart : Solicitor : 41 yrs
Lucy Dickens : 38 yrs
Sarah Poole : Cook : 37 yrs
Ada Lizzie Donovan : Parlourmaid : 31 yrs
Rose Lush : Housemaid : 28 yrs
Mabel Grace Maloney : Between Maid : 15 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Saturday 26 April 1930
John A Hooker MA
Private Tutor
Physical & Chemical Labs
25 High Street
Monday 18 May 1789 - Salisbury and Winchester Journal
For Sale by Auction
George Inn : High Street : Auction of 25 Penny Street, on Saturday 30th day of May 1789 at seven o’clock in the evening
1851 Census
George Gillman : Magistrate / Banker : 47 yrs
1834 : 15 April, married A.. Priscilla Casher at St Thomas’s
1841 : Banker 37 yrs, living on High Street with Anne 32 yrs, Ann 5 yrs, Mary 4 yrs, Augusta 2 yrs, Ellen 8 months
1861 : Banker & JP 57 yrs, living at 13 Clarence Parade with Ann 53 yrs, Mary 24 yrs, Ellen 20 yrs, Fanny 18 yrs, Carolin 11 yrs, William 7 yrs
1871 : Magistrate, Banker 67 yrs, living at 13 Clarence Parade with Ann 63 yrs, Ann 35 yrs, Fanny 28 yrs, Alice 26 yrs, Carolin 24 yrs, William 19 yrs.
1877 : Died in Portsea 74 yrs.
Ann : 42 yrs
Ann : 15 yrs
Augusta : 12 yrs
Ellen : 10 yrs
Fanny : 8 yrs
Alice : 6 yrs
George F : 4 yrs
Caroline : 1 yr
Mary A Bacon : Governess : 33 yrs
Ann Newell : Domestic Servant : 29 yrs
Emma Foster : Domestic Servant :24 yrs
Sarah M Carline : Domestic Servant : 18 yrs
1861 Census
John Henney : Bank of England Sug Agent : 71 yrs
Sophia : 61 yrs
Caroline Granger : House Servant : 20 yrs
1871 Census
Francis Barham : Bank Manager : 30 yrs
Sibella : 24 yrs
Charles H E : 1 yr
Elizabeth Chamber : Cook : 25 yrs
Ann Tudor : Nurse : 47 yrs
1881 Census
Hannah Pollard : 30 yrs
Laura Cornish : Housemaid : 19 yrs
William Lee : Footman : 28 yrs
1891 Census
Nicholas E de B Fenwick : Sub Agent Bank of England : 41 yrs
Jessie C F : 34 yrs
Nicholas A F : 9 yrs
Henry E F : 8 yrs
Ernest Spencer : 6 yrs
Julia J W : 5 yrs
Amelia Barr : Head Nurse : 38 yrs
Elizabeth E Cooper : Under Nurse : 14 yrs
Elizabeth Lailer : Parlourmaid : 24 yrs
Lilly Jane Rodaway : Cook : 21 yrs
Anne A Rodaway : Housemaid : 18 yrs
1901 Census
Nicholas Edward Fenwick : Major 60th Rifles : 51 yrs
Jessie Catherine Fitzroy : 44 yrs
Nicholas Alexander F : 2nd Lieutenant Wicklow Artillery : 19 yrs
Julia Isabel : 15 yrs
Mildred K : 10 yrs
Fairford Edmund : 2 yrs
Annie Katerina : Nurse : 39 yrs
Clara Amy Beagley : Parlourmaid : 30 yrs
Evelyn Okes : Housemaid : 20 yrs
Mary Alice Farrow : Cook : 31 yrs
1911 Census
Osborn Symonds : Sub Agent, Bank of England : 39 yrs
Lusie : 26 yrs
Florens Harriet Savill : 22 yrs
26 High Street
1851 Census
“Bank of England”
Henry J Dorrien : Banker : 49 yrs
1861 : Banker 59 yrs, living at Bank of England in High Street
Robert Trodd : Groom : 35 yrs
William Winch : House Servant : 38 yrs
Harriet Hurst : House Servant : 45 yrs
Ann : 29 yrs
Jane Coute : House Servant : 15 yrs
1861 Census
Henry J Morrison : Banker : 59 yrs
Elizabeth Hurst : House Servant : 52 yrs
Ann : House Servant : 38 yrs
Sarah Watkins : House Servant : 15 yrs
William Boorman : Stable Servant : 32 yrs
George Soper : Stable Servant : 18 yrs
1871 Census
Jessie Dick : Cook : 25 yrs
Loftus George : 22 yrs
1881 Census
Horatio Ross : Agent of the Bank of England : 46 yrs
Caroline : 41 yrs
Maria E : 18 yrs
Hercules D : 12 yrs
Edward M : 10 yrs
John A : 7 yrs
George T : 6 yrs
Mabel : 1 yr
Harriet Barham : Housemaid : 22 yrs
Ellen Bray : Parlourmaid : 26 yrs
Ellen Hawkins : Cook : 25 yrs
Eleanor Whale : Nurse : 20 yrs
1891 Census
Horatio S J Ross : Bank Agent, Bank of England : 56 yrs
Caroline : 57 yrs
Edward M : Lieutenant Militia : 20 yrs
John A : 17 yrs
Violet M : 11 yrs
Bessie Golding : Lady’s Maid : 22 yrs
Mary Thomas : Lady’s Maid : 30 yrs
Fanny Sparker : Housemaid : 26 yrs
Dorothy Hardcastle : 5 yrs
Marjorie Hardcastle : 3yrs
1911 Census
Osborn Symonds : Sub Agent, Bank of England : 39 yrs
Lusie : 26 yrs
Florence Harriet Savill : Servant : 22 yrs
27 High Street
1851 Census
John G Dixon : Carpenter Journeyman
Charlotte : 35 yrs
Emma O : 9 yrs
Fanny A : 5 yrs
Lucy A : 2 yrs
Mary A : 42 yrs
1901 Census
Percy James A Murray : 16 yrs
Emma Annie Ward : Lady’s Maid : 40 yrs
Phoebe Monaghan : Cook : 30 yrs
Ethel Maud Sheridon : Parlourmaid : 25 yrs
Amelia Clarissa : Housemaid : 22 yrs
Henrietta Greenhead : Kitchenmaid : 17 yrs
1911 Census
Nicholas Edward de B Fenwick : Banker : 61 yrs
Jessie Catherine Fitzroy : 54 yrs
Nicholas : 29 yrs
Fairfax Edmund be B : 12 yrs
Mildred Kathleen : 19 yrs
Jane Ellen Buller : Cook : 29 yrs
Helen Beatrice Baldry : Parlourmaid : 24 yrs
Edith Minnie Smith : Housemaid : 22 yrs
Lily Weatherley : Kitchenmaid : 16 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Friday 1 May 1936
Board - Residence, comfortable, large rooms, good table, three minutes from sea, central, old fashion garden and lawn. moderate terms. Phone 2626 - 27 High Street
28 High Street
Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 27 May 1816
Eligible Situation for Trade, High Street
To be sold by auction, by Mr Vicat, at the George Inn, Portsmouth, on Thursday, the 30th day of May, 1816, between the hours of six and eight o’clock in the evening, all those extensive and well built freehold premises, part whereof was lately in the tenure of Mr Huish, but now untenanted, and the other part in the tenure of Mr Spraggs, situate at being Nos 28 and 29, in the High Street, the whole measuring in front 40 feet, and in depth 126 feet.
These premises are used as two separate dwelling houses, but may be converted, so as to carry on the most extensive concern, being roomy and convenient; they have lately been put in a most complete state of repair, and form a most desirable residence for a private family, being in the most airy part of the street and fronting the Port Admiral’s, and adjoining the George Inn.
The premises may be viewed at any time, and for further apply to the proprietor, Mr Lipscombe, White Horse Street, the Auctioneer, Oyster Street, or to Mr Capel, Solicitor.
1851 Census
William Crew : Perfumer & Hairdresser : 73 yrs
Fanny : Miniature Painter : 46 yrs
Edward : Engraver : 38 yrs
Lydia Barber : : 11 yrs
Mary Allen : House Servant : 22 yrs
Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 3 November 1860
French Classes
Morning and Evening
Miss Crew, teacher of the French, German and Italian languages, begs to inform her friends that she has several vacancies in her evening class.
Private lessons if required
A drawing class twice a week, as usual, at Miss Crew’s residence, No 28 High Street
1861 Census
Fanny Crow : Teacher of French Grammar : 55 yrs
Edward : Engraver : 47 yrs
Caroline Barber : Assistant in the Shop : 24 yrs
Elizabeth Oxford : Demestic Servant : 50 yrs
Thomas Cousins : Attorney & Solicitor : 28 yrs
1871 Census
Edward Crew : Engraver : 77 yrs
Fanny Crew :Teacher of Languages : 65 yrs
Edward : Engraver : 37 yrs
Fanny : 76 yrs
Lydia Barder : Assistant to Engraver : 30 yrs
Ann Bendall : General Servant : 20 yrs
1881 Census
William Hawkes : Merchant : 45 yrs
Mary : 47 yrs
Alice Horton : General Servant : 24 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Friday 21 March 1890
Cricket, Lawn tennis, Boxing Gloves and all sporting goods, cheapest and best in Portsmouth. Graham’s, 28 High Street.
1891 Census
Robert L Luck : Theatrical Costumier & Outfitter : 40 yrs
Harriet : 36 yrs
Lionel G : 17 yrs
Percy R : 15 yrs
Agnes M L : 12 yrs
Joy : 10 yrs
Rob C D : 8 yrs
Harry : 6 yrs
Harrie : 4 yrs
Cyne Leslie : 1 month
Portsmouth Evening News : Monday 23 March 1891
Balls - Ladies and gentlemen’s fancy costumes, hire, from 2s 6d, no deposit required, at Graham’s, 28 High Street
Portsmouth Evening News : Saturday 27 February 1892
For Sale - very handsome Manchester terrier Bitch, maiden, very affectionate, also kennel.
Lionel Graham, 28 High Street
1901 Census
George Frederick Bevis : Retired Builder : 58 yrs
Annie : 56 yrs
Ethel Grace : 25 yrs
George Frederick : Chemist’s Apprentice : 19 yrs
Clara Maud : 18 yrs
Frank Wilfed : Grocer’s Apprentice : 16 yrs
Kate : 14 yrs
1911 Census
George Frederick Bevis : Retired Builder : 69 yrs
Ann : 67 yrs
Ethel Grace : 35 yrs
Clara Maud : Teacher of Domestic science : 28 yrs
Kate : Student : 24 yrs
Kathleen Alice Pearson :
29 High Street
Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 27 May 1816
Eligible Situation for Trade, High Street
To be sold by auction, by Mr Vicat, at the George Inn, Portsmouth, on Thursday, the 30th day of May, 1816, between the hours of six and eight o’clock in the evening, all those extensive and well built freehold premises, part whereof was lately in the tenure of Mr Huish, but now untenanted, and the other part in the tenure of Mr Spraggs, situate at being Nos 28 and 29, in the High Street, the whole measuring in front 40 feet, and in depth 126 feet.
These premises are used as two separate dwelling houses, but may be converted, so as to carry on the most extensive concern, being roomy and convenient; they have lately been put in a most complete state of repair, and form a most desirable residence for a private family, being in the most airy part of the street and fronting the Port Admiral’s, and adjoining the George Inn.
The premises may be viewed at any time, and for further apply to the proprietor, Mr Lipscombe, White Horse Street, the Auctioneer, Oyster Street, or to Mr Capel, Solicitor.
1851 Census : No 29
Elizabeth Wilson : Annuitant : 53 yrs
Caroline : Milliner : 24 yrs
Charles Knight : Victualler : 38 yrs
Jane : 37 yrs
Jessie Beazley : 14 yrs
Dinah : 7 yrs
Charles G Knight : 4 yrs
Frank : 11 months
Jane Cotton : Nurse Maid : 17 yrs
Mary Ann Allsop : Cook : 25 yrs
1861 Census
Charles J Fowler : Captain, Royal Engineers : 34 yrs
John Morton : Servant : 47 yrs
Esther : Servant : 47 yrs
Joseph : 10 yrs
1871 Census
Anthony F Barford : Outfitter : 34 yrs
Frances Grimes : Housekeeper : 18 yrs
Saturday 11 June 1870, Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette
A F Barfoed’s
12s Trousers, and £2 Suits
Unequalled quality of Material and Good Fit
29 High Street
Next to the George Hotel
1901 Census : No 29
Henry Russell : Roman Catholic Priest : 40 yrs
George Spiers : Retired Farmer : 54 yrs
Rose : Housekeeper : 57 yrs
Emma : Governess : 23 yrs
1911 Census
John Puckering Leach : Chemist : 24 yrs
Caroline : 24 yrs
Nellie Mary : 21 yrs
31 High Street
1891 Census
John Clegg : Bank Manager : 43 yrs
1881 : Bank Manager 33 yrs, living at 32 High Street with parents Samuel Samuel 84 yrs and Harriett 75 yrs
1911 : Retired Bank Manager 63 yrs, living at 9 Campbell Road Southsea with wife Grace Mary 37 yrs and stepson Percival Eldridge 16 yrs
Eliza Mintram : Housekeeper : 31 yrs
Alice : 8 yrs
1901 Census
John Clegg : Bank Manager : 53 yrs
Louisa Eleanor Andrews : Housekeeper : 27 yrs
Emily E J Sight : General Servant : 24 yrs
1911 Census
Harry Arthur Dart : Bank Manager : 41 yrs
Edith Gertrude Need : General Servant : 25 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Tuesday 30 August 1927
Small, white, rough haired bitch, brown patch on left eye. Martin, 31 St Thomas’s Street
32 High Street
1851 Census
Betsy Mitchell : Naval Outfitter & Tailor (emp 5 men & 1 boy) ; 53 yrs
Sarah M : 29 yrs
Emily : 23 yrs
Louisa Ann : 21 yrs
Caroline : 18 yrs
Mary : 14 yrs
Walter Oliver : 12 yrs
Clara A : 10 yrs
Marcus F W : 6 yrs
Caroline Houghton : House Servant : 20 yrs
Alice E : House Servant : 16 yrs
Saturday 23 July 1859
To Outfitters, Drapers and others
To let, with immediate possession, all those extensive business premises, being No 32 in the High Street, next door to the George Hotel.
1871 Census
Frederick J Hooper : Bank Manager : 31 yrs
1841 L 2 yrs, living in St Thomas’s Street with William 27 yrs, Caroline 26 yrs, William 3 yrs & Elizabeth 63 yrs
Julia : 25 yrs
Madeline : 11 yrs
Frances : 10 yrs
Robert : 9 yrs
Harriet M : 7 yrs
1881 Census
Harriet : Nurse : 34 yrs
Samuel Clegg : Retired : 80 yrs
Harriet : 75 yrs
John : Bank Manager : 33 yrs
Annie M McDonald : General Servant : 29 yrs
1891 Census
St Thomas Vicarage
Madeline C Grant : 58 yrs
Madeline L : 31 yrs
Sarah Hayman : Cook : 24 yrs
Ada Baker : Housemaid : 18 yrs
Florence E Norman : Parlourmaid : 25 yrs
1901 Census
Daniel Charles West Darnall : Clergyman, C of E : 60 yrs
Elizabeth : 57 yrs
Elizabeth Alicia : 34 yrs
Amy Beatrix : 27 yrs
Dorothy G : Art Student : 24 yrs
Mary E H Trehearne : Own Means : 78 yrs
William M Fernaux : Clergyman C of E : 53 yrs
Clara Louisa Reiss : Art Student : 28 yrs
Elizabeth Ann Bothill : Parlourmaid : 26 yrs
Fanny Diaper : Housemaid : 19 yrs
Edith Annie Smith : Cook : 21 yrs
1911 Census
Robert Summer Medlicott : Clergyman : 42 yrs
Ellen Douglas : 34 yrs
Margaret Edith : 40 yrs
Grace Katherine : 39 yrs
Annette Daby : Lady Nurse : 27 yrs
Joan Douglas Medlicott : 7 months
Eliza Drage : Cook : 54 yrs
Margaret Starling : Lady’s maid : 38 yrs
Lilian Edith Dumper : Parlourmaid : 27 yrs
Edith Ellen Marratt : Housemaid : 22 yrs
Hilda Gergina Trebble : Housemaid : 19 yrs
Harry Lewis : House Boy : 15 yrs
33 High Street
1861 Census
John P McPhie : Vicar of Portsmouth : 56 yrs
Janet W Pugh : 56 yrs
James : 27 yrs
Katherine : Clerk, Admiralty, Somerset House : 23 yrs
Eliza Newman : 48 yrs
Frances Brown : 28 yrs
1871 Census
Edward J Grant : Vicar of Portsmouth : 37 yrs
Madeline C : 38 yrs
Madeline L : 11 yrs
Frances M : 10 yrs
Robert E : 9 yrs
Harriet M : 7 yrs
Sophia M Masters : Parlour Maid : 21 yrs
Elizabeth A Rees : Cook : 31 yrs
Alice Walters : Housemaid : 22 yrs
1881 Census
Edward Grant : Vicar : 47 yrs
Madeline : 21 yrs
Frances M : 20 yrs
Louisa C Angell : Housemaid : 14 yrs
Mary Hughes : Cook : 39 yrs
Ann Humby : Parlourmaid : 25 yrs
1891 Census
“Corinthian Yacht Club”
John Hams : Club Steward : 28 yrs
Martha M : 31 yrs
Henry Gray : Page : 16 yrs
George Redman : Waiter : 25 yrs
Henry Smith : Hall Porter : 24 yrs
George Thorn : Porter : 24 yrs
Edward Lock : Hall Porter : 19 yrs
1901 Census
Edward Lock : Waiter : 28 yrs
Robert H Broom : Waiter : 33 yrs
John Dymond : Porter : 48 yrs
34 High Street
Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 6 June 1836
Portsmouth and Portsea Bank for Savings
The office of the above institution is removed to No 34, High Street, formerly the Crown Hotel.
Saturday 31 August 1844, Hampshire Telegraph
Mr Blackwell’s Furniture Warehouse
Kerry Evening Post : Wednesday 29 January 1845
Portsmouth, Jan 22 : At about six o’clock this morning a fire broke out in the back of a house, in the centre of High Street, occupied by Mr Blackwell, furniture and cabinet maker. It was first discovered by Dr McLean, of the 76th Regiment, a lodger in the house, who was awoke by a strong smell of smoke. He immediately awoke the people of the house, and gave the alarm. The town and government authorities were soon on the spot with engines &c., but some time elapsed before water could be procured. The military were soon present and too much praise cannot be given to the judicious placing of sentries to preserve the property carried out into St Thomas’s churchyard for safety. The fire raged with extreme violence for some time. Fortunately there was no wind, and at nine o’clock no further danger was apprehended. At one time great anxiety was felt for the fate of the two adjoining houses. The one occupied by the Rev Mr McGhie was on fire for a short period and the one occupied by Mr Sergeant, fruiterer, was in considerable danger. The furniture from both houses was thrown out and carried into safety, but received considerable damage. A great portion of Mr Blackwell’s stock was burned, and the damage has been estimated at £3000 ; but we hear that the stock was insured to the tune of £1000. We are sorry to say that Dr McLean, who discovered the fire, has lost the whole of his wardrobe, the room he occupied as a sleeping room being entirely consumed. Captain Searle, RN CB and family who likewise had apartments in the house, saved their effects. We hear that the cellar of the house was a large quantity of powder, it is said as much as three or four barrels; providently did not ignite, or the destruction would have been most distressing. The house partially consumed is well known to naval and military people as being part of the once well frequented Crown Hotel.
1851 Census
John P McGhie : Vicar of Portsmouth : 45 yrs
Martha Sweetland : House Servant : 47 yrs
Frances Brown : House Servant : 19 yrs
John Edmund Bates : House Servant : 17 yrs
1881 Census
G. Brown : Billiard Marker : 20 yrs
John Smith : Retired Army Capt : 64 yrs
Charles Taylor : Waiter : 19 yrs
Stephen Wallis : Waiter : 21 yrs
1891 Census
Edwin Spinner : Hairdresser & Tobacconist : 39 yrs
Cecelia : 42 yrs
Edward H : 12 yrs
George G Burt : Apprentice Hairdresser & Tobacconist : 16 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Saturday 6 April 1895
Lost - Tuesday, silk umbrella, black handle, silver mounts. Reward for returning same to Spinner, Hairdresser, High Street.
1911 Census
Herbert Edward Vosper : Engineer : 60 yrs
Frances : 59 yrs
Gertie Cartlidge : General Servant :
Portsmouth Evening News : Saturday 27 March 1920
Monday 12th April, 1920
34 High Street
Field and Palmer
are instructed by the owner, on leaving Portsmouth, as above, commencing at twelve o’clock noon - a portion of the household furniture and effects. Bedsteads, bedding, adjustable mahogany invalid’s couch, 3 ft 8 ins Mahogany hanging wardrobe with mirror door, mahogany Pembroke table, a 2ft 6 ins fumed oak Secretaire bookcase, 4 ft dresser sideboard, screw extending dining table, 3 ft mahogany chiffonier, and miscellaneous effects.
35 High Street
Hampshire Chronicle : Saturday 26 March 1796
“Crown Inn”
To be sold by auction, by Mr Collins, on Thursday the 31st day of March, 1796, at the Crown Inn, in the High Street, Portsmouth, at six o’clock in the evening :-
Lot 1 : All that large and convenient double dwelling house, with proper and suitable offices, well calculated for the residence of a genteel family, situate in Penny Street, formerly the residence of Samuel Ballard Esq., deceased, but now of Thomas Bartlett Esq
Lot 2 : All that messuage and tenement, situate near the centre of the |High Street, lately occupied by Mr Burrell, but now by Mr Jackson, hairdressers, for which business it is particularly adapted, from its vicinity to the principal Inns; or it may, with very little alteration, be converted into a desirable residence for a private family.
Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 10 June 1816
To London, Wonderful Rapidity with Perfect Safety. ‘The Hero’, a light coach, from the Crown Hotel, Portsmouth, leaves eight o’clock in the morning, to dine in London, and will arrive at half past four, an opportunity never before offered the public. It travels at near nine miles an hour, goes over Putney Bridge, through Piccadilly, to the Golden Cross. To persons on urgent business it affords several hours to transact it, and return by the mail the same evening.
Fares : Inside - £1 10s
Outside - 15s
Performed by James Neyler, William Horne, & Co.
Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 16 June 1817
Crown Hotel, Portsmouth, June 11, 1817
Town and Garrison Races
Ordinaries and Assembly
Under the Patronage and Direction of the Stewards
James Neyler most respectfully begs to announce the Race ordinary each day, at the Crown Assembly Rooms, at six o’clock
Tickets 14s
It is particularly requested that gentlemen who intend to dine, will leave their names at the Crown bar, before twelve.
The Race Ball will be held at the Assembly Rooms, Green Row, on the evening of First Race day, Tuesday the 17th
Tickets 4s
Stewards : Capt Minchin, 51st Light Regt., Lieut Ramsden, RA, Mr J K Turner, Major Wall, RA, Judge, Major Ashurst, Treasurer
Kerry Evening Post : Wednesday 29 January 1845
At about six o’clock this morning a fire broke out in the back of a house. in the centre of High Street,, occupied by Mr Blackwell, furniture broker and cabinet maker. It was first discovered by Dr McLean, of the 76th Regiment, a lodger in the house, who was awoke by a strong smell of smoke. He immediately awoke the people in the house, and gave the alarm. The town and government authorities were soon on the spot with engines &c., but some time elapsed before water could be procured. The military were soon present, and too much praise cannot be given to the judicious placing of sentries to preserve the property carried out into St Thomas’s churchyard for safety.. The fire raged with extreme violence for some time. Fortunately, there was not any wind, and at nine o’clock, no further damage was apprehended. At one time great anxiety was felt for the fate of the two adjoining houses. The one occupied by the Rev Mr McGhie was on fire for a short period, and the one occupied by Mr Sergeant, fruiterer, was in considerable danger. The furniture from both houses was thrown out and carried to safety, but received considerable damage. A great portion of Mr Blackwell’s stock was burned, and the damage has been estimated at £3000; but we hear hear that thew stock was insured to the tune of £1000. We are sorry to say that Dr McLean, who discovered the fire, has lost the whole of his wardrobe, the room he occupied as a sleeping-room being entirely consumed. Captain Searle RN, CB and family, who likewise had apartments in the house, saved their effects. We hear that in the cellar of the house was a large quantity of power (it is sad as much as three or four barrels); providentially this did not ignite, or the destruction of life and property would have been most distressing. The house partially consumed is well known to naval and military people as being part of the once well-frequented Crown Hotel.
1851 Census
John Blackwell : Upholsterer : 47 yrs
Ann : 35 yrs
Edward : 8 yrs
Ann E : 5 yrs
Roderick F : 4 yrs
Hannah S : 3 yrs
Sarah Hunt : House Servant : 36 yrs
Sarah Slade : House Servant : 23 yrs
1911 Census
Samuel Turner : Agent & Traveller (Whisky) : 34 yrs
Jessie : 25 yrs
35½ High Street
William Barton : Agent to Pickford Carriers : 43 yrs
Ann : 40 yrs
Mary A King : 12 yrs
36 High Street
Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 21 July 1823
Piano Forte and Harp Warehouse, 36 High Street, Portsmouth
Formerly the Coffee Room of the Crown Hotel
J W Braddock, repairer, regulator and tuner of piano fortes and harps, from London, has the honour of announcing to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Portsmouth, Portsea, Gosport and adjacent country, that he has just returned from London with an extensive and truly elegant assortment of patent horizontal and upright Grand, Cabinet, Cottage and Square piano fortes ; with several superior toned double and single action harps, with musical instruments of every description, manufactured by the most celebrated makers, at the London prices.
1851 Census
Julius Roberts : First Lieutenant RM Artillery : 29 yrs
Henry B Irskine : Second Lieutenant RM Artillery : 29 yrs
William Sargeant : Fruit Merchant : 51 yrs
Mary : 50 yrs
Mary Hollis : 27 yrs
Edwin : Draughtsman : 27 yrs
Ellen : 4 yrs
1871 Census
Edward Mackin : Perfumer : 45 yrs
Frances : 39 yrs
Arthur : Assistant : 17 yrs
Henry : Assistant : 13 yrs
Edgar : 12 yrs
Allice : 10 yrs
Kate : 8 yrs
Augusta : 5 yrs
Albert : 4 yrs
Alfred : 2 yrs
Douglas : 1 month
1881 Census
James Monck : Refreshment House Keeper : 37 yrs
Bessie : 27 yrs
Leonard : 25 yrs
Emma : 23 yrs
Sarah Bayliss : General Servant : 21 yrs
James Bodle : Hairdresser : 38 yrs
Elizabeth : 37 yrs
Sarah Cousins : General Servant : 24 yrs
Ella Dawton : 11 yrs
George Lane : Retired Outfitter : 60 yrs
1891 Census
Edwin Payne : Dairyman : 36 yrs
Susan : 37 yrs
Sidney E : 13 yrs
William M : 12 yrs
Nellie B : 10 yrs
Herbert A : 7 yrs
Edith L : 2 yrs
Edith Knott : General Servant : 23 yrs
Diss Express : Friday 8 June 1894
Marriage : May 13th at St Margaret’s Church, Plumstead, by the Rev A McAlister, Christopher Chapman Munn, of Diss, to Emma Lavinia, second daughter of the late Mr B Monck of 36 High Street
1901 Census
Rowland J Loader : Saddler & Harness Maker : 61 yrs
Eliza Ann : 45 yrs
Louis Charles : 28 yrs
Clarissa R Messenger : School Mistress : 23 yrs
1911 Census
Albert Edward Mason : Butcher : 38 yrs
Edith E : 44 yrs
Arthur E : 13 yrs
George E : 9 yrs
Soloman Haynes : Skilled Dockyard Labourer : 40 yrs
Margaret : 40 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Saturday 12 November 1938
Geoffrey Grigg
The Butcher of Waterlooville
has bought Masons
36 High Street
Unlimited supply of Scotch Beef, Southdown Lamb and Mutton
All killed at our own Registered Slaughter-house, Waterlooville
Dairy Fed Pork
Pork Sausages ... 1/2 per pound
Pork and Beef Sausages 50/50 ... 8d per pound
Beef Sausages ... 6d per pound
36a High Street
Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette : Saturday 29 October 1870
Book, Stationery, & Fancy Warehouse
36a High Street
Thomas Lewis
1871 Census
Emma Brown : 16 yrs
Jessie : 14 yrs
Ellen : 10 yrs
Frances Colly : General Servant : 57 yrs
Mary Speck : Governess : 37 yrs
37 High Street
Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 20 July 1835
Officers fitting for the Spanish Service are respectfully informed that they may be supplied with every article of cavalry and Infantry equipment from patterns supplied by General Evans and Colonel Kinloch, at W Dixon’s, Military Trouser Maker, 37 High Street. Regimentals in a superior style, equal to any of the first houses produce.
The Portsmouth Papers / High Street / 1848
At Mr Chamney’s shop, No 37, could be bought pastries and pies, and digestive and fancy bread, ready for shipment of household use.
1851 Census
George Fowler : Hairdresser & Perfumer : 35 yrs
Elizabeth : 31 yrs
Ellen E : 8 yrs
Elizabeth : 6 yrs
George E : 4 yrs
Merina : 1 yr
Elizabeth Hayson : House Servant : 19 yrs
1861 Census
Alexander Abrahams : Working Jeweller : 33 yrs
Rachael : 35 yrs
Rachael : 9 yrs
Abraham : 3 yrs
Israel : 1 yr
A (sister) : 17 yrs
Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette : Saturday 28 September 1867
By order of the Mortgagee under power of sale. King and King are instructed to sell by auction at their rooms, 130 Queens Street, on Wednesday, October 16th, 1867, at seven o’clock punctually, -
37 High Street
A Business Premises having a commanding frontage in the best portion of the street and tenanted by Mr Abrahams and Mr Moss
18 East Street
A dwelling house let to Mr Duckett, with two tenements in rear. Together with
The office at corner of camber tenanted by Messrs Fraser and White
1871 Census
Alexander Abrahams : Chandler : 42 yrs
Rachel : 45 yrs
Rachel : Assistant : 18 yrs
Abraham : 13 yrs
Grad : 11 yrs
Jane : 9 yrs
Esther : 7
Epharim : 5 yrs
Hannah : 3 yr
Alice Cass : General Servant : 14 yrs
1881 Census
William R Wosakle : Commercial Traveller : 37 yrs
Alice E : 29 yrs
William G : 8 yrs
Alice A : 7 yrs
Kate : 5 yrs
Louisa F : 3 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Wednesday 2 June 1886
Girls wanted for the folding. Apply Hampshire Printing Works, 37 High Street
Portsmouth Evening News : Friday 2 July 1886
5s reward, lost between Gunwharf and St Thomas’s, purse containing £1 8 2d (soldier’s pay). Bring to 37 High Street.
1891 Census
R Belber : Domstic servant : 20 yrs
John : 1 yr
Horace : 6 months
John Mackie : Printer : 41 yrs
1901 Census
Onslow J Billinghurst : Accountant’s Clerk : 34 yrs
Ellen : 35 yrs
Bruce O : 5 months
George Chestle : Commercial Traveller : 26 yrs
1911 Census
Edward Denham : Grocer’s Manager : 48 yrs
Emily : 40 yrs
Dorothy Padwick : 15 yrs
Norman : 6 yrs
38 High Street
1851 Census
John Groves : Butcher (emp 2 men & 1 boy) : 48 yrs
Jane : 46 yrs
William Coolender : Butcher’s Assistant : 24 yrs
Edwin Body : Butcher’s Assistant : 18 yrs
Mary Pay : House Servant : 30 yrs
Sarah Crout : House Servant : 30 yrs
1861 Census
John Groves : Butcher : 58 yrs
Jane : 56 yrs
Henry : Butcher : 23 yrs
Edwin : Book Seller ; 22 yrs
Mary Pay : Cook : 40 yrs
Fanny Galpine : Housemaid : 19 yrs
Robert Green : Butcher : 20 yrs
1871 Census
Henry Groves : Butcher : 33 yrs
Mary Britton : General Servant : 22 yrs
Edward Gittins : Butcher’s Shopman : 26 yrs
Mary Pay : Housekeeper : 50 yrs
Hampshire Advertiser : Wednesday 15 August 1877
The two houses in High Street and one in Pembroke Street, the property of the late Mr Henry Groves, which was purchased by Mr Emanuel and resold to the Corporation for £2500, have been again sold by public auction by Messrs King & King, and purchased by Mr Gibbs for £2000, with the stipulation that the houses are to be set back, so as to increase the width of Pembroke Street by upwards of six feet. This will be a great improvement, and will cost the Corporation but a little over £500.
1881 Census
Samuel Smith : Grocer : 47 yrs
Annie : 47 yrs
Sarah L E : 19 yrs
Mary L : 17 yrs
Alice E : 16 yrs
Henry R : 14 yrs
Joseph W : 12 yrs
Ann Cooper : General Servant : 17 yrs
Friday 24 April 1885
Smith & Vosper - Special Notice
Reduction in all butters
Fresh printed butter (country) 1s 4d
Fresh Roll ditto 1s 8d
Finest Normandy 1s 3d
Fine Irish 1s 2d
Good Irish 1s
Finest Butterine 10d
1901 Census
George H Meades : Baker : 29 yrs
Alice E : 34 yrs
39 High Street
Hampshire Advertiser : Saturday 14 October 1848
Frederick Mills, a private in the Royal Artillery, was placed in the dock, charged with having, about eleven o’clock that morning, broken a pane of glass in the shop of Stephen Burrows, High Street. It appeared that the man was standing in front of the prosecutor’s shop, and just as the Superintendent of Police came up, he exclaimed, “Look here,” and immediately thrust his fist through a pane of glass. The defendant appeared to be labouring under the influence of drink, and the Sergeant Major said he had lately been in hospital, when at Woolwich, ninety days during which time he had been cupped and had a seton through his neck. Major Travers remarked that he was sorry to see a soldier placed in such a position, tradesmen must be protected, and the sentence of the court was, that he pay the value of the glass broken (1s 6d) and 7s costs.
1851 Census
Stephen Burrows : Fruiterer : 47 yrs
Sarah : 42 yrs
Robert : Fruiterer : 23 yrs
Ann Clark : House Servant : 29 yrs
Mary Quinnell : Charwoman : 57 yrs
1871 Census
John Symonds (1825 - 1871) : Photographer : 45 yrs
Eliza : 44 yrs
Kate : Assistant : 21 yrs
Maria Needes : General Servant : 18 yrs
Hampshire Telegraph
2 August 1871
Extraordinary Suicide of a Portsmouth Tradesman
A shocking suicide was committed last (Tuesday) evening at the South of England Music Hall, in St Mary's Street. Between eight and nine o'clock Mr Symonds, photographer, of the High Street, walked into the bar attached to the boxes, calls for a glass of brandy and water ans asked the barmaid,"Should you not be surprised to hear of my being carried out of this hall dead tonight?" The young woman made no reply ; and Mr Symonds appears to have passed into the boxes. A few minutes afterwards he suddenly fell back in his seat; and Mr Morley, surgeon, of St Mary's Street, was called in. On the arrival of that gentleman, he found that his life was extinct; and on examing the glass from which the deceased had been drinking, a large quantity of cyanide of potassium was found in it. The body of Mr Symonds was at once removed to his residence; and the shocking occurrence caused a temporary suspension of the performance at the Hall. It appears that Mr Symonds, who had but little difficulty in obtaining the poison, as it is used in the business of a photographer, purchased it in the course of the day at the shop of Mr Parsonsd, chemst, of St Mary's Street. An inquest on the body will probably be held today.
1881 Census
John G Brown : Photographer : 55 yrs
Elizabeth : 54 yrs
Kathleen Donovan : 7 yrs
Ellen Kinch : General Servant : 26 yrs
1891 Census
Ellen Kinch 33 yrs
1901 Census
John Edward Brown : Photographer : 75 yrsi
Emily Elizabeth Aspinall : Domestic Servant : 27 yrs
40 High Street
1851 Census
Charles Lawler : Messenger Court of Bankruptcy : 50 yrs
1861 Census
Thomas Aylwin : Saddler & Harness Maker : 30 yrs
Mary : 20 yrs
Angelina : Housekeeper : 21 yrs
Arthur : Saddler’s Apprentice : 11 yrs
Agnes : 10 yrs
William Gardner : Clerk in District Pay Office : 32 yrs
Caroline : 29 yrs
William H J : 1 yr
1871 Census
Angelina Hyde : 31 yrs
Alice : 9 months
Thomas Aylwin : Saddler : 45 yrs
Peter : Boot Maker : 36 yrs
Emily : 34 yrs
Emily : 11 yrs
Thomas : Saddler : 40 yrs
Angelina : Housekeeper : 41 yrs
1891 Census
Mary Adamson : 59 yrs
Angelina Hyde : Saddler : 57 yrs
1901 Census
Angelina Hide : Saddler : 50 yrs
1911 Census
Angelina Hyde : Saddler’s Shop : 72 yrs

41 High Street
“Dolphin Hotel”
Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 13 August 1792
To be let, and entered on immediately, The Dolphin Inn, opposite the market place, in the High Street.
For particulars (if by letter, post paid) enquire of Mr Rood, on the premises
Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 22 July 1793
For sale at Portsmouth, the following capital vessels, at the Dolphin, High Street, on Monday the 5th day of August, 1793, at ten o’clock in the forenoon :
The Guidelou, prize of his Majesty’s ship Boyne, an entire new vessel, launched about three months ago, well found in sails, rigging, and stores of all kinds, and may be sent to sea at a small expense. She is well built and strong on the construction of a cutter, but with a carvel or plain bottom. She sails remarkably fast, and could not have been taken but for the mismanagement of the French officers in a gale of wind. Length of keel about 78 feet, breadth of beam 30 feet, pierced for 20 guns, and has 18 mounted.
The Curieux, a French man-of-war brig, taken by his Majesty’s ship Inconstant : a remarkable fine vessel, carvel built, about 300 tons burthen, pierced for 16 guns, and particularly well adapted either for a cruiser, a packet, or a yacht : having capital accommodations : copper fastened and sheathed. She sails exceedingly fast, and is well found in stores of all kinds.
At the same time will be sold, a very quantity of ordnance, victualling and ships stores, landed out of the French Frigate La Cleopatre, taken by his Majesty’s ship La Nymphe : and La Prompte, taken by his Majesty’s ship, the Phaeton and Weazle.
For particulars apply to Mr Lindegren, Portsmouth.
Salisbury and Winchester Journal : Monday 30 September 1799
To be sold by auction by Mr Collins, on the premises, on Thursday the 3rd day of October next, at seven o’clock in the evening,
All that capital and well accustomed free-hold tavern or public house bearing the sign of the Dolphin, situate in the most public part of the market place, on the south side of the High street, consisting of a spacious tap-room, and room over the same about 40 feet by 15, eight sitting parlours, seven bed chambers, excellent cool cellars, a wash-house, and kitchen, and every other convenience for the business, with the additional advantage of a passage into Penny Street, now occupied by Mr Richard Prince, the proprietor. The whole is in the most complete repair, and immediate possession will be delivered to the purchaser.
For further particulars enquire of Mr Richard Prince on the premises, or of Mr Greetham, High Street.
Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 25 June 1832
Dolphin Tavern, High Street, Portsmouth
To be let, with immediate possession (as the present tenant is about to embark in another business), the above desirable premises. For particulars, apply Mr James Crawford, the present tenant.
Hampshire Advertiser : Saturday 16 September 1837
The Portsmouth Philharmonic Society commenced the season at the Dolphin Inn Assembly Room, High Street, on Tuesday evening, which was numerously attended, and went off with great eclat.
1851 Census
“Dolphin Tavern”
Charles Roberts : Commercial Hotel : 51 yrs
Eliza : 39 yrs
Elizabeth : 14 yrs
George : 12 yrs
Eliza : 2 yrs
Sarah Colwell : House Servant : 25 yrs
1861 Census
“Dolphin Hotel”
William Bond : Victualler : 44 yrs
Caroline : 43 yrs
William : Shipwright’s Apprentice : 19 yrs
George : Shipwright’s Apprentice : 16 yrs
Kate : 15 yrs
Caroline : 14 yrs
Frederick : 12 yrs
Harry : 11 yrs
Elizabeth Clark : Cook : 24 yrs
Ann Smith : Housemaid ; 24 yrs
Frederick Sayers : Billiard Marker : 18 yrs
Thomas Bartlett : Boot Maker : 35 yrs
Eliza Hillman : Housekeeper : 35 yrs
1871 Census
“Dolphin Hotel”
William Bond : Inn Keeper : 54 yrs
Kate : 25 yrs
Carrie : 24 yrs
Frederick : Draper : 23 yrs
Frederick Weddle : Commercial Traveller : 28 yrs
Mary Ann Collis : Barmaid : 18 yrs
Elizabeth Mitchell : Cook : 29 yrs
Henry Prow : General Servant : 16 yrs
Martha Seadler : Domestic Servant : 26 yrs
Lucy Wilson : Cook : 28 yrs
1881 Census
“Dolphin Hotel”
William Bond : Hotel Keeper : 64 yrs
Ann : School Teacher : 15 yrs
Henry Vidham : Law Student : 26 yrs
Joseph Cratchley : Waiter : 21 yrs
Sarah A Harriett : Housemaid : 20 yrs
John Hayward : Retired Paymaster RN : 59 yrs
Maria Hayward : 46 yrs
Eliza H M Holland : Barmaid : 20 yrs
Mary Minton : Cook : 43 yrs
Thomas Smith : Boots : 16 yrs
Susan Welch : Kitchenmaid : 15 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Wednesday 28 February 1883
Wanted - A Cook, Kitchenmaid, and Waitress.
Apply between 12 and 1 : Dolphin Hotel
1891 Census
“Dolphin Hotel”
James Innes : Hotel Keeper : 54 yrs
Grace A : 53 yrs
Alice M : Governess School : 24 yrs
Grace M : 16 yrs
Henry P : 12 yrs
George F Phipps : Commercial Traveller : 41 yrs
Isabel Kempton : Domestic Waitress : 20 yrs
Hubert Rogers : Boots : 24 yrs
1901 Census
James Innes : Licensed Victualler : 64 yrs
Grace A : 63 yrs
Kate O’Shea : Barmaid : 23 yrs
Ellen O’Connell : Housemaid : 28 yrs
Hettie Henning : Cook : 23 yrs
Herbert G Alner : Porter : 18 yrs
Carl Magnus Ryshon : Swedish Officer : 42 yrs
1911 Census
James Innes : Hotel Proprietor : 74 yrs
Grace A : 73 yrs
Henry P : Portrait Painter : 32 yrs
Winifred : 30 yrs
Malcolm : 5 months
Charles Albert Wright : Hotel Porter : 46 yrs
Rachel Reynolds : Hotel Cook : 37 yrs
Lewik King : Hotel Waiter : 24 yrs
Gladys A M Potts : Nursemaid : 14 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Monday 25 January 1943
A technical offence against the Licensing Laws came before the Magistrates this morning, and after the hearing lasting only a few minutes, Mr A J Steadman and Mr T Carmichael, who adjudicated, found the two defendants guilty, and dismissed the the cases on payment of costs, 4s each.
The allegation was that Archibald Douglas Scott, licensee of the Pembroke public house, consumed drink during non-permitted hours on November 30 at the Dolphin, 41 High Street, and that Stuart Reginald Baker, manager of the Dolphin Hotel, aided and abetted Scott in committing the offence.
42 High Street
Salisbury and Winchester Journal : Monday 16 August 1784
R Rood, No 42 High Street, successor to Mr John Wright, wine merchant, respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has purchased the stock in trade, and entered the business of Mr Wright, and humbly solicits the favours of that gentleman’s former customers, and those of the public in general, who may depend on being served with the best wine of all kinds, on moderate terms, and on the shortest notice.
NB - Mr Rood returns his most sincere thanks for the favours he has received of the Porter business, and solicits a continuance of them, having a continual supply of fine London Porter, which he sells at the usual price, in casks or bottles.
Poltergeist Activity in a Wine Merchant's House, High Street
Unsurprisingly, Sailortown had a superstitious side, which was strengthened by reports of paranormal activity.
In May 1800 a servant girl employed at Wine Merchant Mr Rood’s house was sacked as it was believed she was 'combating with Spectres or Demons'. A local history book reveals:
‘The bells in the house … continued to ring most violently all day without any apparent cause which could be discovered, to the great alarm of the family and neighbourhood. So violent, indeed, was the motion of some of them, that they were actually forced from their fastenings in the wall.
Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 29 September 1849
The business for the sale of C Macintosh Co’s waterproof, airproof and vulcanized India Ribber articles, is removed from 104 to 42, Front of market, High Street.
Thomas Draft returns his sincere thanks for the patronage he has received since his commencement in the above business in these towns and respectfully call attention to the improved make of ladies’ gentlemens’ India rubber winter overshoes and goloshes; also his large assortment of waterproof overcoats, capes and overalls, and the Patent Orion Belt and Life Preserver.
43 High Street
44 High Street
1851 Census
Edward Luscombe : Druggist : 52 yrs
Fanny : 22 yrs
Helen : 20 yrs
Ann Williams : 43 yrs
Winifred Whitworth : House Servant : 19 yrs
1861 Census
“Stamp Office”
Edward Luscombe : Chemist & Druggist : 61 yrs
Fanny : 31 yrs
Helen : 29 yrs
Anne Williams : Housekeeper : 53 yrs
Matilda Fisher : Domestic Servant : 35 yrs
John S Moss : Railway Carrier : 44 yrs
Marion : 49 yrs
Constance : 19 yrs
Mary Ann : 15 yrs
John W May : Netherland Consul General, London : 68 yrs
Ann : 64 yrs
Sophia Hughes : Lady’s maid : 33 yrs
William H Charpentier : Engraver, Printer & Stationer : 61 yrs
Jane : 57 yrs
Anna J : Governess : 35 yrs
Helen M : Assistant to father : 25 yrs
Ernest G : Apprentice to father : Amelia Waller : House Servant : 19 yrs
1871 Census
Fanny Luscombe : Dealer in Fancy Goods : 42 yrs
Helen : Assistant : 40 yrs
Elizabeth Gilkin : Assistant : 76 yrs
Ann Williams : Housekeeper : 61 yrs
1881 Census
Fanny Luscombe : Fancy Toy Dealer : 51 yrs
1891 Census
Helen Luscombe : Fancy Toy Dealer : 60 yrs
1901 Census
Rachel Isaacs : Fruiterer & Confectioner : 47 yrs
Alexander : Naval Cap Maker : 16 yrs
Abraham : 14 yrs
Grace : 9 yrs
Lucy Parham : : General Servant : 20 yrs
45 High Street
1851 Census
Henry Grant : Grain & Fish Provision Merchant : 49 yrs
Jane : 46 yrs
Charles H : 18 yrs
Esther : 9 yrs
Elizabeth : 6 yrs
Martha Chanie : House Servant : 33 yrs
Eliza Rowe : House Servant : 25 yrs
1861 Census
Henry Grant : Merchant : 58 yrs
Esther : 19 yrs
Elizabeth : 14 yrs
Ferris : Merchant’s Clerk : 21 yrs
Elizabeth Tizzard : House Servant : 23 yrs
Elizabeth Carter : House Servant : 19 yrs
James Good : House Servant : 15 yrs
1871 Census
Charles Grant : Provision Merchant : 39 yrs
Elizabeth : 34 yrs
John : 9 yrs
George : 7 yrs
Charles : 4 yrs
Thomas : 1 month
Ann Buckett : Cook : 36 yrs
Eliza Cox : Nurse : 26 yrs
1881 Census
Frederick Morley : Medical Practitioner : 38 yrs
Annie : 38 yrs
George : 11 yrs
Henry W : 9 yrs
Alice C : 8 yrs
Elizabeth Douglas : Housemaid : 18 yrs
Alice Rolls : General Servant : 19 yrs
1891 Census
Frederick Morley : Medical Practitioner : 48 yrs
Annie : 48 yrs
Henry W : Medical Student : 19 yrs
Alice C : 18 yrs
Thursday 8 October 1891
Good General Servant wanted; over 20, must do plain cooking, small family; boy kept; 45 High Street
1891 Census
Annie E Billett : General Servant : 22 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Tuesday 2 August 1892
Boy wanted. Dr Morley, 45 High Street
Portsmouth Evening News : Wednesday 24 January 1894
Boy wanted part of the day Dr Morley, 45 High Street
Portsmouth Evening News : Friday 29 November 1895
Housemaid wanted at once. Mrs Morley, 45 High Street.
1901 Census
George F Morley : Doctor : 31 yrs
Annie : 58 yrs
Alice C : 28 yrs
Fanny R Gates : General Servant : 19 yrs
Mary Ann Riley : Housemaid : 21 yrs
1911 Census
George Frederic Morley : Registered Medical Practitioner : 41 yrs
Bertha : 30 yrs
Frederic : 6 yrs
George henry : 4 yrs
Mary Dorothea : 2 yrs
Adelaide Calypso Howick : Cook : 22 yrs
Emily Kate Steel : Nurse : 24 yrs
Elizabeth Ross Murray : Housemaid : 26 yrs
46 High Street
1851 Census
James Loe : Grocer : 56 yrs
Eliza : 55 yrs
Sarah: 24 yrs
Frances Paine : 28 yrs
Mary Ann Mills : House Servant : 26 yrs
Louisa Carpenter : House Servant : 24 yrs
Ann Staines : Landed Proprietor : 68 yrs
Margaret O Harrison : 42 yrs
Ann Staines : 38 yrs
Edward S Harrison : 20 yrs
Sarah Ann Coates : Servant : 27 yrs
1871 Census
William Charpentier : Engraver & Painter : 71 yrs
Jane : 66 yrs
Anna Jane : Governess : 43 yrs
Helen Mary : Assisting in the Building : 34 yrs
Catherine : Governess : 30 yrs
Ernest : Assistant to the Engraver : 25 yrs
Eliza Dommett : Housemaid : 28 yrs
Annie Stevens : Cook : 28 yrs
1881 Census
Alexander Holland : Solicitor : 43 yrs
Catherine : 37 yrs
Eleanor C : 13 yrs
Beatrice : 10 yrs
Lucy D : 8 yrs
Marjorie : 7 yrs
Fanny Foord : 52 yrs
Eliza Walden : Cook : 22 yrs
Ellen Fryer : Cook : 22 yrs
Joanna Gibbs : Nurse : 18 yrs
Harriet A Hawkins : 14 yrs
Martha Hemmings : Nurse : 37 yrs
Rose L Linton : Housemaid : 23 yrs
1891 Census
Helen M Charpentier : Bookseller & Stationer : 55 yrs
Edward Crew : 77 yrs
Annie McDougall : Domestic Servant : 31 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Wednesday 7 August 1895
Errand Boy wanted, about 14. Apply to Charpentier’s, 46 High Street
Alfred North : Stationer & Shop Keeper : 55 yrs
Agnes E : 57 yrs
Fanny K : 25 yrs
Harry C : Printer & Compositor : 23 yrs
Virginia E : 19 yrs
Rose Earwaker : General Servant : 23 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Sat 21 January 1911
Printers / Stationers
Charpentier & Co
46 High St
1911 Census
Alfred Moth : Printer & Stationer : 65 yrs
Agnes Christina : 67 yrs
Alfred Hazell King : 14 yrs
Theophile Armand Lord : 16 yrs
Mabel Ballam : General Servant : 25 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Wednesday 5 July 1933
Maps of every description
Agents for Ordnance Survey Maps
Charpentier Ltd
46 High Street
Portsmouth Evening News : Friday 4 March 1938
Boy wanted for cycle delivery.
Charpentier, 46 High Street
Charpentier’s premises were destroyed in an air raid in 1941 and with them went an irreplaceable collection of illustrations of old Portsmouth.
47 High Street
1851 Census
James M Young : Butcher (Emp 2 men & 1 lad) : 66 yrs
Thomas H Vaughan : Butcher’s Assistant : 35 yrs
James Barton : Butcher’s Assistant : 34 yrs
Richard Churchill : Butcher’s Assistant : 16 yrs
Mercy Bull : House Servant : 50 yrs
Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette : Saturday 28 May 1859
No 47 High Street, Portsmouth
The useful household furniture will be sold by public auction, by Mr G M Beck, on Tuesday, June 7th, 1859, commencing at twelve o’clock precisely. Also the whole of the gas fittings, shop fixtures, and utensils-in-trade, sets scales, weights, trays, hooks, three large meat hampers, two blocks, saw, chopper, Royal Coat of Arms, light spring cart, grindstone and frame, slaughter house fittings and other effects. On view morning of sale.
1861 Census
Edwin Body : Butcher : 28 yrs
Emily : 35 yrs
Kate : 3 months
Eliza Langdown : House servant
1871 Census
Edwin Body : Butcher : 38 yrs
Sarah : 28 yrs
Kate : 10 yrs
Jessie : 8 yrs
Alice : 4 yrs
Eva : 1 yr
Matilda John : General Servant : 23 yrs
Caroline Lepson : Nurse : 16 yrs
1881 Census
Edwin Body : Butcher : 48 yrs
Kate : Housekeeper : 28 yrs
Jessie : Book Keeper : 18 yrs
Alice : 14 yrs
Eva : 11 yrs
Beatrice : 9 yrs
Sidney A : 8 yrs
Sarah : 5 yrs
Ellen Milligan : General Servant : 20 yrs
Thursday 1 January 1885
General Servant wanted, at once, about 18 years of age
Miss Body, 47 High Street
1891 Census
Jessie Body : Butcher : 28 yrs
Alice : 24 yrs
Eva : 21 yrs
Sidney A : Butcher’s Assistant : 18 yrs
Sarah : 15 yrs
Martha : Kitchenmaid : 21 yrs
Ellen J Standing : General Servant : 19 yrs
1901 Census
Albert C Hooper : Fish Salesman : 26 yrs
Annie : 26 yrs
Albert E : 18 months
Elsie M : 3 months
1911 Census
Vernon Frederick Moore : RN Carpenter’s Mate : 26 yrs
Caroline Benfield : 27 yrs
Vera Agnes : 2 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Saturday 11 May 1940
Young and White will sell the freehold shop and dwelling house, 47 High Street. Facing the Cathedral and comprising tiled shop with room at rear and 6 living rooms on 3 floors over. Rear approach from Penny Street and large store at rear. The living accommodation is let at 11s 11d per week inclusive. The shop is in hand.
Vendor’s Solicitors - Messrs Cousins and Burbidge, 19 & 20 King’s Terrace, Southsea.
48 High Street
1851 Census
Joshua S Sayer : JP, Retired Capt RM : 68 yrs
Frances Rose : 47 yrs
Elizabeth : 24 yrs
Ellen : 21 yrs
Wellington : 16 yrs
Priscilla Short : House Servant : 55 yrs
Amy Harvey : House Servant : 19 yrs
1861 Census
Frances R Sayer : 58 yrs
Wellington H : Wine Merchant : 26 yrs
Ellen M : 21 yrs
Margaret Ferris : Servant : 22 yrs
Ellen Cooper : Servant : 19 yrs
1871 Census
Wellington Sayer : Wine Merchant : 36 yrs
Frances : 46 yrs
Ellen : 38 yrs
Kate : 26 yrs
Alice Cooper : 11 yrs
Maude Cooper : 7 yrs
Mary Ann Dean : Cook : 22 yrs
Jane Woods : Housemaid : 19 yrs
The Portsmouth Papers / High Street / 1836
Although each house was architecturally distinct from its neighbours, the general arrangement was fairly standardised. A good example is the shop of the wine merchant Mr Sayer (no 48), which in October 1836 was advertised for sale and described in detail. Like most of the High Street buildings it had excellent cellar space, affording Mr sayer the opportunity to store two thousand dozen bottles. On the ground floor were an entrance hall, counting house, spirit store and scullery, while the first floor had a drawing room - cum library (forty feet by fifteen feet), with folding doors to divide it, a dining-room (twenty one feet by fourteen feet), a kitchen and two pantries. The two principal bedrooms, with dressing rooms, together with two servants’ bedrooms and an extensive laundry, were on the second floor, and above were two more bedrooms with cupboards. Behind the shop, in Penny Street, was a large three-storeyed building (ninety feet by thirty fee) which had been used for many years as a wholesale candle and soap manufactory
1881 Census
“Portsmouth Tavern”
Sophia Bramton : Needlewoman : 64 yrs
Mary Quinton : 60 yrs
Mary Downs : Charwoman : 52 yrs
Elizabeth Downs : General Servant : 25 yrs
Edward Downs : 15 yrs
Emma Johnston : Housemaid : 19 yrs
Mary Knott : Cook : 17 yrs
Harriet Monck : 8 yrs
Frances R Sayer : 77 yrs
Wellington Sayer : Wine Merchant : 47 yrs
Seymour Sayer : 45 yrs
Ellen M Sayer : 52 yrs
Kate W Sayer : 39 yrs
Charles Wood : Labourer : 61 yrs
Martha : 62 yrs.
Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 25 October 1884
On Tuesday, October 28th, 1884, No 48 High Street, well made household furniture, Grand Pianoforte (by Broadwood), plated articles, bed and table linen, china services, cut table glass, engravings, books, ornaments &c., &c..
King & King are in receipt of instructions from the representatives of the late Miss Harrison, to sell by auction, on the premises, on the above date, at twelve o’clock precisely, the whole and useful household furniture, comprising rosewood couch, settees, sets of single and easy chairs, centre, side, work and occasional tables, Girandoles, mantel glasses,whatnots, cabinets, several good Brussels carpets, rugs, dining tables, two antique sideboards, a set of Chippendale chairs, bookcase, dinner wagon, two cheffoniers, window hangings, antique fenders,and fire-irons, mahogany and iron bedsteads, prime goose feather beds,, hair mattresses, two mahogany enclose wardrobes, Japanned winged wardrobe with silver glass panel, an old oak wardrobe, linen press, mahogany chests of drawers, marble-top washstands, toilet tables, toilet glasses, sets of ware, bath and japanned wood goods, floorcloth, hall table, and chairs, barometer, and an assortment of kitchen requisites and and general effects.
On view on morning of sale and catalogues to be had in due time. Auction Offices, Southsea and Queen Street Portsea.
Portsmouth Evening News : Saturday 27 September 1890
To be let - upper part of 48 High Street
1891 Census
1901 Census
Charles Snook : Egg Merchant : 54 yrs
Adele : 86 yrs
Eugenie : 53 yrs
Charles G : Salesman : 29 yrs
George : Salesman : 25 yrs
James : 15 yrs
Jeanne : 21 yrs
Ethel : 19 yrs
Jessie Bartlett : General Servant : 44 yrs
1911 Census
Charles Snook : Egg Merchant : 64 yrs
Eugenie : 63 yrs
Charles George : Assistant : 39 yrs
James : Assistant : 26 yrs
Jessie Bartlett : General Servant : 54 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Friday 4 March 1938
Sailmaker, experienced, required. Used to cutting, planning and finishing. Constant employment. Apply, stating age, experience and wages, by letter only. C Nielson and Son, 48 High Street.
49 High Street
Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 26 December 1836
Death : On the 18th inst., Joseph Strickland, aged 16 years, in the employment of Mr Selby, of the High Street. He was a youth of much promise, and had his life been spared, he would have been a most useful member of society; his memory will be lastingly and deservedly respected by all who knew him
Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 5 May 1849
Clothing & Outfitting establishment, High Street, J C Selby, respectfully announces his return from London with a large stock of the newest and best goods for summer use.
Shirts, hosiery, bedding, swords, epaulettes and every article for a complete foreign outfit.
Agents for the Patent Cork Floating Mattresses, for the preservation of life at sea.
1851 Census
John C Selby : Clothier & Outfitter (emp 16 men) : 56 yrs
Jane : Gentlewoman : 50 yrs
Elizabeth Crayton : Domestic Servant : 26 yrs
Mary Brown : Domestic Servant : 25 yrs
Dinah Geary : Gentlewoman : 46 yrs
1861 Census
Jane Selby : Outfitter : 64 yrs
Mary Richardson : Gentlewoman : 39 yrs
Albert Ranall : Outfitter’s Assistant : 19 yrs
Ann New : House Servant : 25 yrs
Ellen Randall : House Servant : 16 yrs
1871 Census
Elizabeth Canes : 73 yrs
Henry Guy : Naval Outfitter : 44 yrs
Charlotte : 38 yrs
Charlotte : 9 yrs
Helen : 6 yrs
Ernest : 3 yrs
Ann Pinhern : General Servant : 21 yrs
1881 Census
George M Tipper : Tailor & Outfitter : 54 yrs
Mary Hyatt : General Servant : 25 yrs
Ada M Irving : 12 yrs
Kathleen M : 11 yrs
Margaret : 10 yrs
Lucy Pierce : 40 yrs
Portsmouth Evening News : Monday 7 October 1887
a. Wanted - Respectable girl, as general servant.
Rooms - furnished, suitable for gentleman.
Apply 49 High Street
Portsmouth Evening News : Thursday 19 March 1891
Wanted : Girl, strong, active and willing, about 18. 49 High Street
1891 Census
Edward W Baber : Local Agent to India Rubber Company : 48 yrs
Mary : 41 yrs
Annie K : 17 yrs
Mary L : 15 yrs
Edward W : 12 yrs
George S : 10 yrs
Ernest J : 8 yrs
Charles R : 6 yrs
Agnes M : 2 yrs
Arthur D : 7 months
Albert : 4 yrs
Mary Ahrens : General Servant : 18 yrs
Edith M Wells : 15 yrs
1901 Census
Edward William Baber : Manager, East India Rubber Co : 57 yrs
Mary : 50 yrs
Annie K : 27 yrs
Marrie : Governess : 25 yrs
Albert C : 14 yrs
Arthur H : 10 yrs
1911 Census
Benjamin Fippard : Manager of Branch of Rubber Co : 39 yrs
Elizabeth : 40 yrs
Elizabeth Goddard : Housekeeper : 62 yrs
Alfred Kamel Elgood : Grocer’s Ledger Clerk : 67 yrs
Louise Henrietta : 65 yrs.
Hampshire Telegraph : Friday 4 August 1916
By instructions from the Official Receiver, Re Dalton in Bankruptsy, on Monday 14th August 1916 Field and Palmer are instructed by W F Hunt Esq., Official Receiver, to sell by auction, at 7 o’clock in the evening, the well placed and commodious busine premises and freehold residence adjoining, being, 49 and 50 High Street.
No 49 being business premises to let to the Silvertown Indiarubber Company at £80 per annum, and No 50, the adjoining well conditioned private residence, the two properties covering an area of nearly 11,00 square feet, and producing in actual and estimated rentals of £125 per annum.
Portsmouth Evening News : Wednesday 28 November 1923
To All Interested In Wireless
The best results can only be obtained by the use of reliable apparatus. The consistently high quality of “Silvertown” Wirelss Accessories is guaranteed by 50 years’ electrical manufacturing experience.
“Silvertown” Wireless Accessories are British and Best, and can be obtained from any high-class Wireless Stores at present-day reduced prices.
Something New in Insulators
Ask your dealer for particulars of Silvertown “Featherweight” and “Everdry” Insulators. Small area for surface leakage. Electrical efficiency superior to that of a number of porcelain insulators in series.
Portsmouth Evening News : Tuesday 17 November 1936
Several good carpets and quality furniture for sale. Real bargains. Inspection invited. Edgeworth - 49 High St
50 High Street
Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 6 January 1817
To Lett, unfurnished, the upper part of the house, centrally situated in the High Street, comprising a drawing room and dining room, 3 excellent bedrooms. and 2 attic rooms, a commodious kitchen on the ground floor, cellar and other convenient offices; the whole peculiarly adapted for the residence of a respectable family. Apply to Mr James Dodds, Hatter, 50 High Street.
The whole stock of Messrs Fricker and Dodds will be sold without reserve, in consequence of a dissolution of their partnership, after which the concern will be carried on by Mr Dodds.
Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 6 July 1835
Wanted - A youth as an Apprentice to the copper-plate engraving and lithographic printing, who will have an opportunity of perfecting himself in all the various branches of the art.
Apply to - W H Charpentier, 50 High Street
Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 6 June 1836
To Parents and Guardians : Wanted, an active intelligent youth, as an apprentice to the Copper Plate Engraving and Printing ; Lithography, and all the branches of the several arts, being executed on the premises ; he will have an opportunity of perfecting himself in each department. A premium is required, as the youth will be treated as one of the family. All letters to be post-paid, and directed W H Charpentier, Artists’ Repository, 50 High street, Portsmouth, where he has on sale a fresh supply of Ackerman’s, Rowney’s, and Newman’s Colours ; Turnbull’s, Creswick and Whatman’s boards and papers, tin sketch boxes, port folios, solid and other sketch books, pencils of all makers of eminence, chalks, a great variety of miniature cases and frames, embossed boards and cards. He particularly calls attention to his assortment of canvas ticken, mill boards, and colours in bladders, at the London prices, and every other requisite fro drawing and painting ; for flower making, wax in sheets, of every colour, powder for tinting, cutters, leaves, lithographic stones, chalk, ink &c..
Artists and schools supplied on reasonable terms.
Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 10 March, 1849
Charpentier’s Printing Office
1851 Census
William H Charpentier : Engraver & Printer : 51 yrs
Jane : 48 yrs
Amelia A : 22 yrs
Ernest G : 5 yrs
Fanny E Foord : 20 yrs
Emma Warren : House Servant : 23 yrs
Hampshire Chronicle : Saturday 4 August 1855
Marriage : On Thursday, at Trinity Church Portsea, Mr Hawkins, Printer, to Julia, daughter of Mr Charpentier, High Street
1871 Census
Thomas Batchelor : Bookseller : 43 yrs
Mary : 38 yrs
Arthur : 8 yrs
Bertha : 7 yrs
Frederick : 5 yrs
Herbert : 2 yrs
Emma Bull : General Servant : 17 yrs
1881 Census
Charles Holland : Foreman of Builders : 43 yrs
Mary A : 28 yrs
Alice M : 7 months
Thomas Batchelor : Bookseller and Stationer : 53 yrs
Mary : 48 yrs
Frederick : 15 yrs
Herbert : 12 yrs
Edith : 8 yrs
1891 Census
David Smith : Bookseller & Stationer : 33 yrs
Lizzie Ann : 35 yrs
Mary F : 11 yrs
Ellen : 9 yrs
Violet G : 2 yrs
Mary Jane Biss : General Servant : 33 yrs
Ann Flower : Domestic Servant : 66 yrs
1901 Census
George E R Dalton : Retired Master Mariner : 46 yrs
William Pallant : Private Secretary : 20 yrs
Mary A Price : Cook : 72 yrs
1911 Census
George Edward Robert Dalton : Retired Master Mariner : 55 yrs
Thomas Pallant : Carpenter : 60 yrs
William Thomas : China Collector : 30 yrs
Hampshire Telegraph : Friday 4 August 1916
By instructions from the Official Receiver, Re Dalton in Bankruptsy, on Monday 14th August 1916 Field and Palmer are instructed by W F Hunt Esq., Official Receiver, to sell by auction, at 7 o’clock in the evening, the well placed and commodious busine premises and freehold residence adjoining, being, 49 and 50 High Street.
No 49 being business premises to let to the Silvertown Indiarubber Company at £80 per annum, and No 50, the adjoining well conditioned private residence, the two properties covering an area of nearly 11,00 square feet, and producing in actual and estimated rentals of £125 per annum