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Green Row

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 29 September 1817

Died, on Tuesday, Mrs Hawkins, wife of Mr Hawkins, Green Row, clerk in Messrs Garrett’s brewery.  Mrs H was an old inhabitant and much respected.

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 1 November 1824

Died, on Sunday last, Mr Weare, baker and grocer, of Green Row, aged 43

Green Row: Welcome

1 Green Row

Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 30 October 1837

To be sold by private contract, five freehold dwelling houses, being No 20, in St Mary Street, in the occupation of Mr Peckham, Shoe-maker, and No 21, in the occupation of Mr Hansford, Grocer &c., and the three adjoining houses in Armory Lane.  Further particulars may be obtained on application, (if by letter, post-paid) to Mr George Cole, Artist, No 1 Green Row.

1851 Census

John Shoppard : Deputy Port Master : 55 yrsMary : 50 yrs

Fanny : 21 yrs

Jane : 14 yrs

Sarah : 12 yrs

Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 11 November 1854

Death : Comerford - On the 4th inst., at No 1 Green Row, Sophia, widow of the late Mr Comerford, bookseller of this town, aged 65.

Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 3 November 1860

Volunteer Review on Compton Down

Mr R H C Ubsdell has the honour to announce that he has commenced a painting of the above, from drawings made on the spot.

A Photographic print will be published of the same

Applications for copies to be made at the gallery, No 1 Green Row.

Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette : Saturday 26 August 1865

Mews to let - In the best part of Southsea, 13 stalls, 5 coach houses, and dwelling house attached - well drained and ventilated.

Apply Mr H T Cecill, Agent, 1 Green Row

Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette : Saturday 25 April 1868

Great Volunteer Review at Portsmown Hill

Photographs of the above are just published, price 2s each by

R H C Ubsdell, No 1 Green Row.  Copies will be forwarded by return of post on receipt of stamps.

1871 Census

Richard H C Ubsdell : Miniature & Portrait Painter : 59 yrs

1851 : Miniature Painter37 yrs, living at 135 High Street with Mary Ann 35 yrs

Mary A : 57 yrs

William G : Miniature Painter : 34 yrs

Thomas : Miniature Painter : 32 yrs

Mary A : 6 yrs

Albert Yates : Errand Boy : 16 yrs

Sarah Forman : General Servant : 20 yrs

Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 5 September 1874

King & King are favoured with instructions by the Proprietor, to offer for sale by public auction, on Wednesday, 23 September, 1874, the following property in lots;

Lot 1 : No 1 Green Row - a most commodious residence, in the occupation of Mr R H C Ubsdell, Artist, at the very moderate rental of £50 per annum

Lot 2 : No 2 Green Row - an old established business, in the occupation of Mr Warrell, Gun Maker

Lot 3 : No 35 Penny Street - 

Gloucester Journal : Saturday 14 August 1875

Money - A private gentleman is desirous of lending out some spare capital to respectable persons (male or female) upon note of hand, furniture with removal, on any valuable security.  Interest 5 per cent ; distance no object.

Application to Mr R Stoakes, 1 Green Row will receive prompt attention

Green Row: Welcome

2 Green Row

Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 27 November 1837

The banking office of Messrs John Atkins and Son will, on the 4th December next, be removed from 77 Broad Street to No 2 Green Row.

1851 Census

John Elias Atkins : Justice of the Peace & Banker : 64 yrs

1787 : born 14 January, Baptsd 20 February at St Thomas’s.  Father John Atkins, mother Elizabeth

1811 : 31 August married Sophia Ann Holmes at St Thomas’s

1834 : Living at 2 Green Row, Freehold house

1865 : Died in Portsea

Charlotte Downville : Fund Holder : 63 yrs

Ann : 61 yrs

Hannah Reed : House Servant : 32 yrs

Eliza Timbrill : House Servant : 29 yrs

Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette : Saturday 15 August 1863

Hampshire Banking Company

Established 1834

Branch recently opened

2 Green Row : Mr J E Atkins, Manager (Late partner of Atkins & Son, Bankers)

Isle of Wight Observer : Saturday 18 March 1865

Mr Warrell, 2 Green Row, has got for sale about 100 canaries, several parrots (one of them one of the best talkers in England), also a couple of very handsome old English Water Spaniels, with very long ears, and a handsome retriever dog

Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette : Saturday 26 August 1871

Guns, Guns, Guns

One of the largest establishments in the south of England

S Warrell - Gun Maker, 2 Green Row : Takes this opportunity of thanking his patrons for their kind support for the last fourteen years, and he begs to inform them he intends to carry on his business exactly as usual, that is, all work done well, punctually as to time, and prices strictly moderate.

SW has now in stock a very large assortment of Breech Loaders - many of the latest improvements, and of the very best quality.  Prices range as high as £30; but all kinds and qualities are kept in stock, even as low as £5 each, should anyone wish to purchase such a thing.

A very stock of revolvers and ammunition of every description, in fact every article belonging to the trade can be supplied at a minute’s notice.

Guns of every description made to order, and all the work done on the premises

1871 Census

Sherriff Warrell : Gun Maker, emp 2 hands : 37 yrs

Jane : 34 yrs

Sherriff  W : 11 yrs

Richard : 10 yrs

Stephen : 7 yrs

Henry : 5 yrs

Jane A : 1 yr

Clara : 4 months

Jane Andrew : General Servant : 26 yrs

Emma Galphin : Nurse : 13 yrs

Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 5 September 1874

King & King are favoured with instructions by the Proprietor, to offer for sale by public auction, on Wednesday, 23 September, 1874, the following property in lots;

Lot 1 : No 1 Green Row - a most commodious residence, in the occupation of Mr R H C Ubsdell, Artist, at the very moderate rental of £50 per annum

Lot 2 : No 2 Green Row - an old established business, in the occupation of Mr Warrell, Gun Maker

Lot 3 : No 35 Penny Street - a very commandingly situated property, being at the corner of and facing Green Row and Penny Street, is in the occupation of Mr George Cook, Outfitter, at the exceedingly small rental of £316 per annum

Lot 4 : Nos 33 and 34 Penny Street - These residences are in good repair, and being near the corner of Green Row, are well worthy of notice, being each let at £1 1s 8d per month, exclusive of taxes.

Green Row: About

3 Green Row

Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 21 September 1844

To be sold by auction by Crook, Son and Diaper, on the premises, No 3 Green Row, on Tuesday, September 24th, 1844, at eleven, the genteel furniture, plated articles, china, glass and other household effects of Mr Tucker.  To be viewed on  morning of sale.

1871 Census

Hugh Drake : Steward, Royal Naval Club : 48 yrs

1881 : Late Steward RN Club 59 yrs living at 1 St Thomas’s Street

Severina : Housekeeper : 50 yrs

Thomas Longdon : Page : 15 yrs

Harriett Stokes : Undercook : 35 yrs

Henry Ballard : Billiard marker : 18 yrs

Green Row: Welcome

4 Green Row

“Fitzclarence Tavern”

Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette : Saturday 21 February 1852

AOF “Court Unity of Portsmouth”

The Committee beg to inform the Brothers and Friends of the above Court that the dinner to commemorate the anniversary will take place at the Fitzclarence Tavern, Green Row, on Thursday, February 26, 1852.  Mr T Henderson will preside.

1871 Census

“Fitzclarence Tavern”

Joseph Ogburn : Licensed Victualler : 54 yrs

Elizabeth : 37 yrs

Joseph : Chemist : 19 yrs

Matilda : Licensed Victualler : 16 yrs

Hannah Vosper : General Servant : 24 yrs

Green Row: About

5 Green Row

1871 Census

Joesph Tyler : Baker & Confectioner : 58 yrs

Ann : 50 yrs

Ellen : Assistant : 18 yrs

George : Assistant : 26 yrs

Walter A : Assistant : 18 yrs

William : Assistant : 12 yrs

Comphill : Commander, RN : 33 yrs

Green Row: Welcome

7 Green Row

1851 Census

Eliza Melvin : Annuitant : 82 yrs

Margaret Harding : House Servant : 35 yrs

Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette : Saturday 22 July 1865

Mr George M Beck is instructed by the executors of the late Mr T T Mallory Esq., deceased, to sell by public auction, on the premises, as above, on Wednesday, July 26th, 1865, commencing at 12 o’clock punctually

1871 Census

Maria Ford : Annuitant : 56 yrs

Maria L Holby : 20 yrs

Elizabeth Andrews : General Servant : 43 yrs

Green Row: Welcome

8 Green Row

1851 Census

Henry Dodman : Victualler & Greenwich Pensioner : 47 yrs

Charlotte : 41 yrs

Green Row: About

8 Green Row

“The Royal Swan”

Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 14 August 1852

Licence transfer :  The Royal Swan, Green Row from Henry Dedman to John Godseil

1871 Census

“Royal Swan”

Sarah Andrews : Licensed Victualler : 46 yrs

Ellen Seaby : Chemist’s Wife : 50 yrs

Harriett Ainsworth : General Servant : 26 yrs

Green Row: About

9 Green Row

1851 Census

Martha Hose : Annuitant : 79 yrs

Eliza Forlan  : Proprietor of Houses : 44 yrs

Denis Darby : Colonel : 66 yrs

Eliza Wilson : House Servant : 31 yrs

1871 Census

Eliza Carter : Income from House Property : 64 yrs

  • Elizabeth Wilson : General Servant : 51 yrs

Green Row: Text

Green Row

Wesleyan Chapel

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 23 February 1818

Methodist Chapel, Green Row

The trustees of Portsmouth new chapel respectfully inform the inhabitants of Portsmouth, Portsea, and vicinities, that on Friday next, the 27th instant, two sermons will be preached by the Rev Jabez  Bunting, of London, in aid of the pecuniary affairs of the chapel.

The collection in the morning will be made from pew to pew; and in the evening it is expected that silver will be given on admission to the chapel.  Service to commence in the forenoon at half-past ten, and in the evening at half-past six.

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 21 February 1820

Wednesday being the day appointed for the consigning to the sepulchre the remains of our late and venerable and much lamented Sovereign, these towns exhibited a spectacle of gloom and solemnity never exceeded, and nearly equalled only by that displayed on the internment of the lamented Princess Charlotte.

All the shops and private houses were closed, and businesses of every description suspended.  The Royal standard was lowered to half-mast on board the Queen Charlotte, on the Ramparts, and at the Dock-yard and Gun Wharf, and the colours of the several ships and vessels  at the port were lowered in a similar manner.

The firing of minute guns commenced at Fort Cumberland at half-past twelve o’clock, and was continued by the other forts and batteries, and His Majesty’s Ships in succession, until sunset, each firing 30 guns, which together with the tolling of the bells of the churches and chapels, which commenced at an early hour in the morning, and continued throughout the day (excepting only at the intervals of divine service), and the appearance of all ranks in deep mourning, contributed to the solemnity of the scene.

Divine Service was performed at the different churches and chapels, and at theRoyal Chapels, and at all the Dissenting places of worship, of every denomination, morning and evening, and excellent and appropriate discourses were delivered to the most numerous congregations ever witnessed.

At the Dock-yard chapel a funeral anthem was sung to great effect.  The text chosen on the occasion by the Rev Thomas Morgan, at the Dock-yard chapel was from the 29th chapter of the First Book of Chronicles, 28th verse, “And he died in a good old age, full of days, riches and honour.”  At St Thomas Church in the morning by the Rev C B Henville, Ecclesiastes, c.iii v1, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Heaven.”  At the Wesleyan Chapel, Green Row in the morning by the Rev A B Seekerson, for the Duke of Kent, Job, civ, v12 “Behold he taketh away, who each hinder him? who will  say unto him, “what doest thou?” and in the evening for his Majesty, Proverbs, c xvi, v30, “The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.”

Green Row: About

Green Row

“Three Tuns Tavern”

Brighton Guardian : Wednesday 4 April 1832

The tradesmen’s Friendly Carnival Ball was held on Tuesday evening, the 27th ult., at the Three Tuns Assembly Rooms, Green Row, which was filled to an overflow.  The superiority of the arrangements (which were on a very liberal scale), entitle the respectable host and hostess (Mrs and Mrs Lord) to infinite credit, for their unceasing attention to the  to the comforts of their visitors.  Dancing was prolonged to an unusually late hour, enlivened by the scientific sounds of  Jacob’s Quadrille Band.  The votaries of Terpsichore departed highly gratified with the pleasure they had enjoyed.

Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 27 August 1832

This day, James Lord, landlord of The three Tuns Tavern, Green Row and Daniel Kilpin, were brought before the borough magistrates, charged with an outrageous assault on Mr William Wickenden. of Portsea, Coal Merchant last evening, and after investigating the circumstances, the magistrates thought it was a case that should be sent to the sessions, and the defendants were called on to find sureties for their appearance at the sessions accordingly

Salisbury and Winchester Journal : Monday 21 September 1835

On Tuesday evening, about fifty gentlemen partook of an excellent supper at the Assembly Room of the Three Tuns Inn, Green Row, given by the respected and worthy host, Mr William Lord, previous to his departure from Portsmouth, and resignation of that establishment to Mr Ayling, the new host.  The evening was spent with great harmony.

Hampshire Advertiser :Saturday 23 January 1836

Three Tuns, Green Row

John Ayling respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has recently taken the above house, unquestionably in one of the best and most airy situations in Portsmouth, from the windows of which the splendid view of Spithead, and the Isle of Wight can always be enjoyed.

The house is recently painted, and newly fitted and furnished; the Bed-rooms are comfortable, and every attention will be paid that the best wines and spirits, with London Porter and the choicest country ales, shall always be forthcoming.

Hampshire Advertiser : Saturday 13 February 1836

A convivial music meeting will take place on Tuesday evening next, at the Society’s Rooms, Three Tuns Tavern, Green Row, under the direction of Mr Woolfe, assisted by several professional gentlemen and Amateurs, vocal and instrumental, and also by the gentlemen of the various musical and harmonic societies of this town

Hampshire Advertiser : Saturday 20 August 1836

The Odd Fellows meeting, on Monday evening, at the Three Tuns tavern, Green Row, was numerously attended.  Several new members were admitted, made and entered into the Order.  Ayling’s attentions were generally acknowledged, and the evening was spent with great harmony, good fellowship and unceasing conviviality.

Green Row: About

Green Row Rooms

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 8 January 1816

Amateur Concert - The subscribers are respectfully informed that the next public concert will take place at the New Rooms in Green Row, on Monday, the 15th inst.,instead of Tuesday, the 16th, as expressed in the advertisement last week.

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 26 May 1817

The ball on Thursday evening, at the Assembly Rooms, green Row, for the benefit of the National Institution for the Education of the Infant Poor, in the principles of the established church was very respectably attended.

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 27 December 1819

To be sold by auction, by Mr Collins, at the Green Row Rooms, on Wednesday, the 19th day of January, 1820 at twelve o’clock at noon,, by order of the Assignees of Thomas Andrews Minchin, William Grover caret and Arthur Kelly, the younger, Bankrupts, the following property - Crocker Hill near Wickham

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 10 January 1820

To be sold by auction, by Mr Crook, at the Green Row Rooms, on Wednesday, the 19th day of January, 1820, at eleven o’clock in the forenoon, by order of the Assignees of Thomas Andrews Minchin, William Grover Carter and Arthur Kelly, the younger, Bankrupts, the following property - Stakes Farm, Purbrook.

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 25 September 1820

Positively for One Night Only at the Green Row Assembly Hall

Mr Ashe, Director of the Bath Concerts, has the honour most respectfully to acquaint the Nobility and Gentry resident and visiting Portsmouth, there will be, on Monday evening, the 25th September 1820, a select performance of vocal and instrumental music when Mrs and the Misses Ashe will sing some of the most favourite airs, duets etc., and Mr and the Misses Ashe will perform various solo and concerted pieces on the double-action pedal harp, grand piano-forte and flute.

The concert commences at Eight o’clock.

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 16 April 1821

Ball in Honour of the King’s Birth Day

There will be a Ball, at the Assembly Rooms, Green Row, in honour of His Majesty’s Birth Day, on Monday 23rd of April, under the patronage of the Right Hon Lady Greenock, Lady Whitshed and Mrs George Williams.


Capt Briggs RN, Lt Col Rice CB 51st, Capt Moors RM, Dr James Lind

Tickets 5s each, to be had of Messrs Mottley and Co and Messrs Crew, High Street

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 8 April 1822

The Friends and Supporters of the Auxiliary Naval and Military Bible Society will hold their General Annual Meeting, at the Green Row Rooms, on Thursday the 11th of April, 1822, at twelve o’clock.

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 23 June 1823


A Provincial Grand Lodge for the County of Hants

Will be held at The Green Row Rooms at eight o’clock in the morning, on Tuesday the 1st of July next, to be Close Tiled at nine, from whence the Brothers  will go in procession to St Thomas’s Church to attend Divine Service, and hear a discourse upon the occasion from the Rev Brother Hopkins, the PGC, and then return in the same order to the Green Row Rooms, when, after discharging the Masonic Duties of the PGL the Brothers will dine together at the Society Hall, Southsea.

Upon this occasion the attendance of the several Lodges of the province is expected, and the pleasure of the company of visiting Brothers requested.

Tickets for the Dinner to be had of the WM of the several Lodges in Portsmouth, Portsea and Gosport, and of Brother Absolem, of the Mitre Tavern, Portsea, at 12s each, including a bottle of wine.

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 7 February 1825

A Grand Concert, for the benefit of Mr Quicke, will take place at the Green Row Rooms, on Tuesday evening next, the 8th of February 1825; on which occasion Mr Braham will sing some of his most popular songs, and will introduce that grand Piece - “Deeper and Deeper Still” - from the celebrated Oratorio of Jeptha; and selections from the fashionable Opera of Der Freischutz

Schemes and tickets may be had of Mr Hollingworth, High Street and of Mr Johnson, High Street, Gosport.

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 14 March 1825

The Public are most respectfully informed, that the intended concert for the benefit of the widow and family of the late Mr Howell, will be held at the Green Row Rooms, on Tuesday the 22nd inst on which occasion Miss Goodall has kindly offered her gratuitous assistance

Inverness Courier : Wednesday 22 August 1827

The Dinner given by the Admirals,Captains, and Commanders of the Royal Navy, to his Royal Highness the Lord High Admiral, at the Green Row Rooms, was attended by one hundred and twenty Naval Officers.

After the usual toasts, the President proposed “the health of the distinguished Royal Guest present, His Royal Highness the Lord High Admiral.”  The toast was drunk, three times three, with thunders of applause, and three salutes from the batteries.

Hampshire Chronicle : Monday 19 January 1829

On Thursday the 8th inst., a fancy ball was held at the Green Row Rooms, under the patronage of Hon Lady Stopford, Lady Campbell, Hon Mrs Elliott, Lady Williams, Mrs Burgoyne,, Mrs Major Campbell (51st), and under the more immediate direction of Captain Dickenson RN, which, both as to numbers and brilliancy, greatly surpassed that of last year.

The walls of the rooms were handsomely decorated with flowers and evergreens, and the floors chalked with great judgement and precision.   The company began to assemble at nine, and continued increasing until eleven o’clock, when there were nearly 400 persons present, and dancing was kept up with great spirit until five o’clock in the morning.

It would be impossible to mention one half of the characters which constituted this gay assemblage; we shall, therefore, content ourselves with enumerating a few, as follow:- Hon Mrs Elliott, in a rich fancy dress; Mrs Major Campbell, of the 51st, superb fancy dress; Mrs J A Hickley, in a handsome Grecian costume; Miss Sheridan, in a very splendid and becoming dress of the 17th century; Miss Arnaud, as Rebecca; and Miss C Arnaud as Rowena in Ivanhoe; Miss Howard, a charming little Sultana; Miss Deacon in a pretty Spanish costume and Miss E Deacon in a correct dress of a Madeira peasant; the Misses Little, as Polish Ladies; Miss Reeks, as a Portuguese; Miss O’Bryan, in a Russian dress; the Misses Powell and Wilkinson, in very pretty fancy dresses; Mr Barry RM, was excellent in the character of Looney McTwolter, and Mr Henry Deacon was capitally disguised as a ‘Buy a Broom Girl’; a waltz by this couple excited great excited great amusement; Mr Devisme, as Charles the second; Mr Norton, as a Scotch Nobleman; Capt H Moore, as a Turk, a character he well supported both in dress and appearance; Capt  Matthews, in a handsome dress of caspar; Mr Marshall in a dress of straw; Mr F Campbell as Rob Roy; and Mr Finmore as a Goucha Chief.

The foregoing are selected from a great variety of characters, too numerous to be particularised.  Much praise is due to Capt Dickenson, for having been the first to suggest the establishment of fancy balls in the town; and from the manner in which the experiment succeeded last year, and the increasing patronage which the present ball has received from the heads of the various departments under Government, the officers of the army and Navy, as well as the inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood, we are to anticipate, with feelings of pleasure, an annual return of this cheerful ceremony.

A general tone of good humour and hilarity pervaded pervaded the countenance and conduct of every individual, who seemed determined to prevent the occurrence of everything that could interfere in the most trifling degree with their mirth.  We congratulate the town on this accession to their amusements, and shall be happy to have an opportunity of recording each year a fancy ball at Portsmouth more brilliant than its predecessor.

Gore’s Liverpool General Advertiser : Thursday 26 November 1829

To Ships Chandlers, Rope Makers, Blacksmiths and General Dealers.

By Mr J N Robinson

On Monday next, the 30th inst., and four following days, commencing each day at ten o’clock precisely, at the Green Row Rooms, Portsmouth ;

All the extensive Stock in Trade and other effects of Mr J Rands, Merchant, of Portsmouth, deceased, consisting of 250 anchors and Grapnels, New and Twice-laid Rope, Hemp, Junk, Oakum, Netting, Canvas, Tarpaulins, Sails, 30 tons Guns, 13 handsome brass guns, suitable for Gentlemen’s Yachts, Muskets, Pistols,Blunderbusses, Swords, Cutlasses, Boarding Pikes, Gunpowder, &c  Bread bags, ballast bags, hammocks, woollen and other rags, paper shavings, paper stuff, leather buckets, maych rope, lines, twines, Russia Mats, new and second-hand cogged and wood-pinned blocks, block pins, nunbuoys, tar, pitch, resin, iron weights, scale beams and steelyards, scrap, slag, and useful iron, ships knees, crow bars, steel bars, nails, old copper, brass, , lead and pewter, cabin stoves, ships’ Hearths, Troops Copper, and Iron Boilers, Cabouses, Quadrants, Compasses, Time Glasses, Ships Timber, Water Casks, French Wine Corks, Soldiers’ Clothing, Knapsacks, , &c Hay Press, two brewing coppers,, Gun-pattern cast-iron posts, useful cart horse, Dray, Chaise and Harness &c

The following Shipping property will be sold on the fourth day of the sale - Dec 3rd.

Hazard : Brig : 131 tons, Duke of York : Schooner : 111 tons, Gambier : Schooner : 76 tons, Commerce : Schooner : 35 tons, Wellington : Sloop : 45 tons, John & Sally : Sloop : 56 tons,

Lark : Sloop: 52 tons, Abundance : Sloop : 43 tons, Linnet : Sloop : 38 tons, 3-8ths of the Britton : Sloop : 81 tons, 3-8ths of the Friendship : Sloop : 74 tons, Providence : Lighter.

Hampshire Chronicle :Monday 14 February 1831

The Third Garrison Ball, at the Green Row Rooms, on Monday was numerously and fashionably attended.  The Royal marine Quadrille added much to their popularity.  The Funchal Quadrilles, composed by Miss Deacon, and Hertz’s celebrated new set, arranged by Mr Young, were greatly admired.

Hampshire Advertiser : Saturday 12 July 1834

A grand dinner was given on Tuesday, at the Assembly Rooms, Green Row, to Admiral Napier, which was attended by 150 gentlemen, including several Portuguese Officers.  The dinner, dessert, and wines reflected great credit on Mr Nance of the Fountain Inn, High Street.  On the health of the Admiral being given, he returned thanks in a very appropriate address, which was much applauded.  The company departed highly gratified with the pleasures of the day

Hampshire Advertiser : Saturday 13 February 1836

Queens Birthday

The Nobility and Gentry are respectfully informed, a


in Honour of

Her Majesty’s Birth Day

will be held at the Green Row Rooms, on Wednesday, the 24th of February, 1836


Admiral Sir Thomas Williams GCB and Lady Williams

Major-General Sir Thomas MCMahon, Bart., KCB and Lady McMahon

Rear-Admiral Sir Frederick Maitland, KCB and Lady Maitland

Colonel Lewis RM


Captain Williams RN

Lieutenant McIlwaine RN

Lieutenant McMahon ADC

Lieutenant Brown RM

Tickets to be had of Mr Hollingsworth, at the King’s Rooms, Southsea or at the Green Row Rooms

Hampshire Telegraph : Monday 10 October 1836

A General Meeting of the Subscribers and Friends of the Portsmouth, Portsea and Gosprt Seaman’s Chapel and School, for the children of seamen, marines, fishermen, and watermen (under the patronage of Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Kent), was held at the Green Row Rooms on Tuesday morning, Rear Admiral Austin CB, President, in the chair.  The meeting was resumed in the evening at the School Room in Orange Street, Portsea, when Capt J Gourlay RN, Vice President, took the chair.

These schools, during the last year, have given gratuitous instruction to four hundred and ninety-two boys and girls, of which upwardly of fifty are orphans; the Sunday school is attended by133 boys and 75 girls; within the same period, 46 boys have left the schools, and gone to sea, one to the marines, all the rest to different situations; five girls have been apprenticed, six have gone to service, the rest differently employed.  

The Rev E Dewdney, examined the girls in both of the Portsmouth and Portsea schools, and the boys in the Portsea schools; and the Rev J E Good, and Charles Hall, the Sunday and Portsmouth boys’ school.  The collection at the Green Row Rooms, on the occasion, amounted to £3 2s 3d., that at the Orange Street school Room was £3 13s.  We are sorry to say that the weather prevented many friends of the Institution from attending the meeting.

Hampshire Advertiser : Saturday 21 July 1838

On Friday, the 27th instant, the Annual Tea Party for the Portsmouth and Portsea Sunday and Day School Union will take place at the Green Row Rooms.  The Rev J P McGhie A M ., will preside.  The meeting will be addressed by several of the neighbouring clergymen and other friends to the cause.

Hampshire Advertiser : Saturday 2 December 1843

A meeting of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts is intended to be held at the Green Row Rooms, on Wednesday, the 13th of December, the venerable Archdeacon Wilberforce in the chair, when much interesting information will be given respecting the objects and operations of the society.

Hampshire Telegraph : Saturday 8 November 1845

Southsea and Portsmouth Winter Assemblies


Hon Lady Pakenham, Admiral Sir Charles Ogle, Admiral Sir J Ommanney, Mrs Hyde Parker, Hon Lady Morris, Lady Ximenes, Mrs Colonel Jones, Mrs Captain Chade.

The First Assembly, for this season, will take place on Monday, November 24th, 1845, at the Assembly Rooms, Green Row.

Hampshire Advertiser : Saturday 2 January 1847

General meeting of the Inhabitants of the ward of St Thomas, at the Green Row Rooms, for the relief of the poor.

Portsmouth Evening News : Thursday 21 February 1889

Today over one hundred poor people were entertained to dinner in the Green Row Rooms.  The donor of the meal is a gentleman who who prefers to keep himself anonymous, and who has provided similar meals in other parishes.  The Vicar ( the Rev E P Grant) had been entrusted with the distribution of the tickets, which he did through Mr Thompson, Scripture Reader, and Sister Sarah, deaconess.  At the dinner the poor folks’ wants were attended to by the churchwardens of St Thomas’s (Mr Dunning and Mr Jolliffe), the sidesmen (Mr Frank White and Mr R W Beale TC) and by Dr Morley, Mr and Mrs Brickwood, Miss Matthews, and Sister Sarah, the Vicar himself superintending and ladling out potatoes with unstinting hand.  Liquid refreshments were provided in addition to the numerous joints and vegetables, and a hearty meal was made by the the guests.  Afterwards Miss Florence White, Miss Nora White and Mr C E Matthews gave a musical entertainment.

Portsmouth Evening News : Tuesday 26 May 1891

The Girls’ Friendly Society - The Annual Exhibition

And sale of plain and fancy needlework will be held in the Green Row rooms on Tuesday & Wednesday, May 26th and 27th, 1891.  From 3 o’clock until 9.30.  Sixpence before six o’clock.  After six, threepence.  Members one penny

1911 Census

Andrew Taylor : Caretaker : 44 yrs

Ellen : 41 yrs

Christian Sivewright : Dressmaker : 68 yrs

Green Row: About
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