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PORTSMOUTH Bath Square, Old Portsmouth 0

Bath Square


Bath Square recorded as ...

  • Runs north from West Street/Bathing Lane to the north end of Broad Street and the Floating Bridge.

  • Turnings on east from south to north: Bathing Lane, Rowe’s Alley

  • Bethel Chapel (Independent), seats for 130 on east side, northwest corner of Bathing Lane

  • White Swan pub, on east side (also faces Broad Street)

  • Roebuck pub, on east side ( also faces Broad Street)

  • Fortitude Tavern,  on east side (also faces Broad Street)

  • East and West Country House pub, on east side, northwest corner of Rowe’s Alley

  • Coal Exchange pub on east side

  • Union Tavern on east side, northwest corner of Broad Street

  • Warehouse and office on west side

  • Customs Watch House on west side

  • Isle of Wight Tavern on west side

  • Still Tavern on west side

  • Floating Bridge on west side

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 17 April 1815

Last week was married, at Kingston Church, Portsea, Mr James Martin of Bath Square to Miss Haskell, of Southsea.

Hampshire Chronicle : 22 January 1816  

To be sold by Auction - by Mr Blake, at No 14 Bath Square, on Wednesday, the 24th day of January, 1816, at 10 o’clock, under the authority (as to part) of a writ of venditioni exparas from the Court of Exchequer, directed to the Sheriff of the County of Southampton, for the sale of the effects of Messrs Archibald Heurtley and John Carlen, of Portsmouth, Debtors to the Crown, and Bankrupts; by order of the Assignees of the said Bankrupts (as to the remainder) the following goods …

Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 30 August 1819

S W Garratt of Bath Square, ship chandler &c. having been informed that it has been falsely and basely insinuated that he has declined his said business; he respectfully begs leave to acquaint Owners and Masters of ships , and others connected with shipping, in general,  and his many kind and respectable friends of those descriptions, in particular, that he continues the said business as heretofore, and hopes for a continuance of the favours so long enjoyed by him and his relative, Mr James Beattie, assuring them that he will ever strive to endeavour to merit the same.

Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser : Monday 16 May 1825

By J N Robinson, at his office, Bath Square, on Thursday, the 19th instant, at twelve precisely, the good substantial fast-sailing smack ‘Two Brothers’, 54 tons register ; Robert Pearce, Master.  The vessel is built of the very best materials, is well found in all necessary stores, and carries a large cargo for her tonnage ; she is well adapted for the Fruit Trade, in which she has been frequently employed ; having had great care taken of her, she is completely ready for sea at a moment’s notice.

For Inventories and further particulars apply to the Broker, Bath Square.

Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 22 August 1831

The steam vessel ‘Lord Yarborough’, Captain Groves, will make the trip to Brighton on Monday, the 22nd day of August , 1831, (weather permitting) leaving Bath Square, in the morning at 8 o’clock: the King’s Rooms, Southsea at 8.15: the pier at Ryde at 9, and will on her return leave Brighton Pier, on Tuesday morning, the 23ed, at eleven o’clock,  Fares 7s 6d each way, or 10s for passengers going and returning.  Children and servants half price.

Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 9 May 1836

Wanted - A few strong young mules.  Apply to Garratt and Gibbon, Bath Square.

Hampshire Advertiser : Saturday 12 September 1846

Joseph Knott applied to the Bench for an order to eject Charles Lewis from a tenement known by the sign of the Rose and Crown public house, Bath Square.  Warrant of ejectment granted.

1851 Census

Properties not numbered

Louisa Byles : Victualler : 44 yrs

Fanny : Assistant : 42 yrs

William White : Fish Salesman : 38 yrs

Maria : 36 yrs

William : Fish Dealer : 16 yrs

Thomas : 14 yrs

John : 12 yrs

Maria : 10 yrs

James : 8 yrs

Alfred : 4 yrs

Richard : 2 yrs

Ellen : 6 months

Catherine Sargis : Servant : 22 yrs

Emma Main : Husband at Sea : 19 yrs

James : 1 yr

Ann Burnett : Charwoman : 22 yrs

Thomas Hales : Mariner, Master of a Cutter : 50 yrs

Charlotte : 50 yrs

John Proctor : Trinity House Pilot : 56 yrs

Sarah : An Invalid : 44 yrs

Elizabeth : Servant : 39 yrs

Jane : Dressmaker ; 20 yrs

Fanny : 5 yrs

Elizabeth Main : 53 yrs

Mary Ann : 23 yrs

Thomas : Mariner : 29 yrs

Henry : Mariner : 27yrs

Edward : Apprentice : 25 yrs

George : Apprentice : 23 yrs

Elizabeth : At Home : 20 yrs

Ann Attrill : 31 yrs

Thomas : Mariner : 39 yrs

Julianna Bowden : Master Block Maker : 62 yrs

John : Master Block Maker : 25 yrs

Thomas Hale : Hotel Keeper : 61 yrs

Elizabeth : 38 yrs

Joseph Swayne : Tanner : 51 yrs

Elizabeth Bill : Barmaid : 25 yrs

Jane Radness : Cook : 55 yrs

Elizabeth Brown : Chambermaid : 23 yrs

Sarah Newman : Waitress : 20 yrs

Henry : Boots : 46 yrs

William Penny : Tide Surveyer : 41 yrs

John James : Tide Waiter : 36 yrs

Henry Hill : Tide Waiter : 27 yrs

William Smith : Tide Waiter : 49 yrs

George Godwin : Tide Waiter : 52 yrs

William Whiting : Tide Waiter : 39 yrs

James Chittenden : Tide Waiter : 52 yrs

James Alldead : : Victualler ; 50 yrs

Robert Peck Moore : Ship Agent’s Clerk : 36 yrs

Martha : 43  yrs

Fanny Bertha : 6 yrs

Mary Ann Helleridge : Servant : 18 yrs

Harriet Leverett : At Home : 34 yrs

Jane : Victualler : 31 yrs

Mary Ann Burt : At Home : 20 yrs

Elia Leverett : 22 yrs

Henry : Mariner : 16 yrs

Matthias : 14 yrs

Ellen : 11 yrs

Sarah Fraser : 52 yrs

Mary Ann Farlow : 34 yrs

Thomas Knowlson : Mariner : 18 yrs

Thomas Frampton : Fish Salesman : 37 yrs

Ann : 36 yrs

Eliza : 17 yrs

Thomas : 16 yrs

Emily : 14 yrs

George : 12 yrs

Mary Ann : 9 yrs

Ann : 8 yrs

Charles : 6 yrs

Jane : 4 yrs

Alice : 2 yrs

Jessie : 1 yr

Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette : Saturday 10 March 1855

Broad Street & Bath Square

Excellent opportunity to Ship - Chandlers, Outfitters, and others, seeking first - rate Business Premises

Marvin and King have been favoured with instructions from the Devisee in Trust, under the will of Mrs Mary Pullen, deceased, to sell by auction, at their property sale rooms, 34 Queen Street, on Wednesday, March the 14th, 1855, at six for seven o’clock in the evening, in one lot, all those commandingly situated Business Premises ...

The front part (48 Broad Street, in the occupation of Mr Windsor, Outfitter and tailor), on the ground floor is divided into a well-planned attractive shop, with parlour, kitchen, paved yard and scullery, with a side entrance in passage leading from Broad Street to Bath Square, and front private entrance in Broad Street.

On the first floor, which is reached by an excellent staircase from a good roomy hall, is a large lofty drawing room, and two good bedrooms, and on the second floor are four other bed chambers, above which is a store room.

In the rear, and fronting into Bath Square is an exceedingly well-arranged store of 3 floors and shop, tenanted by Mr Vine, Ship Chandler &c.  This property presents the valuable frontage of 20 feet, both in Broad Street, and Bath Square, and has a depth of 78 ft 6 inches.

The premises may be viewed by permission of the respective tenants, and further particulars may be obtained  at the Auctioneer’s Office ; or of Messrs H and R W Ford, Solicitors, 170 Queens Street, Portsea.

1891 Census

 Premises not individually identified

James Main : Publican : 44 yrs

Elizabeth A : 41 yrs

Lilly Brown : Dressmaker : 18 yrs

George : Boat Builder : 14 yrs

Emma : General Servant : 18 yrs

Edward Long : Seaman Gunner, RN : 33 yrs

John Feltham : Boat Builder : 44 yrs

Jane : 45 yrs

Emily : 14 yrs

Alfred : 12 yrs

Bessie : 10 yrs

George : 9 yrs

Rose : 7 yrs

Harry : 5 yrs

Ada Egerton : Housekeeper : 45 yrs

Arthur : 21 yrs

Rooms above Store

Charles Pound : Fisherman :29 yrs

Helen : 24 yrs

Phillip : 5 yrs

Dorothy : 1 yr

Charles : 1 yr

1901 Census

no number

John D Feltham : Yacht & Boat Builder : 54 yrs

Jane : 55 yrs

Alfred : Yacht & Boat Builder : 22 yrs

George : Yacht & Boat Builder : 19 yrs

Rose : 17 yrs

Harry : Yacht & Boat Builder : 15 yrs

Fred D : 9 yrs

Bath Square: Welcome

1 Bath Square 

“Coal Exchange”

1861 Census

Frank Baker : Publican : 46 yrs

Martha : 36 yrs

Arthur Meadows : Seaman, RN : 19 yrs

Henry Jolliffe : Seaman, RN : 20 yrs

William Falcken : Royal Marine : 40 yrs

Richard Gorringe : Seaman, RN : 28 yrs

George Hammond : Seaman, RN : 27 yrs

Alfred Scott : Seaman, RN : 26 yrs

Edward Bridger : Apprentice Seaman : 17 yrs

1871 Census

“Coal Exchange”

John Hill : Licensed Victualler : 30 yrs

Sarah : 30 yrs

Walter : 2 yrs

John H : 1 yr

James Fregent : Tailor : 50 yrs

Robert : Captain’s Cook, RN : 31 yrs

1881 Census 

“Coal Exchange”

Sarah Richardson : Licensed Victualler : 65 yrs

Henry E : Royal Navy Pensioner : 40 yrs

Eliza Brewster : 63 yrs

George Camp : Working on Floating Bridge : 41 yrs

George Best : Greenwich Pensioner : 74 yrs

Frances : 67 yrs

Richard Sherrett : Waterman : 66 yrs

Martha : 53 yrs

1891 Census

Harriet Richards : Licensed Victualler : 54 yrs

Minnie : 25 yrs

Kate : 27 yrs

George : Butcher : 23 yrs

Ernest : 5 yrs

George Board : Sail Maker : 36 yrs

Joseph Stanberry : Sailor, RN : 25 yrs

1901 Census

Elizabeth Cook : Licensed Victualler : 42 yrs

George W : Shipsmith : 21 yrs

Beatrice : 15 yrs

Alice : 12 yrs

Sidney : 3 months

Thomas Damp : Casual General Labourer : 53 yrs

William E Sorell : Casual general Labourer : 43 yrs

1911 Census

“Coal Exchange”

Henry Fain : Cabinet Maker : 58 yrs

(1901 & 1891, living at 45 St Pauls Rd, cabinet maker; 1881 living at 10 Dorville Rd, Lee, Kent, cabinet maker).

Elizabeth : 53 yrs

Arthur Robert : 13 yrs

Frank Fitzjohn : Seaman, RN : 32 yrs

Ellen : 30 yrs

Alice Sarah : Assistant in Business : 21 yrs

Ida Olive : 4 yrs

Elizabeth Ellen : 2 yr

Portsmouth Evening News : Monday 9 October 1916

Boy wanted, just left school.  Hours 10am to 2pm, 6pm to 8pm

Apply Coal Exchange, Bath Square.

Portsmouth Evening News : Wednesday 8 September 1926

Children in a Bar - In view of his good character, the case against Charles W Tarrant, Licensee of The Coal Exchange, Bath square, who was summoned for allowing children under 14 in his bar, was dismissed on payment of costs.

Portsmouth Evening News : Saturday 22 February 1936

Lost - Dance Tickets, Cabaret Ball Pavilion, March 13th, Nos 67 - 101.  Reward offered if returned to Coal Exchange, Bath Square.

Portsmouth Evening News : Monday 14 February 1949

Driver’s 13th Offence and Fifth Ban £25 Fine Imposed

Accused of driving dangerously in Commercial Road at 1.30 am on New Years day, a Portsmouth Licensee was fined £25 and disqualified from driving for a year by City magistrates today.

Costs of £4 9s 6d were also ordered against the defendant, Alfred Charles Woods of 1 Bath Square.

A record of his previous offences showed this to have been his 13th in connexion with motoring and his fifth disqualification since 1938.

James George Cole of 85 Grosvenor Street, Southsea said he was driving at 10 mph towards the railway bridge , when Woods’s car came round the bend from the Guildhall, under the bridge on his wrong side and a collision occurred.  Edith Lillian Cole, wife of the witness gave corroborative evidence.

Arthur Mobbs of 17 Chichester Road, North End said he saw Woods’s car sweep round the bend with a “heavy list,” and at an excessive speed.

“He tried to pull it round but it would not come.  There was an impact with a smaller car (driven by Mr Cole), one of the wheels of which was wrenched off.”

Woods, who described himself as a licensee and civil engineer, said the weather was veryt bad at the time, with high gusty winds, and the visibility was poor.  He held that he ws travelling at 15 and 25 mph on his correct side of the road, and that it was the other car that struck him.

“I just heard a flick which was so slight that had I not had a passenger I would not have known that an accident had happened.”

Mr J R Glanville appeared for woods.

Bath Square: Welcome

2 Bath Square

“West Country House”

1861 Census

Thomas Gray : Publican & Painter, emp 1 m1n : 34 yrs

(bapt 9 April 1826 at St Thomas’s, Father Thomas, Mother Alice).

Louisa : 33 yrs

1871 Census

Charles Cole : Master Mariner : 33 yrs

1851 living at 55 Broad St, Father William, Victualler, 45, Mother Sarah H, 46;

Rhoda : 35 yrs; 1861 living in White Horse St, beer retailer).).

Henry Webb : Mariner : 25 yrs

Walter : 9 yrs

Rhoda : 8 yrs

Charles Cole : 2 yrs

John : 8 months

Jane Harris : 27 yrs

Lilly : 1 yr

Lavinia Wassell : General Servant : 16 yrs

1881 Census

John Cole : Waterman & Publican : 37 yrs

Elizabeth : 34 yrs

George Hollest : : Royal Navy Pensioner : 57 yrs

John R White : General Carpenter : 41 yrs

Mary A : 28 yrs

Alfred : 9 yrs

Richard : 7 yrs

Edward : 5 yrs

Portsmouth Evening News : Tuesday 8 November 1932

Alleged to have been caught in the act of stealing a cycle pump at the Victoria Hall last night, John Edwin Henry Allison (18), of 2 Bathing Lane was remanded on bail for a week after Det Hughes had described the circumstances of the youth’s arrest.

Portsmouth Evening News : Wednesday 29 March 1933

City Police Court - Employees’ Insurance

Fines of 10s in each case were imposed upon Mrs Eliza Elizabeth Olliver, a widow, of the Still and West Country House, Bath Square., who pleaded guilty to three offences under the National Health and Unemployment Insurance Act.

It was stated that she omitted to pay the health and unemployment contributions in respect of a pianist employed on the premises, and the health contributions in respect of a domestic servant.

Mr A Glanville, who represented Mrs Olliver, said she was not aware that insurance contributions were payable for the pianist, and in the case of the domestic servant they were overlooked.

The arrears of £2 1s 2d were paid when the summonses were issued.

Portsmouth Evening News : Tuesday 24 November 1942

Amy Agnes Bates, licensee of the Still and West Country House .  Case dismissed for supplying drinks out of hours.

Portsmouth Evening News : Tuesday 17 July 1951

Decree Nisi granted by Judge A Tylor KC at Southampton Divorce Court yesterday to Irene Laura Mary Clark of the Still and west Country House, Bath Square, on the ground of desertion by her husband, Frederick George Clark.  Married in 1930 at St Mark’s Church, North end, they lived at 84 Knox Road, Stamshaw.  Costs were ordered against the respondent.

Bath Square: About

3 Bath Square

1891 Census


Portsmouth Evening News : Wednesday 7 July 1920

To Let - spacious two storey store, No 3 Bath Square.  Suitable for garage.

Bath Square: Welcome

4 Bath Square

1861 Census

Elizabeth Main : Pilot’s Widow : 66 yrs

Henry : Merchant Mariner : 37 yrs

1871 Census

William Denham : Retired Gardener : 63 yrs

Sarah : 60 yrs

William : General Labourer : 23 yrs

John : Engineer’s Steward : 20 yrs

Emma : General Servant : 17 yrs

George : General Labourer : 14 yrs

George Smith : Stoker on Steam Vessel : 36 yrs

Emily : 30 yrs

William Walker : 11 yrs

George : 8 yrs

William Butler : Mariner : 73 yrs

Martha : 50 yrs

Portsmouth Evening News : Friday 16 June 1939

Austin 7 Van, good running order, £15

Bates, 4 Bath Square.

Bath Square: Welcome

5 Bath Square

1861 Census

John Cummings : Seaman School Master, Pensioner, RN : 44 yrs

George R T : 10 yrs

James : 3 yrs

1871 Census

William Osbourne : Mariner : 32 yrs

Emily : 32 yrs

Emily : 10 yrs

Jessie : 8 yrs

Fanny : 6 yrs

Edith : 4 yrs

1881 Census 


1891 Census 


Bath Square: About

6 Bath Square

1861 Census

Thomas Frampton : Fish Salesman : 44 yrs

(1841 living in Tower St as Fish salesman; 1851 living in Bath Square as Fish salesman,

Ann : 45 yrs).

Thomas : Fish Salesman : 25 yrs

Mary A : 18 yrs

Ann : 17 yrs

Charles : Fish Salesman : 16 yrs

Jane : Dressmaker : 13 yrs

Jessie : 11 yrs

Alice : 9 yrs

Henry : 7 yrs

Mary A Martin : Dressmaker : 18 yrs

1871 Census

Thomas Frampton : Fish Salesman : 54 yrs

Ann : 55 yrs

Jane : Dressmaker : 21 yrs

Thomas : Fishmonger : 32 yrs

Bath Square: Welcome

7 Bath Square

1861 Census

Thomas Attrill : Marine Merchant : 47 yrs

Ann : 37 yrs

Edward : 7 yrs

Emily : 6 months

1871 Census


1881 Census


1891 Census

Sarah Cottrell : Living on own Means : 44 yrs

George : Clerk : 18 yrs

Sarah : General Servant : 14 yrs

Frances Bess : Living on own Means : 78 yrs

1901 Census

Sarah Cottrell : Licensed Victualler : 51 yrs

George : Builder’s Clerk : 28 yrs

William Golding : Retired Waterman : 75 yrs

George Batchelor : Mariner : 32 yrs

1911 Census

Richard James Hooper : Fish Porter : 34 yrs

Alma : 31 yrs

Arthur : 8 yrs

Percy : 4 yrs

Harold : 3 yrs

Cyril : 2 yrs

William Jenney : Pier Toll Collector : 36 yrs

(1901 living as lodger at 307 Somers Rd, ticket collector in Harbour;).

Portsmouth Evening News : Wednesday 17 September 1913

Three small houses to let: rent 6s inclusive

Apply : Hooper, 7 Bath Square.

Portsmouth Evening News : Thursday 12 March 1931

£5, BSA 2.75 hp, good condition, tyres etc.,genuine bargain

7 Bath Square.

Portsmouth Evening News : Saturday 5 March 1932

Monday 21st March 1932, sale of investment properties in Portsmouth, Field and Palmer are instructed to sell by auction on the above date, at 6.30 pm :-

7 Bath Square : House Prices : Sunday 7 May 2017

For Sale at £730,000.

Bath Square: About

8 Bath Square

1861 Census

Robert Mitchell : Hairdresser : 52 yrs

(1871 Licensed Victualler at “White Swan”, 54 Broad St; died 1874).

Jane : 50 yrs

William H : 9 yrs

Mary A : 7 yrs

William Andrew : Ship Master : 36 yrs

Jane : 36 yrs

David : 16 yrs

Robert : 1 yr

Alexander Ray : Mate, Seaman : 25 yrs

1871 Census

James Hudson : Master Mariner : 45 yrs

Mary : 35 yrs

James : 13 yrs

Mary : 11 yrs

George : 9 yrs

Louisa : 7 yrs

Sarah : 5 yrs

1911 Census

John Feltham : Yacht & Boat Builder : 64 yrs

(1901, 1891 living in Bath Square; 1881 living in North St Alverstoke as boat builder; 1871 living at 40 York St Cowes, single, boat builder;

Jane : 64 yrs

Rose : 27 yrs

Frederic : Shipwright : 21 yrs

Portsmouth Evening News : Saturday 14 March 1914

Montagu Henry Foster, deceased.  By instructions from the Executors.

On Monday March 23rd, 1914

Field & Palmer are instructed to sell by auction, at their property Mart, 3 King’s Road, Southsea, on the above date, at 7 o’clock in the evening

Nos 1 and 3 West Street, two good dwelling houses, let at 5s and 6s per week

No 9 Broad Street, a double fronted property, adjoining the foregoing, let at 5s per week, tenant paying rates.

No 8 Bath Square, well situate waterside property, let to Messrs Feltham and Son, Boat Builders

Bath Square: About

9 Bath Square

1871 Census

Christopher Pearson : Marine Engineer : 45 yrs

(1861 living at 32 East St, working as engine driver in factory; 1881 living at 19 Bath Square, Greengrocer; died 1888).

Ann E : 38 yrs

Susannah Higgins : Laundress : 64 yrs

1881 Census

Henry A Anthony : Waterman : 30 yrs

Emma : 28 yrs

Harriett E : 7 yrs

Henry G : 3 yrs

Alfred Morris : Clerk at Pickford Bros : 22 yrs

1891 Census

Henry Anthony : Mariner, Merchant : 40 yrs

Emma : 38 yrs

Edith : 9 yrs

Lydia : 4 yrs

Samuel Lyon : General Labourer : 32 yrs

1901 Census

Henry A Anthony : Mariner : 52 yrs

Emma J : 48 yrs

Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 15 February 1902

By order of the Executrix of the late Mrs Ollis, deceased, and others, to builders, speculators, investors and others, on Monday next, February 17th, 1902, Field and Palmer are instructed to sell by auction, on the above date, at seven o’clock in the evening the following freehold property :-

9 Bath Square, Let to Mr Lyne at 5s per week, tenant paying water rates.

1911 Census

John Lawson Hill : Fish Salesman’s Clerk : 33 yrs

Elizabeth Ellen : 33 yrs

John Lawson : 8 yrs

Marjorie Gertrude : 6 yrs

Charles Henry : 2 yrs

William Ronald : 1 yr

Ellen Kemp : 69 yrs

Ellen Jane : Stay Tanner : 28 yrs

Portsmouth Evening News : Saturday 12 May 1951

Mrs T H Fisher of 9 Bath Square, a member of Portsdown Archery Club, was the winner of the Southern Counties Ladies Archery Championship at Winchester yesterday, with a total score of 1193 out of a possible 2592.

Mrs Fisher, who has been shooting for five years, won the championship two tears ago.  She has been local club champion for three years and has competed in two international championships, creating a world record score for the 50 metre short distance in Paris in 1949.

In yesterday’s even she shot 288 arrows at distances of 50, 60, and 80 yards.

Bath Square: Welcome

10 Bath Square

1871 Census

Lucy Bytheway : Beer Retailer : 46 yrs

Sarah Barber : General Servant ; 17 yrs

Bath Square: About

11 Bath Square

1881 Census

Charles Frampton : Fish Salesman : 37 yrs

Caroline : 40 yrs

Sarah Brooke : 16 yrs

1891 Census 

Charles Frampton : Fish Merchant : 46 yrs

Caroline : 49 yrs

Sis Brooker : 26 yrs

1901 Census

Charles Frampton : Fish Merchant : 57 yrs

Caroline : 60 yrs

Gertrude Daum : 23 yrs

1911 Census

Charles Frampton : Fish salesman : 65 yrs

Gertrude Dennis : 33 yrs

Gladys Malcom : 16 yrs

Portsmouth Evening News : Monday 5 November 1923

The funeral took place at Eastney Cemetery on Saturday, of Mr C Frampton (79), one of the oldest fishermen in the town, who died at 11 Bath Square.  The mourners present were: Messrs Will Quelch, J Patterson, Law, Cook, T Damon, and A Osborne (nephews).  Councillor A E Hooper; and Messrs J Jones, H Barnes, Chandler, J Burgess, C Slape, J Hill, S Slaughter, and Nurse Clarke

Portsmouth Evening News : Tuesday 6 January 1953

A wreath of holly leaves with a decorative red ribbon has hung on the door of the home of Dr J K Hewat at 11 Bath Square since Christmas Eve.  Dr Hewat comes from Canada where it is  traditional to have a wreath on the door until Twelfth Night.

Bath Square: Welcome

12 Bath Square

1871 Census

William White : Fish Merchant : 37 yrs

(1861 living at 18 Bath Square; died 1910).

Anne : 33 yrs

Maria : 12 yrs

William : 11 yrs

Henry T : 10 yrs

Alfred : 9 yrs

Rebecca : 6 yrs

Richard : 2 yrs

John : 6 months

Bath Square: About

13 Bath Square

1871 Census


1881 Census


1891 Census

William Lucas : Sail Maker : 41 yrs

Georgina : 41 yrs

Ada G : 19 yrs

William G : Sail Maker’s Apprentice : 19 yrs

Kate E : Milliner : 15 yrs

Sidney : 13 yrs

Nellie E : 11 yrs

Blanche H : 8 yrs

Nettie E Lucas : 6 yrs

Thomas R : 4 yrs

Ida G : 2 yrs

Portsmouth Evening News : Tuesday 26 March 1895

Inquest on James Beal, aged 66 years, a fisherman lodging with Mr and Mrs John Gawn at 17 Crown Street.  He did not enjoy good health, having been in the Hospital for long periods.  About six o’clock last Tuesday evening Charles Pounds, a fisherman of 13 Bath Square, saw deceased walk on the Outer camber and lean against one of the iron stanchions to which chain running round the Camber is attached.  Shortly after Pounds heard that he had fallen overboard, and, looking into the camber, saw him in the water with his head below the surface.  Pounds jumped in and held the deceased’s head above the water until a boat came and took them both ashore.  Deceased was quite insensible, but after artificial respiration had been resorted to by Constable Hollis and others he recovered consciousness, and was, on Dr Morley’s advice, wrapped in blankets and taken to the Hospital ...where he died of pneumonia.  Constable Hollis that Pounds had saved three people from drowning.  The Coroner expressed his gratification as the plucky way in which Pounds had behaved, and said that if some evidence could be obtained of the other cases he would be pleased to recommend him to the Royal Humane Society.  Beal fell into the water as a direst result of poorly maintained chains on the Camber edge.

1901 Census

William A Smith : Fish Merchant : 31 yrs

Emma : 28 yrs

William : 7 yrs

Robert J : 3 yrs

James S : 1 yr

1911 Census

Emma Smith : Housework : 38 yrs

Robert : Milk Boy : 13 yrs

James : 11 yrs

Lily : 9 yrs

Portsmouth Evening News : Wednesday 3 March 1954

For Sale - 1947 Standard 8 Tourer. 1951 engine in first class cond.  £250

McDonald, 13 Bath Square.

Portsmouth Evening News : Wednesday 16 June 1954

For leaving a car in London Road, North End, without stopping the engine, Edith Daisy McDonald of 13 Bath Square was fined £2 at Portsmouth Magistrates Court today.

Bath Square: About

14 Bath Square 
"Three Horse Shoes Tavern”

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 22 January 1816

To be sold by auction, by Mr Blake, at No 14 Bath Square, on Wednesday, the 24th day of January 1816, at 10 o’clock, under the authority (as to part) of a writ of venditioni exparas from the Court of Exchequer, directed to the Sherriff of the County of Southampton, for sale of the effects of Messrs Archibald Heurtley and John Carlen, of Portsmouth, Debtors to the Crown, and Bankrupts; and by order of the Assignees of the said Bankrupts (as to the remainder) the following goods, viz ...

Two Pieces of Brandy, one Pice of Hollands Geneva, 15 casks of bottles Claret, 22 cases of ditto, six casks of bottled Porter, Five barrels of Porter, about 400 bottles of sweet oil, some Glass Ware, &c  Marine Soap, Cordage, &c., and also a quantity of office furniture, consisting of Counting House Desks, Library and other Tables, Iron Chests, Copying Machine, &c &c , a few Maritime Paintings, sundry other effects.  Catalogues may be had and other particulars known by applying to George Hollis, Esq., Under Sherriff, Winton, Messrs Greethem, Portsmouth, Messrs Minchin and Weddell, Gosport, at the place of sale and of the auctioneer, Ordnance Row, Portsea.

The goods to viewed two days before the sale, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock.

1871 Census

Gregorio Bacigalupo : Licensed Victualler : 48 yrs

(born 1823 Italy; 1861Victualler same address; 1881 same address;).

Harriett ; 36 yrs

Francisco : 18 yrs

John : Sail Maker’s Apprentice : 16 yrs

Maria : Assistant to House : 14 yrs

Gueseppina : 13 yrs

Henrietta : 4 yrs

Francis Gelly : Musician : 24 yrs

Hannah : 21 yrs

Donnell Marshall : Musician : 24 yrs

Mary A : 24 yrs

Edwin Sale : Musician : 22 yrs

1911 Census

Richard Gray : Pensioner, Formerly Carrier’s Agent : 73 yrs

Elizabeth Jane Bandy : 45 yrs

Edward William Creedon : Head Cashier & Book Keeper : 29 yrs

Bath Square: Welcome

15 Bath Square

1871 Census


1881 Census

John Taw : Waterman : 27 yrs

Helen : 24 yrs

Fobia : 3 yrs

John : 1 yr

1891 Census

John Taw : Mariner, Merchant Service : 39 yrs

Nellie : 32 yrs

Flora : 13 yrs

John : 11 yrs

Lillie : 9 yrs

Edward : 5 yrs

Madeline : 7 yrs

Mabel : 1 yr

1901 Census

John Taw : Waterman : 51 yrs

Florence : 23 yrs

John : Maltster : 20 yrs

Madeline : 17 yrs

Edward : Errand Boy : 15 yrs

Mabel : 11 yrs

Fred : 7 yrs

Arthur : 1 yr

Portsmouth Evening News : Saturday 5 March 1932

Monday 21st March 1932, sale of investment properties in Portsmouth, Field and Palmer are instructed to sell by auction on the above date, at 6.30 pm :-

15 Bath Square

Bath Square: About

16 Bath Square

1871 Census


1911 Census

Nigel O Walker : Carrier : 33 yrs

Emily Rangemont : Servant : 35 yrs

Adrian : Page Boy : 14 yrs

Bath Square: Welcome

17 Bath Square

1871 Census

Elizabeth Butcher : Supported by Relatives : 67 yrs

Robert : Mariner : 43 yrs

Richard : Mariner : 41 yrs

James : Mariner : 29 yrs

1881 Census

Edward Neald : Cook out of Employ : 49 yrs

Emily : 54 yrs

Terbepen : 24 yrs

Emily : 14 yrs

Albert E : General Labourer : 20 yrs

Charles Bryant : Oil Man : 46 yrs

Elizabeth : 41 yrs

Ernest : Joiner’s Apprentice : 13 yrs

George A Cannon : Painter & Plumber : 29 yrs

Frederick C Baker : General Hawker : 53 yrs

1891 Census

Joseph Coppin : Mate of a Ship : 47 yrs

Maria : 45 yrs

Nora J : Dressmaker : 19 yrs

Matthew Edward Wann : 27 yrs

George Otley : Mate of Merchant Ship : 30 yrs

Annie : 30 yrs

Jane Ford : 78 yrs

Emma : 1 yr

Bath Square: About

18 Bath Square

Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser : Tuesday 26 December 1826

To ships chandlers, ship agents, &c., to be sold let on lease for seven, fourteen or twenty years, all those truly desirable freehold premises, No 18, Bath Square, Point, Portsmouth, expressly built for the ship chandelling business, containing a large and commodious shop, completely fitted up, a tanked cellar, capable of containing  a large quantity of provisions, two roomy olfts, and a dwelling house under the same roof.  These premises comprise every convenience for carrying on any extensive business relating to shipping, being, in fact, one of the first situations in Portsmouth, and within 50 feet of the water side.  Apply (if by letter, post paid) to Mr A Beattie, Gosport.

Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 30 March 1829

To be sold by auction by Mr J N Robinson, on Friday, the 3rd day of April, 1829, to commence at eleven o’clock, at 18 Bath Square, Point, the stock of a ship chandler, consisting of a variety of ship and cabin stores, carpenter’s and cooper’s tools, a twelve inch new cable, a quantity of new and secondhand anchors, ditto canvas,, a large assortment of crockery and stone ware, sixty dozen square quart glass bottles, pitch, tar &c.. ; also a beautiful model of atwelve oar barge, in glass case, representing his late Majesty George III going to view Lord Howe’s fleet, after the glorious first of June action.  For further particulars, apply at the Broker’s Office, opposite the Custom House.

1861 Census

Ann Board : Wife of Customs Officer, out door : 36 yrs

Henry : 8 yrs

George : 5 yrs

Sarah : 2 yrs

Joseph Bryant : Labourer in Dockyard : 33 yrs

Rosina : 25 yrs

Elizabeth : 8 yrs

William : 6 yrs

Richard : 3 yrs

Edward Sexton : Draper’s Assistant : 22 yrs

Elizabeth : 23 yrs

Henry J : 2 yrs

S A E : Dressmaker : 17 yrs

William White : Fish Salesman : 27 yrs

Ann : 25 yrs

Maria : 3 yrs

William : 1 yr

Richard ; 11 yrs

Julia : 9 yrs

1871 Census

Elizabeth Higgins : Laundress : 49 yrs

John W Nutter : General Labourer : 36 yrs

Eliza : General Servant : 16 yrs

Bath Square: Welcome

19 Bath Square

1871 Census

William Farmidge : Retired Mariner : 66 yrs

Mary : Housekeeper : 55 yrs

Mary : 4 yrs

1881 Census

Christopher Pearson : Greengrocer : 52 yrs

Anne : 47 yrs

George North : Corporal, R E : 30 yrs

Elizabeth : 24 yrs

James H Clark : Sgt, 59th Regt : 29 yrs

Lilian M : Dressmaker : 22 yrs

Walter : 2 yrs

Luke Barron : Licensed Waterman : 53 yrs

1891 Census

Isaac Savage : Bargeman : 65 yrs

Ellen : 67 yrs

Bath Square: About

20 Bath Square

Customs Watch House

Stamford Mercury : Thursday 12 September 1723

We hear that very considerable seizures of wine and brandy have been lately made by the Customs House Officers about Portsmouth’

In this year Excise tax levied for coffee, tea and chocolate

The Waltham Black Acts adds 50 capital offences to the penal code - people could be sentenced to death for theft and poaching - repealed in 1827

The Workhouse Act or Test - to get relief, a poor person has to enter Workhouse

Stamford Mercury : Thursday 2 December 1725

Portsmouth Nov 25 : Last Sunday a Customs House waiter, that was placed on board a Dutch vessel in the harbour, observing an Anchor Brandy to be handed out of the ship into a Man o’ War’s boat, jumped down in the boat and seized it : upon which the boat put off a little from the vessel, and one of the crew threw it overboard, saying, “Let it go to the Devil.”  Another of them cries out, “ Let the man go to the Devil after it,” and throws him also overboard ; and had not a Package Boat providently come by that instant, the man had certainly been drowned.  The Anchor of Brandy was likewise taken up, and the officer seized the Man o’ War boat the next morning.

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 28 December 1772

Tuesday last was brought to the Custom House, 100 bags of tea, which was seized the same evening near this place, by the Princess Caroline, Cutter, belonging to this port.  And a few before, 30 bags of tea were brought in here by the same vessel

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 16 December 1776

On Monday died Mr William Baskerville, who had been near forty years tide-surveyer in the service of the Customs, at this port.

Salisbury and Winchester Journal : Monday 13 August 1781

On Thursday 16th of August, 1781, at two o’clock in the afternoon, will be exposed to public sale, at the Customs house at this port, the under mentioned goods, the same having been seized and legally condemned.

Brandy ... 900 gallons : Rum ... 73 Gallons : Geneva ... 845 Gallons : Coffee ... 206 Pounds : Irish Linen ... 170 Pieces .A parcel of red and white wine, Iron Moulds for castin bullets, striped cotton, printed linen, coals, a cart, and about six cwts of Salts, a Wherry and her materials, and a skiff with her oars.

Salisbury and Winchester Journal : Monday 17 December 1787

On Thursday the 20th of December, 1787, at ten o’clock in the morning, will be exposed to public sale, at the Custom House in this place, the undermentioned goods, the same having been seized and legally condemned, viz ;

Brandy ... 300 gallons ; Rum ... 1000 gallons ; Geneva ... 3000 gallons

The greatest part of the brandy and rum are of the strength of 1 in 6 and upwards under Hydrometer proof, and will be sold in large and small lots, for the accommodation of dealers and private persons.

Also to be sold, 26 dozen Hair Bottoms for Chairs, several boats and materials.

The goods above mentioned may be viewed and tasted at any time in proper hours (two days before the sale) by applying to the warehouse keeper.

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 5 January 1789

A few days since was seized by the Thorn sloop of war, a smuggling lugger, named the Hazard, laden with fifteen hundred casks of spirits, a quantity of tobacco, and other articles, which were safely lodged in the Custom House here.

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 5 November 1792

Whereas a burglary was committed in the Custom House of this port, in the night of the 2nd instant, or between the hours of one and half past two o’clock in the morning of the 3rd instant, by some person or persons unknown, who broke open three of the desks in the Long - Room, and took from one of the said desks about thirty nine pounds in cash, which they feloniously carried away.  The Honourable Commissioners of his Majesty’s Customs, in order to bring the offenders to justice, do hereby offer a reward of fifty pounds, to any person or persons, who shall discover and apprehend, or cause  to be discovered and apprehended, any one of  of the said offenders, to be paid by the Registrar General of his Majesty’s Customs, upon conviction.

Morning Post : Monday 21 September 1801

Sale of Wines and other goods which have lain in the Custom House warehouse, at Portsmouth, unentered, upward of twelve months, on Thursday, the 24th day of September, 1801 and be exposed to public sale at the custom hose in order to defray his Majesty’s duties.

About 15 pipes of wine : 44 hogsheads of ditto : 41 quarter casks of ditto : 1 hogshead rum : 3 cases of books and sculpture : 1 hogshead leaf tobacco : 6 boxes brandy : 1 cask coffee : 1 cask sugar candy : 2 leopard skins : 1 quarter cask oil : 1 box & 1 hamper liquors : 2 casks fish : 16 dozen bottles beer : 13 boxes candles : 80 bundles Russia matts.

Which goods may be viewed in proper hours, three days before the sale by applying to the warehouse keeper.

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 13 February 1815

Last night, or very early this morning, a closet in the Long Room of the Custom House was broken open, by means of cutting away the woodwork about the lock, and a small brown bag, containing a sum of money to the amount of £500 and upwards, was stolen therefrom.  A particular investigation of the circumstances was immediately set on foot, and not the least doubt is entertained but the theft was committed by some villain who contrived to secrete himself in the Customs House in the course of yesterday, as the doors were found fastened, as usual.  Bills have been circulated, offering a reward of £50 for the apprehension of ther offender or offenders, and this afternoon a man was taken into custody, on suspicion of being concerned.  A piece of bew rope was found hanging out of the window of the Collector’s office, with which, it is conjectured, the thief made his escape, and it is hoped this may facilitate the detection.  It is remarkable that a centinel is constantly posted under the window where the rope was placed, who neither saw nor heard anything of the transaction.

Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 30 August 1819

Custom House

On Thursday the 9th of September, 1819, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, will be exposed to public sale, at this office, the following goods, the same having been seized and legally condemned, viz; India camel-hair shawls, shawl neckcloths, muslin, Nakeen, long cloth, fans, wine, brandy, rum, geneva,  cordials, tea, sugar, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, sweetmeats, citron, preserves, pickles, perfumery, toys, skins, feathers, Inadin ink, corneliun, necklaces, bracelets, eardrops, and ornamental coats,  angola shawls, gloves, wax candles, naples soap, &c.,  also two wherries and a skife, together with their materials, and likewise the broken-up hull of a large boat, and materials, and also four sails, returned from the Lively, tender to the Roebuck

Also for exportation - silk shawls, silk scarves, handkerchiefs, pieces of silk, pieces of crape, silk stockings, crape shawls, satin, gauze, Palempore &c.

The spirits cannot be sold for less than the amount of the several duties thereupon.  The whole may be viewed on application to the Warehouse Keeper, three days previous to the sale

Dorset County Chronicle : Thursday 26 June 1828

Custom House, Portsmouth, by order of the Honorable the Commissioners of his Majesty’s Customs, to be sold by public auction at this office, on Thursday, the 26th June, 1828, at eleven o’clock, the following goods, which have been seized and legally condemned, viz., 108 gallons brandy, and 47 gallons Geneva, of sufficient strength for dealers; the broken-up hull and materials of the Elizabeth, of Portsmouth, and a quantity of staves for firewood.  The whole may be viewed at the Custom House, two days before the sale, on application to the Warehouse Keeper.

Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 30 March 1829

Customs House, Portsmouth, by order of the Commissioners of his Majesty’s Customs, to be sold  by public auction, at this office, on Thursday, April 2nd, 1829, at 12 o’clock, the following, which have been seized and legally condemned, the cutter, Two Partners, of Shoreham, 18 tons, skiff and materials ; the broken up hull of a tub boat, and a quantity of broken up half ankers.  The same may be viewed on application at the Custom House.

Hampshire Advertiser : Saturday 1 November 1845

Death : This week, at Southsea, Mr Tasker, late of East Street, formerly for many years a faithful and an efficient custom house officer at Portsmouth, aged 76.

Hampshire Advertiser : Saturday 30 May 1846

Married at Kingston Church, Portsea, on the 25th instant, Mr John Larcom, gunner on H M Ship Excellent, to Sarah Ann, daughter of Mr Thomas Hearn, of H M Customs, Portsmouth

Hampshire Advertiser : Saturday 25 July 1846

Death : On the 19th instant, at Horth End, Portsea, Mr Nobes, of H M Custom House, Portsmouth, aged 33

1861 Census

John Ellis : Examining Officer of Customs : 49 yrs

Henry Board : Out Door, Officer of Customs : 34 yrs

Henry J Holt : Out door, Officer of Customs : 37 yrs

John Winn : Out Door, Officer of Customs : 45 yrs

1871 Census

James Hackett : Examining Officer : 48 yrs

Stan Alford : Out Door Examining Officer : 69 yrs

Charles Smith : Out Door Examining Officer : 36 yrs

Mark Hill : Out Door Examining Officer : 26 yrs

1881 Census

James Roche : Customs Examining Officer : 43 yrs

Samuel Christopher : Customs Boat Man : 27 yrs

John Wheeler : Customs Boat Man :  38 yrs

1901 Census

James Natt : Boatman, H M Customs : 40 yrs

John R Phillips : Boatman, H M Customs : 31 yrs

John Hill : Boatman, H M Customs

Bath Square: Welcome

21 Bath Square

“Isle of Wight Tavern”

1861 Census

Robert A Foord : Licensed Victualler : 46 yrs

(1851 Robert Peck Foord was Ship’s Agent Clerk living with Martha in Bath Square; 1881 living at 64 Broad Street, widow, Clerk to shipping agent; 1891 living at 3 Gt Southsea St on his own means,76 yrs; died 1893 79 yrs).

Martha : 49 yrs

Fanny B : 16 yrs

T Arnedick : Gentleman : 26 yrs

Captain Ludvigson : Captain : 28 yrs

John Atkinson : Pilot : 49 yrs

Ann Bartlett : House Servant : 17 yrs

1871 Census

Robert Foord : Licensed Victualler : 55 yrs

Martha : 60 yrs

Fanny : 25 yrs

1881 Census

Robert Lims : Publican : 41 yrs

Emma : 37 yrs

Mary A : 17 yrs

William Payne : General Labourer : 47 yrs

James Royal : Tailor : 22 yrs

Nathan Frost : Private, Royal Marines : 23 yrs

David Kinnaird : Private, Royal marines : 29 yrs

Portsmouth Evening News : Thursday 21 February 1901

Dog Cart, rubber tyred, panel sided trap, new shafts.

Brougham, Hooded Park Phaeton, working order

Apply by letter - Hamilton, 21 Bath Square.

Portsmouth Evening News : Saturday 26 June 1920

On Wednesday next at 6.30 pm King & King will sell by auction at their Property sale 

Rooms, with vacant possession

21 Bath Square

being a three floored brick built store with spacious paved cellarage under

Bath Square: About

22 Bath Square 

1871 Census

“East West Country House”

William H Hooper : Brass Finisher : 35 yrs

Jane : 19 yrs

William H : 7 months

Bath Square: Welcome

23 Bath Square

1881 Census

William White : Fish Salesman : 46 yrs

Ann : 43 yrs

Maria : 23 yrs

William : 22 yrs

Henry J : Clerk at Railway Station : 20 yrs

Alfred : Carpenter’s Apprentice : 18 yrs

Ann : 16 yrs

Richard : 14 yrs

John : 12 yrs

Julia : 10 yrs

Jessie : 8 yrs

Kate : 6 yrs

Mabel : 3 yrs

Cassie : 1 yr

1891 Census


1901 Census

William White : Fish Salesman : 41 yrs

Clarissa : 42 yrs

1911 Census

Richard Ernest White : Fish Auctioneer : 41 yrs

Martha : 40 yrs

William : Fish Auctioneer’s Clerk : 18 yrs

Lillian : Milliner : 16 yrs

Jessie : 14 yrs

Richard : 9 yrs

Mabel : 7 yrs

Portsmouth Evening News : Tuesday 20 February 1923

Deaths : White - On the 16th inst., at 23 Bath Square, Martha Ann, the dearly beloved wife of Richard White, age 53, after long illness.

Portsmouth Evening News : Tuesday 16 September 1952

The Deputy City Coroner, Mr P D Childs, yesterday returned a verdict of “Suicide while the balance of his mind was disturbed” on a man  who had made 18 attempts from the Germans during the war.  The body of the deceased, Neville Herman Strange (38) of 23 Bath square was found hanging by a rope in the boathouse at Portsmouth Rowing Club on Friday.

Bath Square: Welcome

25 Bath Square

1881 Census


Portsmouth Evening News : Friday 17 November 1939

Lost : Thursday afternoon, in Osborne Road, Lady’s Brown Tweed Cap, with gold naval crown brooch : Reward : 25 Bath Square

Portsmouth Evening News : Friday 26 July 1940

Wanted - Young Nurse-Housemaid.

Apply 25 Bath Square.

Portsmouth Evening News : Monday 31 August 1942

Single Divan Bed. £12 10d ; dark oak hall wardrobe, £10 ; both as new.

Phone 74218 or call before 11am - 25 Bath Square.

Portsmouth Evening News : Wednesday 5 April 1944

Taxi-driver Leslie Chester Cooper, 25 Bath Square, was fined £5 and his licence endorsed for two offences of exceeding the 20 mph speed limit.

Portsmouth Evening News : Tuesday 8 January 1952

Births : Barrett - On 19th December, 1951, to Rosemary (nee Shannons), wife of Peter Barrett of 25 Bath square, a daughter (Belinda Rosemary).

Bath Square: Text

27 Bath Square

1901 Census

James R Wright : Carter, Dockyard : 27 yrs

Sarah J : 24 yrs

George J J : under 1 month 

Frank Lovell : Fish Porter : 26 yrs

Kitty : 20 yrs

Willmore : Office Boy : 15 yrs

1911 Census

Frank Lovell : Fish Porter : 34 yrs

(1891, 16 yrs, living parents William (gen labourer)  & Jane in 13 West St;).

Elizabeth C : 29 yrs

Frank : 8 yrs

Catherine F : 4 yrs

William W : 2 yrs

Harry Bullen : Private Royal Marines : 39 yrs

Rose : Midwife : 39 yrs

Rose Dorothy : 7 yrs

Ivy Irene : 3 yrs

Margaret  Ada : 8 months

William Pike : Vegetable Cook : 29 yrs

Portsmouth Evening News : Saturday 30 March 1929

Monday 8th April 1929, Point, Old Portsmouth, sale of waterside freehoild property of special interest to boating men.  Field and Palmer are instructed to sell by auction, the double-fronted freehold house, 27 Bath Square (at the corner of Bathing lane), with 4 bedrooms, 3 sitting rooms, kitchen, wash-house, yard, and side entrance.  Let to Mr Lovell at 10s 5d per week, tenant paying water rate.

Portsmouth Evening News : Friday 11 December 1953

Large Pram and canopy and baby clothes, £4 the lot. also two sml fitting Ladies’s Costumes. £4 10s and £2

27 Bath Square

Bath Square: About

Bath Square

1 Newman’s Cottages

1881 Census

Margaret Preston : Wool Worker : 38 yrs

William E : Barman : 19 yrs

Henry : 13 yrs

Walter : 10 yrs

Ernest : 7 yrs

Frederick : 3 yrs

Bath Square: About

Bath Square

2 Newman’s Cottages

1881 Census

Richard W Kemp : Waterman : 42 yrs

Mary J : Mangle Woman : 43 yrs

Minnie : 12 yrs

Bath Square: Welcome

Bath Square
Navy Post Office

Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette : Saturday 18 January 1851
Hours for delivery of letters - Winter: half past 7, morning; Summer: 7 morning ; afternoon, 3, all the year round.  Office for unpaid and stamped letters.

Bath Square: Text

Bath Square

Pickford’s Furniture Store

1881 Census


Bath Square: Text

Bath Square

Pickford’s Office

1881 Census

William Fermidge : In Charge of Pickford’s Stores : 56 yrs

Mary : 65 yrs

John Heatherman : Pickford’s Clerk : 64 yrs

Alfred Hare : General carpenter : 30 yrs

Walter Chapman : General Labourer : 37 yrs

George Goody : General Labourer : 42 yrs

Harry Root : General Labourer : 38 yrs

Bath Square: Welcome

Bath Square

Quebec House

Hampshire History : 

Gets it’s name from the Battle of Quebec fought in 1759. Built in 1754 by public subscription of local inhabitants as a bathing house.

The baths were connected to the sea via pipes and as the tide ran, the four baths were flushed with fresh sea water.  The baths were of different depths and different sizes, with changing room sfor men and women.

It is famous for, in 1845 Quebec House was the place Captain Alexander Seton of the 11th Dragoons passed away as  the reult of an injury he acquired whilst duelling with Lieutenant Henry Hawkley of the Royal Marines.  Seton is thought to have been the last Englishman to have died as a result of a dual.

Sunday 7 May 2017, Quebec estimated value by Zoopla ...£1,976,000

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 19 September 1808

Portsmouth - For Public Sale

On Thursday the 22nd September 1808 at the Quebec Tavern, at Noon

Two or Three hundred load of prime Swedish Timber, from 10 to 14 inch

A quantity of 14feet 3 inch Deals

100 barrels of Stockholm Tar

28 Ditto Pitch

20 Large Sails

For catalogues, and viewing the same, apply to J Peters & Co, Merchants.

Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser : Saturday 14 October 1809

To be sold by auction, at the West India and Quebec Tavern, Bath Square, on Monday, the 16th instant, at noon.  The masts, yards, sails and stores, saved from the wreck of the ship Royal Edward, from Jamaica lately stranded off Selsey Bill.

For particulars apply to Mr P Grubb, Jamaica Coffee House; or Messrs Smith and Robinson, Ship Chandlers, &c., Portsmouth

Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser : Monday 28 January 1811

At the Quebec Tavern on Friday , February 1

(unless previously disposed of by private contract)

The Good ship Apollo, 243 tons per register, built at Scarbro’, and wood sheathed, is a faithful well-built vessel, carries a large cargo, and well adapted for the transport service or any other trade her size might suit ; she is abundantly found with every description of stores.  For inventories of which, and further particulars, apply to the Master on board, at the Gosport side of Portsmouth.

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 24 May 1819

To be let by auction by Mr Crook, on the premises, on Thursday, the 27th day of May, 1819, at seven o’clock in the evening, subject to such conditions as shall there and then be produced - All that messuage anor dwelling house and premises situate, and being in Bath Square, and known by the name of the West India and Quebec Tavern, free for all kinds of beer, wine, and spirits for the term of three, five or seven years, from Midsummer next.

Also all those valuable premises adjoining, called the Bathing House, the same having lately undergone a complete repair, and fitted up in the most convenient manner for hot and cold baths, with dressing rooms &c..  

Further particulars may be know on application to Mr Pearce, Solicitor, St George’s Square, Portsea.

Birmingham Chronicle : Thursday 31 March 1825

Between Portsmouth and Ryde, Isle of Wight

the commodious and fast going Steam Packet, Union, of Portsmouth.

Captain Groves will commence performing the passage between the above places, on 3rd April next; she will leave the former place every day at the hours of8. 10.3 and 6, and the latter at the hours of 9, 12, 5 and 7, making the passage in half an hour; she is fitted up very conveniently with three cabins, and passengers will meet with every possible attention.

Quarter Deck and After cabins - 1s 6d : Forecastle & Fore-cabin 1s

NB - Goods and parcels booked at the Quebec Tavern, Bath Square, and at the Pier Hotel, Ryde.  The owners will not be answerable for any goods and parcels, unless booked at one of the said places.

Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 6 August 1859

To be sold or let, with immediate possession, the Quebec Hotel and Tavern, situate in Bath Square, for many years occupied by the late Mr Hale, but now occupied by his widow, who, from failing health, desires to quit business.

The house stands on the shore at the entrance of the harbour, commanding an uninterrupted sea view, and from its situation is admirably adapted for carrying on an extensive business in connexion with passengers by packets and other ships, besides being attractive to visitors.  The Quebec Hotel is an old established house, in which for many years, a good trade has been maintained.

The premises may be viewed by leave of Mrs Hale, the tenant, and other particulars, may be ascertained on application to Mr C B Hellard, Solicitor, Portsmouth.

Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette : Saturday 30 March 1861

Quebec Hotel, Bath Square

Marvin & King, having disposed of the above hotel, are instructed by Mrs Hale, to sell by auction, on the premises, on Tuesday April 9th, 1861, and following days, commencing at 12 o’clock each day, the whole of the equipment, comprising, the contents of 20 bed chambers, in mahogany and neat Japan suites, including four post, French, and Iron Arabian Bedsteads, horse-hair and other mattresses, excellent feather beds, blankets, counterpanes, chests of drawers, washing and dressing tables, sets of toilet ware, toilet glasses, hip and other baths, bedsteps, &c &c..

The contents of 8 sitting rooms, coffee and smoking rooms, amongst which will be found, mahogany secretaire book-case, enclosed sideboard, sofas, couches, sets of chairs, easy chairs, dining, centre, card, coffee room, and other tables, dial, pictures, 6.5 octave cabinet pianoforte, in rosewood case, square pianoforte &c..

The fittings of bar, bar parlour, kitchen &c., Cottage mangle, large quantity of superior linen, services of china and glass, about 300 ounces of silver plate, town plated articles, cutlery &c., cellar of choice wines, including some fine old Port, of rae vintage; also the whole of the valuable fixtures, including bath, force pump, cisterns, ranges, registered, elliptic, and other stoves,, bells, gas fittings, meter, dressers, cupboards, partitioning &c &c..

Catalogues of the whole are preparing and may be had (6d each) of the auctioneers 148 Queens Street, after the 6th of April, or on the premises the day preceeding the morning of sale, when the effects may be viewed.

1861 Census

James Constance : Gentleman : 27 yrs

Mary Jacobs : 30 yrs

William Richards : House Porter : 25 yrs

Jane Bert : Housemaid : 23 yrs

Portsmouth Evening News : Thursday 25 January 1900

Found : St Bernard Bitch.  Owner can have same by paying expenses.  

Matthews. Quebec House, Bath Square.

1901 Census

Thomas B Matthews : Master Mariner : 61 yrs

Emily : 59 yrs

Harry : Clerk, Commercial : 28 yrs

Laura : 25 yrs

Cedris Shirra : 13 yrs

Freda Kuchurich : Finishing Governess, School : 26 yrs

Vera E Baxendale : 12 yrs

Eliza Lefly : Kitchenmaid : 20 yrs

Portsmouth Evening News : Saturday 13 December 1902

Death : On the 12th inst., at Quebec House, Bath Square, Thomas Lacey, dearly beloved husband of Emily Matthews, aged 62.  After a long and painful illness of cancer in the tongue.  Friends please keep this the only intimation.

London Daily News : Tuesday 12 June 1906

Bedroom and Breakfast wanted fortnight, 5 minutes from Strand.  Moderate.

E., Quebec House, Bath Square.

Portsmouth Evening News : Tuesday 12 June 1906

Lost : A green parrot with red beak, lost Sunday last. Finder rewarded bring to Quebec House, Bath Square.

Portsmouth Evening News : Tuesday 26 March 1929

For Sale - Dynamo, Crompton, switchboard, and 12 Edison batteries ; also 17 ft motor launch ; all in good condition ; offers.  -  Quebec House, Bath square.

Portsmouth Evening News : Friday 5 February 1932

Sir, - I should like to state through your paper how I appreciated (and I am sure all the shilling supporters did likewise) the decision of the Directors of the Portsmouth FC not to raise the price of the shilling gate for the Arsenal match.

Although the rumours were circulated everywhere, I myself feel confident that the “sporting” element which we all know exists among our Directors, would predominate, and I feel sure that everyone will think of this and still roll up to Fratton Park when things might not be quite so rosy for the club.

G W Cole.  Quebec House, Bath Square

Bath Square: About

Bath Square

Seaman & Mariner’s Orphan School 

Warder and Dublin Weekly Mail : Saturday 24 October 1840

The Hon Admiral Bouverie, the Superintendent of Portsmouth Dockyard, has been unanimously elected President of the Seamen’s and Mariner’s Orphan School at Portsmouth

Morning Advertiser : Monday 1 March 1841

At the paying-off her Majesty’s Ship Satellite, the Seaman and Mariner’s School, Bath Square, received £4 11s 10d from the ship’s company

Hampshire Chronicle : Saturday 16 October 1847

On Wednesday the anniversary meeting of the Portsmouth and Portsea Seamen and Marines Orphan School was held at the Guildhall, Vice-Admiral A Ommanney KCB in the chair.  The expenses for the year have been £337 18s 7d and there are now on the books 91 children.  Since the last anniversary, four boys have been fitted out for sea, three sent to Greenwich, and three girls placed in respectable service, and each supplied with everything necessary as an outfit.  The building is progressing most favourably, and now amounts to £1004 5s 9d, all of which is funded with the exception of £61 19s 6d in the hands of Messrs Grant & Co, £50 having been presented by Lord Egremont, during the last few days;  there is also an endowment fund of £64 7s 8d.  The kindness of Mr Alderman Lucas towards these children has shown itself in many ways previously, and in a letter recently received, he has expressed his attention to present to each monitor, on the anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar.  He also £100 towards the building fund.

The meeting was opened  with prayer by the Rev J P McGhie, and was addressed by Captain Chads, Major Calamy, Captain Sayer, and the Rev Messrs Cooper and Cottenham.  Among the other gentlemen present were Col Mercer, Capt Lawrence, Capt Cracroft RN, Major Moore, the Rev Dr Austen, and the Rev Mr Barton.  Lord Frederick Clarence was present for a short time, and presented a donation of £5, and signified his intention of becoming an annual subscriber of £2.  Admiral Sherriff was elected vice-president in  the place of Admiral Parker, and the following gentlemen were appointed to the vacancies in the committee ; Sir Edward Parry, Capt Yates, of the Victory, Captain Milner RN, Lieut Cochran RH, Lieut Jones RN.

Bath Square: About

Bath Square

Union Cottage

1891 Census

Sophia Nield : Needlewoman : 83 yrs

Eliza Bernthal : Seamstress : 67 yrs

1901 Census

Emily Harcus : Corset Maker : 28 yrs

Louisa Montague : Nurse : 70 yrs

Walter Lovell : Labourer, General : 32 yrs

1911 Census

Walter Lovell : Carrier’s Storeman : 41 yrs

Emily Harcus : 48 yrs

Louisa Montague : 85 yrs

Bath Square: Welcome

Bath Square

“Coal Exchange”

Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 16 December 1848

William Woods, was convicted of an assault on Sarah Sargeant, the landlady of the “Coal Exchange” at Point on the 14th instant, and was sentenced to pay a fine of 10s and 9s costs or 10 days’ imprisonment.  Paid.

Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 13 February 1858

Francis Baker, keeper of the “Coal Exchange”, Bath Square, was convicted of opening his licensed house for the reception of persons not being travellers, during morning Divine Service, on Sunday last, and was fined £2 and costs or 21 days imprisonment.

Portsmouth Evening News : Monday 9 October 1916

Boy wanted, just left school.  Hours 10am to 2pm, 6pm to 8pm

Apply Coal Exchange, Bath Square.

Portsmouth Evening News : Tuesday 6 March 1923

Hotel Servants - Smart and willing girl, used to bar and housework.  Wilkins, Coal Exchange, Bath Square.

Bath Square: Text

Bath Square
“East & West Country House

1861 Census

Sarah J Leverett : Victualler : 41 yrs

Eliza E Hall : 32 yrs

Elizabeth : 1 yr

Rebecca Durham : 49 yrs

John Egan : Seaman, RN : 40 yrs

Thomas Cameron : Bumboat man : 26 yrs

Ellen : 21 yrs

1871 Census

George White : Fish Salesman : 51 yrs

Sarah : Licensed Victualler : 52 yrs

Julia : Assistant : 16 yrs

John : 10 yrs

Albert : 8 yrs

William : 3 yrs

George : Fish Salesman : 30 yrs

Ellen : 25 yrs

Ellen : 4 yrs

Bath Square: Text

Bath Square
“New York Tavern”

1861 Census

John Smith : Victualler : 31 yrs

Harriett : 30 yrs

William Harvey : 6 yrs

Mary Skeams : 16 yrs

Elizabeth Butcher : Housekeeper : 55 yrs

Robert : Waterman : 32 yrs

Richard : Waterman : 30 yrs

William : Waterman : 23 yrs

Henry : Waterman : 21 yrs

James : waterman : 18 yrs

Joseph : Waterman : 15 yrs

Matthias R Leverett : Mariner, Yacht : 25 yrs

Ann : 25 yrs

Laura : 3 yrs

Mariene : 1 yr

Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 27 March 1869

John Henry Francks, the landlord of the “New York Tavern” in Bath Square was charged with having his house open for the sale of drink after the hour of one o’clock on the 18th instant.  Convicted and fined 20s, including costs which was at once paid.

1881 Census

Malkin Williams : Publican & Tailor : 45 yrs

Mary : 51 yrs

Malkin : 9 yrs

Sarah R : 7 yrs

Robert Guended : Butcher : 24 yrs

Walter Ring : Merchant Sea Captain : 34 yrs

Emily Penfold : General Servant : 19 yrs

Portsmouth Evening News : Tuesday 20 November 1883

On Wednesday next, at twelve o’clock, New York Tavern, Bath Square.

Loader & Son are instructed by Mr Williams to sell by auction, the whole of the household furniture, being the contents of five bedrooms, tap-room, smoking room including a large sized solid mahogany smoking room table.  On view morning of sale.

1891 Census

“late “New York Tavern”

Harriet Williams : General Shopkeeper : 28 yrs

John : 7 yrs

John Hubbard : Dyer : 39 yrs

Elizabeth : 44 yrs

Joseph Jester : General Labourer : 28 yrs

Mary : 30 yrs

Margaret : 8 yrs

Jane Ashley : Hawker : 30 yrs

George : 10 yrs

Carrie : 6 yrs

John : 4 yrs

Samuel : 2 yrs

Mary Hayes : General Servant : 26 yrs

Jane : General servant : 26 yrs

Bath Square: Welcome

Bath Square

“Still Tavern”

1881 Census

William Long : Retired Sailor, Royal Navy and Publican : 59 yrs

Elizabeth : 55 yrs

James Main : Waterman : 34 yrs

Elizabeth B : 32 yrs

George B : 4 yrs

Lily B : 8 yrs

Alice Hollins : Marine Engine Driver’s Wife : 29 yrs

Harry : 8 yrs

R H : 4 yrs

Ada E : 2 yrs

Mabel : 4 months

Robert Elkins : Waterman : 62 yrs

Louisa : 59 yrs

1891 Census :

 Premises not individually identified

James Main : Publican : 44 yrs

Elizabeth A : 41 yrs

Lilly Brown : Dressmaker : 18 yrs

George : Boat Builder : 14 yrs

Emma : General Servant : 18 yrs

Edward Long : Seaman Gunner, RN : 33 yrs

1901 Census

George Browne : Shipwright, Dockyard : 24 yrs

George J Long : Gunner, RN : 45 yrs

Emily : 49 yrs

Lily E P Browne : 28 yrs

John L Hill : Clerk, Fish Salesman : 23 yrs

Charles E Slape : Mariner : 23 yrs

Nellie Ross : Servant : 22 yrs

George Feben : Fisherman : 45 yrs

Daniel Jacobs : Blacksmith : 71 yrs

Annie : 49 yrs

1911 Census

“Still & West Country House”

Thomas Edward Paisley : Publican : 41 yrs

Amy Lizzie Seaddon : Housekeeper : 46 yrs

Thomas : Late Coachman : 74 yrs

Bath Square: Text
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